Top 10 Things That Will Enter the Public Domain by 2040
The Public Domain is a place where things a free from the evil clutches of copyright. But with 2040 being 20 years away, I think it's time to discuss things that'll enter into the Public Domain by 2040. For something to be on this list, they have to be made earlier than 1945. So if anything was produced before then, it's fair game! Let's go!
Here's something interesting: Disney is one of those companies that treats copyright as a shield for protection. But little do they know that their mascot, Mickey Mouse, will become free to use in 2024. Well, at least the first incarnation made by Disney himself will. That's going to be a serious jab at Disney because once this happens, there's no way of regaining the copyrights for him as no one will own him again. I mean, look, Mickey's cousin Oswald the Lucky Rabbit is set to arrive in 2023, and Disney's doing nothing about it.

Taking the silver slot, we have Mickey's mortal rival Bugs Bunny. Bugs Bunny made his first debut in 1938 as the mascot of Warner Bros. But unlike Mickey Mouse, there are already a few shorts starring him in the public domain. I'm pretty sure that, unlike Disney, Warner Bros. won't have a hissy fit when this happens.
The name of the character will still be copyrighted until 2037 (as it was created in 1941).

Babar is another children's book series that will become copyright-free in a few years. Babar made his debut in 1931, exactly three years after Mickey took the spotlight. So, if we do the math, Babar will become free to the public in 2027.

Next up on the chopping block, we have Madeline. Unlike the previous two entries, this is actually a children's book revolving around the misadventures of a French girl. The book was first published in 1939 and will become uncopyrighted in 2035. This wasn't the first time an iconic kids' book did this, as Winnie the Pooh entered the public domain just recently (in 2022, actually).

Now we're on to another thing that was sadly taken away by the clutches of Disney. This logo, specifically its first version from 1935 and its variants used until 1993, will go copyright-free.
I would love to see what they do in the future!

Now we're on to an iconic show. Tom and Jerry were first introduced to both kids and adults alike in 1940. As such, they'll enter the public domain in 2036.

Have you ever feared going to jail because of Monopoly? Well, once 2031 hits, you won't have to worry about it at all. Like the previously mentioned 20th Century Fox logo, Monopoly was first copyrighted in 1935. Hence, it will break free from copyright in 2031.

Next up on the chopping block, we have this super obscure network that tried to compete with the big boys: ABC, NBC, and CBS (NBC in particular is turning 100 in 2026). The DuMont Network was short-lived, only existing from 1942 until 1956. Most of its affiliates went on to become famous TV networks (one even being KTLA, a station famous for its news). Most of the DuMont Library will be free to use in 2038.

And finally, we have oh, another 2034er I see. Superman made his debut in 1938 (in a comic book) as DC Comics' mascot and the first thing we saw in Action Comics #1. Much like Bugs Bunny, Superman will enter the public domain in 2034.
The Newcomers

Now we're on to The Jazz Singer, which was the first film to have voice acting! Released by Warner Bros. in 1927, The Jazz Singer will go copyright-free in 2023. Wow, come to think of it, movies have come a long way since this came out in 1927.

Before Mickey Mouse, Oswald was the first character because he was created in 1927.