Worst Songs to Play at a Funeral

The Top Ten
Highway to Hell - AC/DC

I grew up in a funeral home. I've accidentally played loud music many times during wakes, for which my father would come upstairs to yell at me, at least once a week. I actually have a sample base to compare data. Yes, this one is the worst since I've done it.

Dad: "Of all the damn songs, you pick that one? They're STILL talking about it. They want some money back. They think you did it on purpose."

Yep. Truth. He almost made me go down and apologize. This one wins.

Let's face it, the only thing AC/DC sings about is crime, sex, and hell. None of these things should be mentioned at a funeral whatsoever. This applies to all their songs, but this one in particular would be the most tasteless of them all.

Ha Ha You're Dead! - Green Day

Get this to #1. The title basically tells you why you shouldn't play it at a funeral.

Definitely not something to sing at a funeral.

Celebration - Kool and the Gang

Honestly, this list made me laugh so hard, especially all the happy songs.

What are we celebrating? Are we happy the person is dead?

I would play this when someone I know dies. Just kidding.

The Best Day Ever - SpongeBob SquarePants

Why would you play THIS song?! You'd get the stink-eye and then get thrown into a coffin yourself!

I can just picture the look on my family's face when they hear this playing at my funeral.

Another One Bites the Dust - Queen

Haha! The song is really great but as the title suggests, don't ever play it at a funeral.

The last song anyone should play at a funeral. If you like Queen, there are better songs to play.

Just the bass line playing low in the background...

Stupid Hoe - Nicki Minaj

Under no circumstances EVER play this song at a funeral. You'll need a funeral after the family is done with you.

Why not play the music video on the side of the coffin while you're at it?

What a song to play at a funeral.

Happy - Pharrell Williams

Inappropriate for a funeral. Maybe for a celebration if someone's back on their feet.

You're happy that person died?

That would be so offensive.

Ding Dong the Witch Is Dead - Judy Garland

Just imagine if this was around during the Salem Witch trials. That would be bad.

Oh my gosh, someone will do this.


Best Day of My Life - American Authors

Why exactly is it the best day of everyone's life?

I'm so happy you're dead. It's the best day of my life!

Stayin' Alive - The Bee Gees

Just imagining the last Bee Gee standing over the graves of the others singing along to this. Poor bugger.

It would be ironic yet actually true because everyone attending the funeral would be stayin' alive.

The Newcomers

? Apt. - Rosé & Bruno Mars

Of course, this song is also banned at any funeral. It is extremely repetitive and annoying.

? Snake Eyes - Demondice

This song is extremely racist and offensive. An awful choice to play at a funeral.

The Contenders
(Don't Fear) the Reaper - Blue Oyster Cult

Don't fear the reaper, Buck!

Problem - Ariana Grande

I got one less problem without you. No.

Oh my, now that would be funny.

Funny because it's true.

You Give Love a Bad Name - Bon Jovi

Any song that can be taken as badmouthing its subject fits on this list.

Shot through the heart and you're to blame...

You give Death a bad name. - Gehenna

Thriller - Michael Jackson
I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor

Just kidding, I'm dead. Lol.

Anaconda - Nicki Minaj

I hope your grandma isn't at a funeral playing this...

Who in their right mind would play this?

Trust me, there's gonna be another person and another casket after this...

Hells Bells - AC/DC

Almost as bad as Highway to Hell in terms of worst funeral songs. AC/DC is a good band, but don't play their songs at funerals.

I mean, obviously it's bad if it includes anything to do with hell or excitement about a person's death. I mean, look at Highway to Hell.

A Little Piece of Heaven - Avenged Sevenfold

Oh my God... just imagine this.

Loyal - Chris Brown
Friday - Rebecca Black

This song should not be played under any circumstances.

Especially if that person died on a Friday.

What if that death was on a Friday?

F.O.D. - Green Day

Good song but a bad one to play at a funeral, especially all the parts after the second chorus.

Hell Awaits - Slayer
Down With the Sickness - Disturbed
Bye Bye Bye - NSync

Who would even dare to play this? It's a good song but not at a funeral. Whoever plays that at a funeral is an idiot.

It would put the fun in funeral.

Don't Close Your Eyes - Kix
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