Top 10 Best Songs from Rise Against's Appeal to Reason

The Top Ten
Audience of One

This song rocks, and I wonder why it isn't in the top 10 list.

Re-Education (Through Labor)

To me, it shows the voice of the rebels! It says, I won't crawl on my knees for you! We are the rebels and won't crawl for those apemen who have the power to control us, but they can't overcome us.


Beautiful song. I can interpret it in numerous ways - personal, political, and social meanings.

From Heads Unworthy
Hairline Fracture
The Dirt Whispered
The Strength to Go On
Collapse (Post-America)

"Neutrality means that you don't really care,
Cause the struggle goes on even when you're not there
Blind and unaware."

Instant eargasm. "Chamber the Cartridge" is good, but "Collapse" is Rise Against's best intro in my opinion. Google the live performance from Amsterdam - best live performance video I have ever seen.

Kotov Syndrome

The Newcomers

? Elective Amnesia
? Hero of War
The Contenders
Whereabouts Unknown

This is the best album I've heard, and this is the best song from the album by a long shot. Why it's ranked 12th, I do not know.

Long Forgotten Sons
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