Best Songs On Iron Maiden's No Prayer for the Dying

EPIC and underrated song, and a true hidden gem on an otherwise very disappointing album.
Really good guitar work. This song is amazing and very underrated!

It has an awesome bass riff and a great guitar solo, but I think Mother Russia deserves to be number 1.

Why not number 1? I don't have to say anything. The song speaks for itself.

Great song and fun to listen to!
This song is very underrated!

This song deserves a 6 out of 10. The whole album is underrated.
Never understood the hate for this song.
It's pretty catchy, and it's not bad.

It's sad that everyone hates this and Hooks in You. They're very good songs. But I still think Mother Russia is the best.
This may be the worst Maiden album, but still, 8 songs on here are good. I love this song so much.