Best Immortal Albums
Immortal is a black metal band from Bergen, Norway. The band was formed by vocalist Abbath Doom Occulta and guitarist Demonaz Doom Occulta in 1990, and it currently consists of drummer Horgh and guitarist Demonaz. Former bassist Apollyon is no longer part of the band.To date, they have released 10 studio albums. Vote for the best Immortal albums in this list.
I have yet to listen to such a cohesive amalgamation of Black Metal and Thrash Metal.
This album is inspiring.
Their best album.
Immortal's best work, in my opinion, and they would never top it. My favorite track, without a doubt, is As the Eternity Opens!
This is pure, raw Black Metal. A rune from the Norwegian pagan lands!
The purest form of Nordic Black Metal.
This is Immortal's masterpiece, containing the perfect mix of Black Metal and Thrash. It's the only album where you can truly feel hypothermia set in.
Pure raw Black Metal - the true Black Metal.
Icy cold, raw, and emotionless - these are the core reasons why I love this album. ABBATH RULES! YOU MUST COME TO ME.
Immortal's debut album - simply outstanding.
The heaviness of this album is outstanding. The down-tuned riffs and ultra-fast, ultra-heavy drumming make it an awesome masterpiece. I don't think you'll find a Black Metal album heavier than this.
The first album after the reunion. It's killer!
An instant classic, and perfect all the way through.
I don't get it. This album has Triumph, Against the Tide (In the Arctic World), My Dimension, The Darkness That Embrace Me, and the fantastic Damned in Black, yet it's extremely underrated.