Egnomac's Loud House Episode Review Season 2 Episode 22B Mall of Duty

egnomac Season 2 Episode 22B Mall of Duty, Lincoln wants to go to the mall to get his book signed by Rip Hardcore but has to watch his sisters so he brings them along.

The episode starts with Lincoln watching TV of Rip Hardcore a wilderness survival expert as Lola complains and threatens Lincoln to change the channel, meanwhile mom and dad are leaving with Lynn Sr. taking Lynn to rugby while Rita takes the older sisters to open house leaving Lincoln alone to watch his younger sisters as they thank him for the assets and remind him they will be back by 5. An ad pops up on the TV of Rip Hardcore telling the viewers he's having a book signing at the Royal Woods mall for his latest book and Lincoln being a big fan decides to go believing he'll have enough time before mom and dad come home. Since he can't leave his sisters home alone he brings them along to the mall however they are not too happy of having to stand in line with him just to get his book signed as they begin complaining as he assures them they will only have to wait in this really short line only for Lucy to point out that the line is much longer then he stated. Lincoln tries everything to keep them entertained but they are not amused fed up they try to leave but Lincoln stops them as he sees Flip selling Flippees and he goes over to buy each of them a flipee and one for the guy standing behind them only to find out the the flipee he gave him has bananas as he's allergic to them as he swells up and becomes more annoyed meanwhile the sisters finished their flipee's and need to use the restroom so he has to take them as he asks the man to hold his spot.

Lincoln returns and tries to reclaim his spot but the guy he told to hold his spot claims he's never seen him before seeing as he can barely see because of the allergic reaction and tells him to back to the end of the line which is much longer which only annoys the sisters even more they eventually reach the end of the line at the mall entrance next to Scoots as he tries to assure the sisters they will be there before they know it when a woman who recently got her book signed expresses that it took 2 hours of waiting but was worth it as Scoots not willing to wait that long leaves the line as Lincoln sees a kiddie train ride nearby and gets the bright idea to leave his sisters riding it while he stands in line as he jams a bunch of quarters in much to the sisters annoyance. Lincoln finally gets his book signed but when he returns to the ride he finds that the train carrying his sisters has broken from the track and into the mall he tries following the tire tracks but meets a dead end after a janitor cleans them up preventing him from going any further. In an attempt to track them down Lincoln looks up his Rip Hardcore survival book to help him track the sisters down using the 4 D's the first being droppings and surely enough he finds that Lisa has dropped some of her chemicals which leads him to the Appliance store where a group of screaming customers are running out of the store Lisa follows shortly with her new made robot which she combined from several appliances that can do anything as he asks her where the other sisters are at as Lisa who is uncertain as she explains that she and the others were sent flying from the cart after it took a sharp turn due to all the excessive quarters he feed the machine.

Next up on the 4 D's disturbances and finds Lucy has been nearby after seeing a mannequin with a goth look and find Lucy giving Flip a fortune as she states his business will make a big splash as he drags her away saying no more fortune's today as Flip is relived of not having to pay for his fortune. The next D Dem where you can track an animal by finding it natural habitat which of course is the princess palace where they find Lola as the queen, Lincoln tells her they need to go Lola refuses and sends her servants to lock him in the dungeon, thinking fast he tells her there's another queen outside who claims to be even more powerful then her, outraged by this Lola leaves the store only to realize there was no queen and expresses that he lied to her but does give him some props for tricking her. The final D is diet as Lincoln passes by a pet store and finds a chewed up dog bone as he claims to have found another D as Lucy points out that its not people food as he assures her it is if you happen to be Lana and he finds her sitting on some duck eggs trying to keep them warm and isn't willing to leave until they and shortly enough they hatch as he pulls her out as the baby ducks follow as they prepare to leave the mall Lucy points out that Lily is still in the mall as the runaway train rushes by them with Lily in the conductor's seat as he leaves the sisters on a bench while he goes after it. Unable to catch up he asks help from Scoots who at first is unwilling until Lincoln offers his signed book from Rip Hardcore to her in exchange for helping him save Lily which she agrees as she rushes by the other pedestrians Lincoln manages to get on the train but the lead cart breaks away as he uses his yo-yo from earlier to get on the lead cart and grab Lily as the train crashes through several obstetrical before crashing into Flip's cart sending him and his cart into the fountain where the train originally was as he states that Lucy was right his business did make a big splash.

The other sisters arrive as they are ready to leave Lucy then asks what happened to his signed book which was the whole reason they came here in the first place as he explains he gave it to Scoots to help him save Lily as he apologizes to them for everything that happened as he was suppose to be responsible for them as they forgive him as they leave Lisa's robot from earlier tries to come along as she tells it its needed more here to clean up the mess they made. Later that day the family returns and to Lincoln's surprise dad got him a signed book from Rip Hardcore as thanks for him of doing a good job of looking after the younger sisters. At first Lincoln attempts to tell his parents the truth but the younger siblings stop him and make up a lie that he let them jump on the bed but only because they kept bugging him as they tell them he was a great babysitter as they just shrug it off saying they can live with that. Lincoln asks them why they covered for him as Lana tells him they did it as a thank you for letting them keep the ducks as Lincoln confused says what as the sisters all hold up the baby ducks from the mall as the episode ends.

Indeed this is a GOOD EPISODE that really shows how great a big brother Lincoln is and how resourceful he is despite that fact that it was his fault that the sisters all were separated when he left them on the train while he stood in line and jammed the machine with so much quarters that the train broke free from track and he was able to use Rip Hardcore's four D's droppings, disturbances, dem and diet to track down the sisters, the highlight of the episode is when Lincoln goes after the train to save Lily Indiana Jones style and he even sacrificed his signed book which he waited hours for to Scoots to help him do so, there were also a lot of memorable moments like with Lola at the Princess palace with her as the queen and ordering her servants to lock up Lincoln only for him to trick her into leaving and later when Lincoln finds Lana at the pet shop and she was hatching the duck eggs and they hatch and follow them for the rest of the episode. Ironically dad managed to get another book signed by Rip Hardcore meaning if Lincoln had just stayed at the house he still could have got his books signed and I really love the ending as Lincoln tries to tell his parents what really happened and the younger sisters bail him so he wouldn't get in trouble which I thought was pretty nice. Little trivia according to Miguel Puga the episode was halted in production with many speculated that the episode was going to be pushed to season 3 or may have been cancelled but as eventually production on the episode resumed once the episode was given a confirmed release date on November 11, 2017, another note this and the sister episode Legends are the lowest viewed episodes of season 2.

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I really like how good of a big brother Lincoln is to the younger siblings and how he sacrificed his autographed book to save Lily and I also liked how the younger sisters covered for him in the end. - Linkaloud