Best Songs from Blink 182's Self-titled Album
Amazing song. Best album opener by a mile. The ending is insane!
I love the ending to this epic masterpiece.
The ending makes me feel incredible.
The perfect combination of Tom's trademark screamy vocals and Mark's melodic verses. Probably the best bridge Mark has ever written. Travis is giving it 110% on the drums, as always. All these elements combine to make what I'd call the greatest blink-182 song of all time.
Gotta love that bridge.
Definitely one of the saddest songs I've heard in my life.
It is a little weird at the end when the woman is talking. Anyway, this song is awesome. It's cool how, when Tom starts singing, there's almost no instrumental music - just his voice.
Man, this song is so different compared to the band's other songs.
I love that, throughout the album, they share their opinions and explain what the songs mean to them. Here, Tom tells you what Asthenia means, and even if you didn't know that, this song is awesome!
Tom DeLonge at his best.
Down, down, down, down. Such great lyrics in this song.
Best non-single on the album.
The chorus is very cool. It's faster than most of the other songs. Deserves better.
Such an underrated song.
The Newcomers
This is a bonus track, but still the best song on the album, in my opinion.
Why does no one like this? It's awesome!
I wasn't expecting Robert Smith to be on here. Wow!
It's a shame it only goes for a minute.