Top 10 Pet Peeves in Movies or TV Shows

The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 Bad Guys Win
2 People Lose Valuable Items and don't get it back
3 Minor Characters that affect main character negatively don’t get karma handed to them.

Yes! This is something that I am always waiting to happen in films.

in some aspects this makes sense, in other aspects it doesn't, imbalance is imbalance

4 Trying to be too funny
5 Lead Couples don’t end up together in the end.

Well this may be annoying but at least it's realistic. There's Harry Potter where Hermione and Ron end up together and Harry and Ginny end up together. This particular example may have worked but it is just 'the perfect ending' for fans.

I rather have the lead/leading gentleman receive the leading/lead queen

6 Lead character dies
7 Horrible endings
8 Portray stereotypes wrong
9 Cheesy plot lines
10 Too long