Best Songs On Rammstein's Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da

The Top Ten
1 Donaukinder
2 Waidmanns Heil
3 B********

Amazing guitar riff sustained throughout, and that crash in vocals with the "buckstabu" scream followed by the machine-march, train-wreck guitar tune makes this one of the best tracks on the album, right next to "Haifisch," "Waidmanns Heil," and "Donaukinder."

The rest of the album was mediocre at best, but these are the standout tracks, at least from a musical standpoint. "Buckstabu" is no exception! It's likely the most impactful, climactic, and hardest, heaviest metal track on the album!

4 Haifisch
5 Ich Tu Dir Weh

Not my favorite genre of music at all, it has to be said, but since my brother's not a TopTenner, I'm voting for Ich Tu Dir Weh on his behalf as he loves it so much.

This song and video are as metal as it gets!

Weird. This song is #5 on the Top 10 Rammstein songs, but it's not #1 (just #5) on the best Liebe ist für alle da songs. (My album favorite.)

6 P****
7 Rammlied
8 Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da
9 Fruhling In Paris
10 Wiener Blut
The Contenders
11 Halt
12 Roter Sand
13 Führe Mich
14 Mehr
15 Liese
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