Most Controversial Comments By Musicians

Musicians often make controversial statements. So this is a list of the most controversial statements ever made by musicians. Please express your opinions on whether these quotes deserved the backlash.
The Top Ten
I might go and kick somebody in the head, I might grab a girl and force her to perform oral sex with me. I've had sex on stage with men, women and animals and everything in between - GG Allin

When he was jailed, he said the government was trying to kill the rock spirit.

He said this in an interview on the "Jerry Springer Show."

Christianity is a diagnosis. It’s like Islam and the other Asian religions, a HIV/AIDS of the spirit and mind - Varg Vikernes

He took his atheism/thought too far, but I do understand his point.

One of his infamous quotes on Facebook.

The Beatles are more popular than Jesus now - John Lennon

He said this during an interview with the London newspaper "Evening Standard." This particular comment created an enormous amount of controversy in the US, especially among Christian communities.

Extensive protests broke out in the US. Some radio stations stopped playing Beatles songs, their records were publicly burned, press conferences were canceled, and threats were made. Finally, he was murdered in December 1980 by Mark David Chapman, a born-again Christian who was incensed by the "more popular than Jesus" remark.

When you hear about slavery for 400 years... for 400 years? That sounds like a choice - Kanye West

I still can't even begin to comprehend what he was thinking here.

Yo Kanye, I'mma let you finish, but that is nothing to joke about.

There is nothing which is too sick, evil or perverted. I have no problem with killing someone in cold blood - Euronymous
I think boobs are very empowering, and signing them is even more empowering - Nicki Minaj

They're not empowering for people who hate having them and want them removed.

She said this in an interview when asked about women empowerment.

Nicki Minaj and empowering are two things that contradict each other.

If I kill you, I’ll be part of the KKK, but there’ll be one less lonely n----r - Justin Bieber

It's no surprise that his fans are terrible, since they constantly defend any of the very stupid things he has done. Most of his fans wouldn't even try to defend him if he weren't a musician. It's pretty dumb to even call him a musician.

That one time when he almost got away with the n-word. Viral video clip available on the TMZ channel on YouTube.

I believe very strongly in fascism... Adolf Hitler was one of the first rock stars - David Bowie

In the '70s, David Bowie had a history of praising Adolf Hitler. He later blamed being under the influence of drugs for making this comment.

He was probably trying to rustle a bunch of people.

Bring me the head of Elton John... which is one instance in which meat would not be murder, if it were served on a plate - Morrissey
I see a lot of people with their clothes on and they're kind of a**holes. When you've got your t*** out you can't really be an a**hole - Miley Cyrus

She said this in an interview with Jimmy Kimmel, expressing her support for the #freethenipple campaign. The campaign advocates that women should have the right to display their nipples in public.

And this is why I don't want to see a Hannah Montana reboot.

The Newcomers

? Keep Britain white - Eric Clapton
? First of all we'd like to thank Satan - Red Hot Chili Peppers
The Contenders
Is Math related to Science? - Katy Perry

LOL, this one falls in the category of "dumb comments," too.

That made me die on the floor laughing.

Yes, Katy. Math is related to science.

"I hope the pair of them catch AIDS and die because I f****** hate those two" - Noel Gallagher

He was specifically referring to his rivals, Blur's Damon Albarn and Alex James when he made this comment. He almost immediately apologized, later claimed that the journalist who interviewed him set him up, and eventually made peace with Damon Albarn. However, the damage was already done. From then on, Noel Gallagher would forever be known for his big mouth.

Church burnings are, of course, a thing that I support one hundred percent. It should have been done much more, and will be done much more in the future... - Gaahl

The angst is strong with this one. Seriously, what is it with all these Black Metal musicians being in their adult years and still acting like angsty teens? And this is coming from a Hindu who is a bit of an agnostic too.

If everybody in the world dropped out of school, then we would have an intelligent society - Jaden Smith

That's only a rare proportion of very gifted people existing in this world. Without going to school, all will be lost.

The smell of burning animals is making me sick. I can smell burning flesh... and I hope to God it's human - Morrissey
I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House but I know that won't change anything - Madonna

See kids, if you become a famous female musician one day, you can get away with saying stupid crap like this. - B1ueNew

Rick Wakeman talking about his bowel examination at the Yes Hall of Fame acceptance speech

One of the funniest things I've ever seen. Served them right for snubbing the best rock band ever. Thanks, Rick!

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