The Wild, Wild Woods Ep 2

Pony Puga- And we are back in these wild, wild woods of America.
Simpsonsdude- And we are going to witness The Hunger Games!
MatrixGuy- NO! The Hunger Games is stupid.
Simpsonsdude- No way.
Puga- Will you please stop arguing?

In Wolfpac.....

Turkeyasylum- Will the real Metalheads stand up?
The Metalheads stand up.
Turkey- From now on, you will be known as the Wolves of Justice.
McKing1003- I like the old name better!
Gemcloben- We are going to fight other groups, right?
IronSabbathPriest- What do you think we are doing, bonehead?
McKing- You said the same thing before!
Gem- Ok, I just didn't know what we are doing. Gosh!
ISP- Who shall we fight first?
The men look around.
Gem- How about Pony's group?
Turkey- No, they have weapons.
McKing- They got a fort and everything!
ISP- What about that other group?
McKing- The ones that call themselves "El Tigres"?
ISP- That's the group.
Turkey- I literally can't find them.
Turkey-Let's just get Group 3, ok?

Z Dragoon wakes up to "The Sound Of Music".
PositronWildhawk- YAWN! Good morning, everyone!
The rest of the group stare at him.
Pet- 😰😰 Sorry.
Nintendofan126- I feel a presence.
Chaotixhero- Me too.
Nintendo- WHAT THE HECK?
Turkey- Get em' boys!
ISP- I got a hold of one of them!
Turkey- Now kill him.
Suddenly, a voice is heard.
Delgia2k- CHARGE!!
The El Tigres come out with all kinds of weapons, such as sticks, stones, and even leaves. Wolpac is pelted with these things, to the point where they start leaving.
Puga- WOW! Wolfpac ambushes Z Dragoon, and El Tigres come and save Z Dragoon!
Nintendo- I didn't know that other teams can make an alliance with each other!
Samanime- We didn't know what to do....
DapperPickle- .... So we ambused a team the chance we got!
SwagFlicks- We got the swagger to do it.. SWAG!
Chaotixhero- This is all PetSounds fault!
Pos- It's not him- Wolfpac is a fighting society... Don't trust them.
Dapper- We're lucky Pony's group wasn't involved in this!

At Pony's Mustang Castle....
EARL- We did it guys!
Disney1994- Our new castle!
RockFashionista- Do you like it Pony?
Pony- I.... LOVE IT! It's like a mini mall!
RF- Do you see any stores?
Pony- I'm only kidding...
Disney- There actually is a shop.....
Pony- Who could it be?
Disney opens the door.
MontyPython- Hi! I am looking for Pony Pony..
Pony- That's me!
MontyPython- I am here to invite you to this location.
RF- Would you join our group?
MontyPython- I would love to... But I can't.
MontyPython- Bye! And watch out for the killer rabbits!
EARL- That stinks. I really wanted a fifth member.
Pony- That was weird.... Now that I think about it I'm a little freaked out.
RF- It's getting late at night.
Disney- YAWN! Make sure not to let the cave crickets in our castle!
EARL- We got our own rooms! This castle is great!
Everyone but Pony goes to sleep. Pony goes to the refrigerator and grabs some milk. RockFashionista wakes up.
RF- What's wrong?
Pony- Honesltly.... I feel like that Monty Python guy is foreshadowing something.....
RF- Aww, don't feel that way... Besides, how come you are getting milk at the middle of the night?
Pony- Oh, it's just my daily habit..
Pony finishes his glass of milk in nearly 3 seconds.
RF-😦😦 Wow, that was fast!
Pony- I know.
Pony- How's the other two doing?
RF- They are out cold.
Pony-😯😯 Dang.
RF- Lol, I know, right.
Pony- Well, it's time for me to hit the hay.
RF- 😄😄 I get it!
Pony- But seriously.

Puga- What will the other groups do? Tune in next week...
Simpsonsdude- ... Or tomorrow...
MatrixGuy- ... Or whenever!

I know this sounds a little demanding, but....

Will you please comment? Thank you. 😎😎😎


I'm glad none of these groups stole my cash. Anyway, good work. - Delgia2k