Top 10 Best Silbermond Albums

The Top Ten
Verschwende Deine Zeit

A magnificent debut album. There's so much energy and cheekiness. The music is catchy yet sounds a bit trashy and direct. It sounds honest and fun, and what you hear is what the band members really felt like back then.

The album is not as harmonic and polished as albums by Wir sind Helden and Juli, who were also female-fronted German bands that got more praise. But that's exactly what makes this album so much more awesome and memorable. It is an album that has personality.

5 stars (let's just pretend "Symphonie" isn't on it)

Laut Gedacht

Their second album continues where "Verschwende deine Zeit" left off. It's highly energetic, pure fun, and has a subtle anti-mainstream stance. Silbermond are still a young and ambitious band who happened to have a surprise success with their debut album and are now trying to deliver a worthy follow-up with the same spirit.

The lyrics were a bit more metaphoric and less direct than its predecessor, but it still has the same rough and fresh feel to it.

4 and a half stars.

Nichts Passiert

This is the point where old and new Silbermond merged. The rock-ish nature of the sound and the cheekiness of the lyrics remained, again having a cynical stance towards the mainstream. However, they are slowly tiptoeing towards indie pop territories.

"Krieger des Lichts" and "Nicht mein Problem" are full-blown pop songs. The other songs have a slower tempo and are more melodic than their predecessor albums but still retain some of the energy of the first two albums. "Keine Angst" and "Nichts mehr" are AMAZING rock compositions and rank among the band's best works.

"Nichts mehr," while obviously being musically inspired by Nirvana, perfectly captures a former love that has turned into hate and features excellent songwriting. It is hard to rate this album. Some of the songs are simply radio-friendly and tame, but they also never rocked harder than on some songs of this album.

4 stars.

Himmel auf

Slow, highly melodic, and meditative indie pop with great lyrical content. There is nothing left of the rebellious, sassy alternative rock outfit. This is more calm and beautiful in tone, and meant to be enjoyed by a more mature and off-beat target group.

Everything is more introverted. Some say they sold out, others say they became more mature. While the production is perfect and the quality is high, I prefer the more energetic and spontaneous Silbermond.

3 stars.

Leichtes Gepäck

Just the same as for "Himmel auf." This is soft and melodic indie music that will please an anti-mainstream audience as much as their older records. It's just a whole other anti-mainstream audience.

"Verschwende deine Zeit" and "Laut gedacht" were loud, rock-ish, and up-tempo, with some lyrics being a tad bit cynical. "Himmel auf" and "Leichtes Gepäck" are perfect for hipsters - and that's not a negative thing. It's perfect for those who enjoy movies like "Into the Wild" or "Juno," and like to wear pastel-colored shirts and backpacks.

This music appeals to those who do not want to fit into what's popular now, but not in an over-the-top, rebellious way like punk or emo. It's more calm and introverted. Just take a look at the cover artworks of the albums to see the evolution: "Verschwende deine Zeit" has a bunch of young rebels on it, while "Leichtes Gepäck" features three men and a woman. Whether they simply evolved or are selling out, "Leichtes Gepäck" works for what it is and what it tries to be, and that is a good indie pop album with great songwriting.

I like it a bit more than their previous effort, but I still prefer the older Silbermond.

3 1/2 stars

Alles auf Anfang 2014–2004

Well, it's a collection of 21 songs from the first ten years of their career (including the albums "Verschwende deine Zeit," "Laut gedacht," "Nichts passiert," and "Himmel auf"). I am someone who doesn't buy best-of compilations since I prefer listening to full studio albums instead of just the popular songs.

In my personal opinion, the compilation doesn't do justice to Silbermond's work. It focuses too much on their slower music instead of their uptempo songs. Their first two albums were 70% energetic alternative rock, but it's mostly the 30% that ultimately made it onto this album, despite it lacking essential singles such as "Mach's dir selbst."

On the plus side, this is the first time the song "Zeit für Optimisten" appeared on any of their albums. This single was released between "Verschwende deine Zeit" and "Laut gedacht" and musically fits both albums, but was never included in any edition of either.

No "official" star rating from me, due to the fact I don't know how to rate a compilation. Do I rate the music itself or how accurately it represents the band's style? If it's the first, then 4 stars. If it's the second, then 2 stars.

Himmel auf - Live in Dresden
Verschwende deine Zeit - Live
Laut gedacht - Live
Live @ Rockpalast
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