Illuminati Confirmed: Apple

Puga Before reading this, be sure to get some tissues, because you'll need them.

Apple has five letters. Dress has five letters. The dress is gold and white. Gold and white are on the Irish flag. The U.S. flag has 13 stripes. Thirteen has eight letters. 13 + 8 = 21. 21. Doesn't that number seem familiar? That's right! It's the answer to 116 divided by 6. There are 116 digits in the first 116 digits of Pi. Pie. Ellen DeGeneres has pie for dinner every Wednesday. The letter "n" is in the word "Wednesday". The letter "n" is in the word "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" four times. The word "blue" has four letters. Blue is a colour. Black is a colour. My phone changed my font colour to black after I copy and pasted that word. My phone's lock screen has Samuel L Jackson on it. Samuel L Jackson was in Jurassic Park. Rotten Tomatoes gave Jurassic park 93%. 9x3+27. 2x7=14. 14 reversed is 41. 41 is a prime number. 83 is a prime number. 8-3=5. There are five letters in Pepsi. Pepsi has the 16th, 5th, 16th, 19th and 9th letters. 16+5+16+19+9=65.6x5=30. 3+0=3. There is 3 sides on one eighth of a square. Some people mistake the shape of Portugal for a square. Portugal makes the most bottle corks in Europe. Europe is a continent. Asia is a continent. Mount Everest is in Asia. Mount Everest rhymes with "will Count ever rest?" Count Dracula bites necks. The Asian Stink Badger has a neck. The Asian Stink Badger is not a badger, they are skunks. Skunk has five letters. Apple has five letters. 5 divided by 5 is 1. There's one eye on the Illuminati.

Apple is Illuminati Confirmed.


Actually the dress is Blue and Black - simpsondude

The dress is blue and black. - cosmo

And suddenly this text is bold. - cosmo