Best Horror Movie Series

If you rate a horror franchise on the number of quality films it produced, Friday the 13th is number one. Five of the first six are classics. Halloween took a huge dip after the original but overall had three solid movies. Elm Street had two great movies. The rest was comedy trash. Saw was solid for the first three movies, then went into flashback mode.
I think a respectable number two is the Final Destination series, with four of five movies being decent.
The first six movies are absolute classics. No other horror franchise can beat these six movies in a row. The Jason character is a horror icon, and the first four movies show him as a human being and are the best.
Part 1 has the best and most unique atmosphere, and part 3 shows the real birth of Jason.

The original Halloween is awesome. Most people that don't like it are teens and young adults. They judge the quality of a movie on its fashion, technology, and soundtrack. That's the reason there are so many reboots in all genres of movies. The only problem is that most reboots are horrible.
Anyway, parts 4 and 7 are pretty good.
How can this film be so far down the list? Seriously, it's one of the best horrors out there.
I am happy to see Halloween here at number 1, where it should be.

NOES is one of the best, most frightening horror franchises ever made. Freddy Krueger is the ultimate villain, and the movies are still scary to this day. The same can't necessarily be said for the rest of the heavy hitters.
I love Friday the 13th as much as the next person. I own every single movie in the franchise and have seen them all multiple times, but I generally laugh through them and shake my head at how far movies have come.
Nightmare is a series that is still great to this day, and you can't forget the amazing 2010 remake. The 2010 NOES remake is a masterpiece.

Just great films.
The interconnection between these movies' stories is thrilling, and you get so many plot twists in one movie, you could make three movies out of them.
Besides that, I also love the traps and tasks people get thrown into. I would not wish anybody to get in such a situation in real life.
It might not be that scary and might have plot holes, but the intricacy of the traps is just too good not to be amazed by.
The greatest horror series of all time. The plot twists are all amazing and blow my mind every time. Definitely 10/10.

Scream was good.
Scream 2 was good, although they killed the best character.
Scream 3 was alright.
Scream 4...
Better than Saw, that's for sure.

These films haven't aged at all.

When I watched it as a child, it scared the crap out of me. When I re-watched it as an adult, I was less terrified, so I could see and appreciate the makers' sense of humor. It's based on a well-known concept of living dolls but is creepy enough for us not to think about how many times it was used before.
The sequels were more grotesque than scary, but in my opinion, good enough not to ruin the first movie's effect.
Love this series. Always made me laugh and scare the life out of my kids when they first saw it. One of the best horror/comedy film series.

I am waiting for the 6th one, which is supposed to be coming out next year.
Take out the 4th installment, and this series is arguably the best.
For what they are, they're pretty good, except for the 4th one.

Because this is banned in some countries because of the violence. It's not the best, but having the rating X and being in the top five banned movies in the world says something. The first time I watched it was when I went to the cinema to see it when I was 8 because they rated it PG before it got banned!
The time it took to kickstart the series after the original was way too long. It lost most of its momentum, even though the remake was pretty good.
I love these films. The second one is my favorite. I love the chainsaw dance at the end of the first film, and my favorite line is, "the saw is family!"

These films are just so creepy. The third was not so great, but the first two are really spooky and well-made.
The Newcomers

If we're voting on the best horror series -- that is, the average awesomeness of each movie in the series combined into one definitive rating -- then technically, since there are only two in this series and they've both been extremely solid and more closely based on actual events, this is the "best."
I love Jason, Freddy, Michael, etc., but they've had so many completely crap movies that hurt the overall rating and integrity.
If we're voting on something that doesn't need to match those parameters, then I think that needs to be specified, and this "Top Ten" needs a name change.

A gem of horror and comedy. My favorite media franchise in general.
In terms of critical success, Evil Dead is objectively the best.

The first and second are some of the most artistic horror movies ever made.
Next year, there is supposed to be a new one coming out, and I am really excited for it.

The best horror movie series I have ever seen. It always manages to scare the crap out of me. I wish this series would never be over.

We always love Arnold Schwarzenegger's acting, and in this movie, it really shows his specialty of accent. As for the Predator, the costume is really well done. However, I don't count this one as a horror movie, more like action sci-fi.

Yes, this is scary, and by the way, this is a horror movie because it involves getting killed by sharks. The beginning is the scariest part of the movie.
Best set of movies, a true classic. Not exactly a horror movie, though, more like sci-fi or action/adventure. Still a great collection of movies.

Now on its fourth movie, you can't have a horror movie series without Paranormal Activity. This franchise is booming right now and probably will for years to come. I know it's my go-to if I want to get freaked out.
Even if people say these movies are boring, I think there is an interesting story behind them all. With the exception of the 2nd and maybe the 4th, every one of these movies is spooky and great.

I agree, Phantasm is great! You can only list the second one for some reason, but the series as a whole is so off the beaten path of horror. Truly a fun watch.
Phantasm is awesome! The Tall Man is probably the best horror villain of all time!