Best Star Wars Actors

Ewan McGregor is an amazing actor! He is enthusiastic, funny, and he definitely has a serious side. In Episode Three: Revenge of the Sith, the battle on Mustafar was amazing! Sad, but awesome!
Ewan McGregor makes the Star Wars saga come alive with his passion and caring attitude towards Anakin as a master and as a brother! I can't imagine watching the Star Wars saga without Obi-Wan or a different person playing him!
Okay, we're talking about the best Star Wars actors, not the best actors in Star Wars. Ewan McGregor definitely tops that list, especially with his little monologue on Mustafar.

EWAN MCGREGOR? You've got to be kidding me. Harrison Ford is a legend and obviously the best Star Wars actor. McGregor was pretty bad... not terrible, but definitely not great.
How is Harrison Ford beneath Ewan McGregor? Han Solo was in every way better than Obi-Wan in terms of character portrayal. I think old Obi-Wan in Episode Four was better than prequel Kenobi.
I would personally vote for Harrison Ford and Ewan McGregor, but I can't. Love them both. They're too good to be true.

Mark Hamill is a great Luke Skywalker! He has so much energy, happiness, and kindness! I think he really made Luke stand out in the saga. Come to think of it, my friend actually met him! For real!
He is a great actor, and he made Star Wars come alive with his presence in the movies! Even with his death in The Last Jedi, that was the coolest way to die I've ever seen! It was very heartbreaking when he died, but he died in peace. Mark, you did a great job, and we all loved your enthusiasm towards the movies!
Definitely deserves to be number two, behind Harrison Ford. Mark does a great job playing Luke Skywalker in the time frame he was in. Why do you think most people like the prequels over the sequels?

I've been looking forward to this.

She should be Number 1. Come on, guys, vote for the best actor/writer/everything, Carrie Fisher. RIP, Carrie.

As much as Alec Guinness wasn't too fond of Star Wars in general, he gave a really great performance, and I really love old Obi-Wan Kenobi so much.

Ian McDiarmid is an amazing actor, and his performance as the main Star Wars villain makes you want to hate the character but also love the actor at the same time. Also, his Palpatine scream is both awesome and hilarious.

Natalie is the best to play Padme Amidala. I can't imagine another person playing her ever! She is beautiful, a great actor, and she made the movie feel real! When I was little, I thought Star Wars was a true story because of her and Hayden Christensen! Great job, Natalie!
I thought Natalie was fantastic as Padme, and her acting, although flawed, was pretty good! She is an Oscar-winning actress, and it shows in comparison to Leia, who was played well by Carrie Fisher R.I.P.!
Portman's magic, acting, and perfect beauty make her more lovable and charming than Carrie Fisher's Leia! Love you, Fisher, but Portman's Padme is the most badass and sexy female lead Star Wars has to offer!

Liam Neeson is an amazing actor, and he did well playing the humble and inspirational Qui-Gon Jinn, who would have been a loving father figure to Anakin.
It was George Lucas's fault he gave him such a poor script. Otherwise, I really like him.
The Newcomers

My family and I think Hayden doesn't deserve all the hate, and he's a great choice to play Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader. He's a very good-looking man, and he did the best he could with the wooden dialogue in the script. Hayden really can act, but the dialogue made it look bad.
If you watch the Obi-Wan Kenobi series, his terrifying facial expressions after Obi-Wan Kenobi slashes part of the Darth Vader mask prove that he is an amazing casting choice for the most popular Star Wars character.
Best actor ever! Say what you want about him, but he had to play a character suffering from mental illnesses, lost his mother, and was born a slave! The 'cringe lines,' as you guys call them, are the director's fault! Very underrated. Hope he returns! He is also very kind and happy in real life too. #Hayden4ever

The voice of Darth Vader still does it best. Since David Prowse's voice didn't sound sinister enough, the creators went with someone who sounded very dark and menacing. He may not voice him anymore, but true Star Wars fans will always remember how awesome he is.
Such an icon in Star Wars. Such a great voice.

Why is everyone just saying she's good because of her accent?! As a Brit myself, I find this completely natural, being surrounded by the same accents every day. People actually need to appreciate what a good actor she is aside from the voice! She's amazing!
Rey is the best female actor in Star Wars ever. And I love her British accent. She is my favorite fighter in Star Wars too. So do not be a hater and vote for Rey.
Her British accent really suits Rey.

This actor is so hot, so cute, so kind to everyone, and very funny! Kylo Ren is my baby in the Star Wars universe now. To hell with Maul and Vader! They are so bland compared to this guy. Adam really does a good job in this movie.
He nailed the angry teen thing!

Great voice for Yoda, Frank Oz is.

Finn is the best character in the Sequel Trilogy who was sadly wasted because of a Mary Sue. John Boyega brought the very captivating and sympathetic Finn to life, and he gave a great acting effort in all three films.

He was the only actor to be in every Star Wars movie. He should have gotten a higher place.