Best Final Destination Deaths
Final Destination, the original film came out in the year 2000, and ever since then, the film became popular and spawned many sequels, but the point, where is it? Ah here it is, death scenes, the movie is about death trying to kill them all one by one after they survive and accident they were meant to die in, and the death scenes are scary! Let's do a top 10 of the final destination death scenes.No question, the best death scene in all of the movies. I think dying by fire is the worst way to go. Although, the drive-thru window kill scene with the engine block shredding that dude's brain was wicked cool!
I remember I was like 8, and I turned the channel to this. This death was happening at the time. For some reason, I thought it was a good idea to watch all of it. Yeah, I'm never going to use a tanning bed.
Two of our fellow survivors go to a tanning bed. Unfortunately for them, a board falls down, leaving them stuck there as the temperature keeps rising. This is the slowest and probably the most painful death in the series. I can't imagine what would happen after their bodies are found, and that's why it's the scariest death in my opinion.
Billy gets decapitated by a piece of metal flung from a passing train as his friends watch in utter horror. Quick, clean, and simple. Why is it so low on the list? Well, because there are much scarier deaths in the movies.
Rory was pretty much the comic relief character, and his death really makes up for that. The buildup is short and sweet, and the effects are stunning. The slow "falling to pieces" effect is really what sells this to me. Certainly my favorite death of the franchise, if not any movie ever.
Erin Ulmer falls backward onto a nail gun, sending a bunch of nails through her face.
So crazy! Just shocked about this death. Poor Erin!
Tod slips, and a shower head tangles around him. As he tries to escape, some shampoo makes him slip. He can't reach a pair of scissors to help him cut the shower head, so he just painfully gets choked to death. Sounds scary, and besides, there is actually no way to escape that death.
A coin falls to the bottom of a pool, so Hunt tries to swim to retrieve it. However, he gets sucked by the pool drain, and his intestines start getting sucked out through his rear, becoming liquid organs. This death must have "sucked"!
Best in my opinion. Lots of gore.
It is a great death, and this death has a takeaway I did not see coming.
Nora's hair gets stuck in prosthetic limbs. As a result, she begins panicking and runs out of the elevator, but her head gets stuck in the doors. As the elevator rises, her head slowly starts coming loose until it gets ripped off. The scary thing is, this really happened. I'll take the stairs.
The Newcomers
How is that funny exactly? That was brutal.
Lewis is weightlifting at the gym when some swords behind him fall but miss. What he does not know is the safety wires were cut, so his head literally gets crushed by weights like a grape as he yells, "Screw death, I just win!" This death is funny and not one of the overly complicated ones. It's good but not good enough to make it to the halfway mark of my list.
Candice's death is so clever and really shows us what horror is all about: the thrill and suspense. The whole scene, we know Candice is going to die, but we don't know how until the very last second. The whole time, we dance around the possibilities. Also, the death itself is hardcore as heck.
Valerie Lewton has easily the most complicated death in the series. Here's a quick recap: Vodka spills on her computer, causing it to explode! Glass shards fly into her neck. Some fire reaches the vodka bottle, which then explodes, throwing her to the floor. She tries to get a towel to stop the blood, but it is on top of knives that fall into her chest. Finally, her house explodes.
Hey, this is a great list! The weird thing about this death is that she should know if you pour hot liquid into a cup, then change it to cold liquid, it has a chance of cracking. Come on, any teacher knows that!
Isaac Palmer sees a fire. A large bottle of alcohol/bleach is knocked over. A phone rings, causing a candle to fall and ignite most of the room on fire. He dodges the fire by going up against the wall, but then a Buddha statue falls from a shelf and onto his head, crushing it and brutally killing him. Quick, clean, and complicated indeed.
Evan slips on some pasta, falls down, and a loose fire escape ladder falls into his eye, killing him. Simple, yes. Scary? OF COURSE! The reason it's so low is because it's not as brutal. That's saying a lot for an eye being stabbed by a ladder, but Final Destination came up with so much more. You'll see...
The only reason this is on the list is because it is so funny. Carter gets pulled by his own tow truck across the road and randomly catches on fire, then explodes! WHAT!? Throughout this whole death, the truck's radio is playing "Why Can't We Be Friends?" It's utterly the funniest death ever, but not the scariest or most brutal.
Samantha's annoying brat kids keep throwing rocks at a sign. Then, a lawn mower malfunctions and throws one of the rocks right into her eye.
An amazing scare to end the movie on. Carter really got what he deserved.
By far my favorite. It's such a great stinger kill, even though you don't see the aftermath.
Andy was my fave. Sad to see him go, but happy he had a gruesome death.