Top Ten Countries With the Most Impressive Life Expectancies

In case you're wondering, the life expectancy of a country is the average age someone lives before they go caputzkies. For example, the United States has an average life expectancy of 78 or so years. That is not very impressive, and that doesn't get on the list. Canada has about 83 average years. The United Kingdom has just under 82. Anyways, here I'll be ranking the top ten countries with the most impressive life Expectancies, whether it's just really high or something you wouldn't expect.

Bonus fact: the average life expectancy around the world is 73.2 years for both genders, 75.6 for females, and 70.8 for males. Enjoy!
The Top Ten
Monaco - 89.4

It's insane how extraordinarily high the life expectancy of this little country is. Monaco boasts a life expectancy of almost five years more than the second highest life expectancy of any country and well over 15 years more than the average life expectancy of the entire world.

If you want to live long, go to Monaco! Just kidding. Monaco is apparently so high due to excellent health care and great banks, and people there are the richest on average in the world. Monaco is actually the second smallest country in the world behind the infamous Vatican City.

While it may not be super impressive to you, as smaller countries tend to have better life expectancies, Monaco is still extremely high in life expectancy and deserves first place. Money may not buy happiness, but it does buy more years of life, at least in this case!

Japan - 85.03

Japan has the highest life expectancy in the entire world among countries with over 100,000 people. Monaco has more, but it's a super tiny country. Hong Kong does too, but it's normally not recognized as a country, and there's a lot of conflict and controversy over whether it's a part of China or not.

I opted not to include Hong Kong as a country, so Japan is the country with the highest life expectancy. It officially has a life expectancy of just over 85 years, which is extremely impressive. Japan is a very densely populated country, with most of the people squeezed into cities between mountains. It is also very populous in general, so you wouldn't expect it to have such a high life expectancy.

Congratulations to the people of Japan. You won't be dying any time soon!

Switzerland - 84.25

It's honestly a little ironic when I think of it because their symbol is a plus sign with red and white - as if a health symbol, and they've got such a high life expectancy. Just thought that was kind of funny.

Switzerland, excluding Hong Kong, Macao, and those controversial state/city/countries, has the fourth highest life expectancy of any country in the entire world, behind Japan, San Marino, and Monaco, with 84.25. This is pretty good because they're a sizeable country too. If you had to guess which countries had the highest life expectancies, you wouldn't guess Switzerland.

Congrats to them!

Italy - 84.01

Italy has one of the highest life expectancies in the entire world, with just over 84 years per person, around 86 for females and almost 82 for males, to be precise. Italy is one of the most amazing countries in the world, and I was actually going to go there if it weren't for COVID, which canceled the trip, but we're getting off-topic.

Anyways, out of extremely populous countries, by which I mean countries with over 10 million people, Italy is one of only two countries with over 84 years average life expectancy, behind Japan. Pretty impressive, huh?

Algeria - 76.69

Oh, 76.69, you say? But sloth, that's not impressive! It's probably not even in the top fifty countries with the highest life expectancies! You're right. It's 63rd, to be precise. However, how good it is doesn't always determine how impressive it is.

There's a reason I put Algeria on here. Out of every single country in Africa, which is the continent with the most people, this has the highest life expectancy. Along with Morocco and Tunisia, both in the high 70s, Algeria is basically untouchable by the other African countries, some of which have life expectancies sadly even less than 50 years per person!

Pretty impressive to me, at least.

San Marino - 85.42

Another impressive country with a very high life expectancy is San Marino, though you've probably not heard of it. Why? Because it's almost as small as Monaco. It's actually a really tiny island in the bay made up of Italy's curve that they, for some reason, decided to make a country.

It has the super high life expectancy of 85.42 years, which is, as far as I can tell (if I forgot some tiny country called Chorguda Borlada the 2nd, give me a break!), the third highest life expectancy of any country in the world. That's super impressive. If it weren't for the fact San Marino is so tiny, it would be really high on the list.

Spain - 83.99

Dang it, Spain! You just missed out on Italy's spot, with only 0.02 years less in average life expectancy. Spain's life expectancy is pretty similar to Italy's, probably for similar reasons, but it's still quite impressive.

People in Spain may have just a very healthy atmosphere, better, fresher foods, or a really good bank or something. Whatever the reason is, they live a long time there. Think of their life expectancy as 84 years because it's basically there.

Australia - 83.94

This enormous country that's sometimes even considered to be its own continent (the correct term for the continent is Oceania, which consists of not only Australia but New Zealand and the other small islands in the South Pacific Ocean) has one of the absolute highest life expectancies of all time.

This country is known to be pretty chill about everything and good too, much like Canada, but a country of such size wouldn't be expected to have such a high life expectancy.

Israel - 83.49

Israel is not quite in the top ten countries with the highest life expectancy, but it is close. The score isn't exactly what's so impressive about it. It's the circumstances.

Israel is, sadly, known as a "violent" country. When someone mentions it, you may think of other Middle Eastern countries and even terrorists like Osama. There was actually a big war in Israel a while ago. So it definitely isn't something you'd expect on a list of countries with the highest life expectancies, so I had to give it a spot on here.

South Korea - 83.50

You're probably surprised that this country made its way onto the list. The reason is because, unfortunately, people group the two Koreas together and let North Korea define South Korea. In reality, South Korea is a really cool country with the largest toilet theme park (that's honestly all I remember about it right now, I'm sorry) and is on very bad terms with its Northern counterparts.

South Korea has one of the highest life expectancies in the world, which is something most people wouldn't expect.

The Newcomers

? Andorra - 82.8 Years
? Norway - 82.76 years
The Contenders
Canada - 82.96

Canada is the North American country with the highest life expectancy by far, which has to count for something.

Iceland - 82.86

It's impressive how a small island like Iceland got 82.86. Algeria should be below this.

Mexico - 75.24
North Korea - 72.6
Lesotho - 50.7 years

Well, it didn't say anything about impressively low life expectancies. Here, the average life expectancy for males is not even 48 years old.

Syria - 72.7

For what it is, I am sure people would have expected at most a little more than half this amount.

El Salvador - 73.63
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