Best Movies of 2003

This movie is absolutely, 100%, amazing. Terrific action scenes, sturdy plot, great characters, and the battles are just unbelievably fantastic. This should be number 1 for as long as possible. My favorite movie of all time. Nothing can beat it.
Most beautiful trilogy ever made. The best thing about these movies is that there is so much optimism in them. I miss these kinds of movies. Nowadays, most movies have negative and depressing themes. I miss those good old days.
X2 was good, a great movie, but does it deserve the number one spot? (Actually, it's my second favorite X-Men movie.) The Lord of the Rings won an Oscar, has a great plot, and epic battles. It deserves the number one spot.

I consider this the best of all the Pirates of the Caribbean films, and overall audience reviews seem to agree with me. I still liked the other PotC movies, but this was something else.
The most enjoyable movie experience of 2003. A rollicking adventure. Pure movie magic. A classic!
This changed the movie world so much.

It should at least be at number 3! This is one of Pixar's most famous films!
No. 26? This is the best movie of all time.
Breathtakingly paced and beautifully animated, Finding Nemo awards Pixar another Academy Award for Best Animated Feature.

The best movie in the original trilogy and one of the best Marvel movies in general.

I love this movie. I watch it from Thanksgiving to New Year's.
The theme makes the movie better!

I loved the movie. I was laughing so hard in my AB class that I lost my voice and went to detention. Anyway, my review: (9/10) for humor, (9.5/10) for the story, and finally (10/10) for the characters.
The Newcomers

Another film by Satoshi Kon. After "Perfect Blue" and "Millennium Actress," this feels quite a bit different for Kon. It has a bit of a Ghibli feel to it, probably because Satoshi actually worked with a couple of animators from Studio Ghibli on this movie. It has a mixture of Kon and Ghibli ideology to it, making it a bit of an oddball among Kon's movies.
Not that this is a bad thing. In fact, this made for a uniquely great movie. I'd rank it as one of the best movies of 2003.

One of Bill Murray's best, in my opinion.

Ooh, the infamous "The Room" title. I hear about this particular name everywhere from time to time, whether the name is referring to the game or the movie.