Top 10 Best Songs on Slayer's Seasons in the Abyss

The Top Ten
Seasons in the Abyss

Slayer's masterpiece. Best song on this album, hands down. The creepiness and evil this track shows are unlike many other Slayer songs.

Hell yeah, that riff after the beginning kicks ass.

Dead Skin Mask

One of my favorite Slayer songs, but it's my #3 behind War Ensemble and Seasons in the Abyss. The lyrics are amazing: "Dance with the dead in my dreams, listen to their hallowed screams, the dead have taken my soul, temptations lost all control."

I like that they slowed down a bit on this song to create something deeply haunting, rather than purely aggressive.

The second riff rules.

War Ensemble

Super evil intro.

Best intro ever... also a great title.

Skeletons of Society

Really, dudes? This song is killer.

Expendable Youth
Blood Red

Come on, best riff ever. This should be at least in fourth position.

Spirit in Black

Should be in the top 3.

Hallowed Point

The breakdown in the middle is awesome. Then comes the lyrics, "Have you ever danced with the devil..." with incredible double bass behind it. Easily in my top three on the album.

Born of Fire
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