Worst Things About Apple

The Top Ten
1 Overrated

The iPhone (for instance) is a better status symbol than an actual phone.

2002: billy gates announces tablet pc, nobody cares.
2010: ipad announced, steve jobs is now the igod.

Creator of C coding language which runs 90% of all electronics: dies and nobody cares,
Steve jobs: dies and is all over the news.

2 So expensive

Macbooks are over 1000 dollars. Come on, how am I supposed to get a computer now?

I hear PC calling me from the depths of hell

Ipad 4 is better But NEW IPAD sucks too many costs

You can build your own PC and it will often be cheaper than buying a Mac.

3 Breakable

My screen on my MacBook NOO!

That's why you have to be careful with your iPhone or Mac or whatever

4 Not innovative

Microsoft created a tablet in 2002, and then Apple decided to rip off what Microsoft made and call it the iPad in 2010.

5 iPhone or iPad being released every year

" Hey look at my new iPhone 6! I'm so happy! " "You idiot, that's old technology now. The iPhone 7 has just been announced. Oh look, now the iPhone 8 is out! iPhone 9! iPhone 100000000"

And is that supposed to be a bad thing?

6 iPhones
7 Chargers and earbuds don’t last that long

Yes, if you aren't careful with them. Also it's really easy to lose your Airpods.

8 No Headphone Jack on iPhone 7

This should be number 1. This was by far the stupidest thing apple has ever done to their products. I don't think a single person was happy about this.

So now you can't even listen to music on an iPhone.

9 Responsible for destroying the video game console industry

What did they do to destroy it? I thought they didn't have anything to do with this.

10 It randomly restarts

It depends on your internet connection but most of the time it doesn't restart unexpectedly

The Contenders
11 iOS

It's the most overrated OS out there.

The worst mobile OS

12 Low battery life

My iPhone will have a full battery in the morning, and lose all of it by the afternoon.

My iPod Touch runs out of battery power after 1 day of school. what?!

13 Crashes
14 It requires so much storage just for an update
15 Touch ID
16 iTunes on windows is designed to be bad
17 Apple never made the iPhone 2
18 iOS 8 Needs 5.8 GB for Nothing
19 Samsung rip off
20 Mice only have 1 button
21 No paint
22 iTunes
23 Bad Wifi
24 The hashtag
25 Mice on MacBook
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