Top 10 Best Super Junior Dancers
I love all Suju members, but Han is a really special guy. We still love you. Come back to us, please. You are a really talented idol. We love you.
Who could imitate Michael Jackson's moves better than him? He can moonwalk anywhere, anytime, and every time he wants to. He can even do the moonwalk on a rough and bulky road! He also can moonwalk sideways! Doesn't he, Super Junior's dance machine, deserve to be called Asia's Michael Jackson?
He's not known as Super Junior's dance machine for nothing. Eunhyuk is so talented. Dancing comes so naturally to him. Dancing is his strong point, and he's really a natural at it.
Oh come on! It is obviously Eunhyuk! He is the main dancer of Super Junior and also called the "dancing machine"! He deserves to be first! How can Yesung beat him?!
With his six-pack abs, he's invincible! Unlike any other member, Donghae is very smooth and swift with his moves even without choreography. He specializes in flexibility and perfect timing. Hell yeah!
Why Yesung is the best dancer is debatable. Maybe Eunhyuk or Donghae is the best dancer. I didn't notice Yesung while they were dancing. I saw Donghae and Eunhyuk at the center. Sometimes Shindong stayed at the center.
Donghae's dance skills are better than others. And I also like your voice too. Please sing more. I think your solo will be good. But I think you prefer dancing to singing.
The maker of the famous Octopus dance. It is a very unique dance because being professional or good at dancing is not required to learn this awesome and somewhat weird dance. You only need to be a fun guy. But still, it's hard to learn, but not for the cute inventor himself, Yesung! And he is ultra handsome!
Yesung is the best in Super Junior. His style is simple, good-looking, and handsome. He is also talented, although he can't beat Eunhyuk. I know he will beat him one day because he is getting better.
The vocalist who dances so rhythmically like his voice. Kyuhyun is never seen behind Super Junior's formation in any MV. He always stays positive and active in all their rehearsals and vocalizations.
The cute and chubby member of Super Junior has nothing to lose, Shindong! He is a great dancer because you're going to regret saying he's just a fatty once you see him groove. Shindong appears as slim as the other members when he dances, much more because he's always in sync with the other members.
He should be the third after Donghae and, of course, Hyukjae first.
He is the inventor of the dance that made all the French ladies fall for him: the Leeteuk Hip Dance. The awesome hip tsunami he does gives him all the attention of women.
He is a member of the South Korean boy band "Super Junior" (debuted in 2005) and sub-groups "Super Junior-K .R. Y" and "Super Junior-M" .
Ryeowook was discovered through the CMB... read more
Wookie, wookie! Ryeowook is a Super Junior member who has complete focus and concentration. In rehearsals, his focus keeps him from being distracted by the fans' cheers. He can completely dance one whole music video without music!
Ryeowook is very hot when he is dancing. I wish we could dance together. I really love him.
Called the best example and model of Super Junior. With his huge muscles and fully developed abs, Siwon is the ultimate answer whenever someone asks, "What is the visual of Super Junior?" Siwon's hard dance moves are the reason behind his hot body.
He brings the audience all together every time he dances.
The cutie and best kiyomi player of Super Junior shows off a different side of him whenever he dances. Members say that Sungmin acts very feminine, but he turns into a very manly one in music videos. Why? Because his dances make all the girls melt for him.
The Newcomers
No problem if he can't dance. If he can't dance, he is the best at singing SJ songs and the most attractive member. He is my first and most favorite member, and I am happy to be a Petal. I'm always there to support you. I'm proud of you.
Saranghe, aegyo Heechul oppa. You're the best. Always yours.