Top 10 Most Painful WWE Finishers

The Top Ten
Tombstone Piledriver - The Undertaker

Only 9 people (currently) have ever broken out of a pin after the Tombstone Piledriver. It is devastating, and luckily, Undertaker is so experienced with it that he knows how to do it in a way that it doesn't break the opponent's neck!

Currently 21-0. He beat almost every WrestleMania opponent with this move besides maybe Triple H. This move can break your neck! Taker beat so many greats with this move - the Tombstone!

Yes, Undertaker's Tombstone should have the crown. It is very effective. This move is really strong. He won 80% of his matches with the Tombstone. Keep it up, Taker.

Punt Kick - Randy Orton

That's just pure devastation. It put people in the hospital and nearly takes your head off.

It is the best and most dangerous finisher in WWE history.

The Punt Kick is a powerful finisher that can send anyone to the hospital.

Attitude Adjustment - John Cena

John, you didn't win at No Mercy, but I think you will become the all-time world champion by beating AJ Styles and Dean Ambrose.

John Cena slams his opponents' spines into the ground like a small island.

Chokeslam - Kane

Chokeslam from Kane equals R.I.P.! Best finisher ever, and Kane is also the greatest wrestler of all time.

If Kane gives you a Chokeslam, then you will go straight to Hell. It is the best finisher in wrestling history, and Kane is also the greatest wrestler of all time. Thank you, Kane.

So awesome. This must be in 2nd or 3rd place, man.

Spear - Roman Reigns

I am a big fan of the Spear, and when I turn 20, my finisher would be the Spear because it's enjoyable and can be performed easily at any time. That is my opinion.

First of all, I would like to say the Spear is not spelled Sphere! But this move, if performed correctly, flings you, and it is so brutal to look at.

In the Spear, Roman Reigns hits his shoulder on the opponent's stomach. It is so painful because it hurts twice: when Roman tackles him and when the opponent falls. The opponent's head falls on the mat so fast, so it also hurts.

The Superman Punch is also powerful, but many times it misses.

Pedigree - Triple H

The Pedigree is one of the best finishers in WWE. You basically land on your head and body with Triple H's legs on your head, both landing on the floor with your head at the bottom of his legs. I think it should be in second place.

WMD - Big Show

Has anyone kicked out of it? No one except Sheamus.

F-5 - Brock Lesnar

Imagine being thrown from 1.91 meters high, being swung like a helicopter blade, only to land on your face with the rest of your weight affecting it. Yup, that's the F-5 in a nutshell. This put out Undertaker and ended the streak at 21-1.

One Tombstone to CM Punk and he kicked out, but one F-5 to CM Punk and he was defeated. This shows that the F-5 is more devastating than the Tombstone Piledriver, and the F-5 deserves to be number one.

The most painful move ever in WWE. Tombstone should be number 2. The F-5 should be number 1. HBK took four Tombstones. Taker took three F-5s. Enough said.

RKO - Randy Orton

It is extremely painful and one of the best ways to end a wrestling match. It is very devastating and can sometimes (not usually, but sometimes) break your opponent's neck. If it doesn't, it can cause extreme neck pain and bad headaches. Trust me, I have been through one RKO, and it isn't good for you, but a miracle for your opponent or the person you are facing.

The devastating move finisher.

Wow, you didn't see that coming when the Viper slithers his way to grab you by the neck and drops your head right on the ground. You'll have the worst headache of your life after that attack.

Batista Bomb - Batista

Why the Batista Bomb? Simple, it is one of the few finishers nobody kicked out of after being hit by it twice in a row.

Batista is awesome, and powerbombs really do hurt. Back when he weighed 325 pounds, imagine how that would feel. This should be higher up.

The Newcomers

? Atomic Leg Drop - Hulk Hogan

A leg drop is a really strong move, so imagine it as a finisher!

? Hell's Gate - The Undertaker

It's the most dangerous submission hold of ALL time. Taker defeated The Great Khali with it.

The Contenders
619 - Rey Mysterio

"If it touches your mouth, you will not be able to speak for some time." Actually, it would injure your teeth.

Seeing a pair of legs coming at your face could potentially be the last thing you'd ever see.

Really very painful, as someone hits both of their legs in motion directly at your face.

Stunner - Stone Cold

You are literally driving your opponent's neck into your shoulder. How has no one had their throat crushed?

Your neck lands on his shoulder, and you get *stunned,* hence the name Stunner.

The Stunner is a very painful smack.

Sweet Chin Music - Shawn Michaels

Let's get this finisher leg music started!

Almost the same as a superkick, just with a lot more strength and right into the jaw.

Kimura Clutch - Brock Lesnar

It's a UFC maneuver, so of course, it will hurt more than these other moves, especially when most of them are fake.

It can literally break your arm!

World's Strongest Slam - Mark Henry
Samoan Spike - Umaga
Jackhammer - Goldberg

Just 8 seconds of being upside down with blood flowing to your brain. No one has kicked out of it.

The Jackhammer will always be the greatest and most painful finisher ever in WWE history. Some people stupidly underestimated the Jackhammer because no one has kicked out of it.

Walls of Jericho - Chris Jericho

I like the Walls of Jericho because it serves as a rock-tight bone submission. It is very dangerous and can even destroy an individual's spine.

The back is not supposed to be bent like that.

Kawada Driver - Kawada
Vice Grip - The Great Khali
Curb Stomp - Seth Rollins

Seth's version is obviously safe, as he slides his foot over the head and lands on his other leg first. However, if the double arm lock version is used, or if this move is executed by someone who is not as skilled as Rollins, it could easily cause a concussion or fatal head injury.

How is this not #1? Stomping someone's head into the ground can kill somebody.

Your face gets stomped into the ground. How is this below Reigns's Spear?

Brogue Kick - Sheamus

This move should not be tried by non-professionals. It has the potential to cause a major concussion.

Bang your damn face, fella! Great White Irish curse.

Swanton Bomb - Jeff Hardy
Codebreaker - Chris Jericho

Two knees to your face. Not effective when executed badly, but painful when done properly.

I think it's pretty cool, and when I look at it, I can see that it looks REALLY painful.

Power Slam - Randy Orton
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