Top 10 Causes of the Apocalypse In Apocalyptic Fiction
Deadly pathogens could be brewing and evolving anywhere in the world, just look at Ebola, It was refining itself in a mountain somewhere in Africa, the first host it had spread it so fast no one knew how to stop it. Black Plague, granted it was medieval ages, if something like that were to resurface, virus-wise it would be uncurable until someone made a vaccine before the disease killed the person. With the population today, 1/4 of the world could possibly be infected before anyone knew what was happening
1. War of the worlds
2. Mars attacks
3. Independence day
the top 3 of the top 10. Does anybody disagree?
People have worried about this a million times before. Although it's never happened, it's certainly plausible.
Impact with celestial bodies (meteorites, asteroids, planets, etc. )
Near-impact knocks earth out of orbit
If things continued to stay relatively the same this wouldn't be likely. It's a given that in every part if the world the population goes through periods of decline and incline. Now if you had all the right ingredients however such as simultaneous plagues, natural destruction cosmic collisions and a sudden change in climate with a big fat world war in the middle of it that could lead to some terrifying results. Imagine if only 1/4 of the worlds current population existed after just a few years of destruction. A modern world wide dark age. That would be scary.
It just seems to be the most plausible. I mean, consider the vast nuclear arsenal of the nations across the world. WWIII would NOT be fun.
Has to be everyone's favorite these days. Haven't met a kid who didn't know what to do in case of a Zombie Apocalypse
Uh, why does everyone think this will happen?
The thought of dead animals coming back out of the grave and starting the Zombie Apocalypse
The Newcomers
Apocalyptic wars between humans and technology
Cybernetic revolt - war with, or revolution, by robots, computers, etc
Sure it's been mentioned before, but think about it. Say you have some terrible disease, and some scientist comes up with a "cure" that really ends up not only attacking the disease, but the whole body.. thus turning the diseased into zombies.. kind of like the movie "I Am Legend".