Top Ten Most Stereotyped Countries
If I may say so, there are many stereotypes about other countries out there. But who suffers the most from it?I love how some Europeans - not all, but some - like to get all mad at us for stereotyping other countries so much. They think we believe all Canadians live in igloos. I have yet to meet an American who thinks this. They also think we have no respect for other countries, which is 100% untrue. Only President Cheeto lacks respect. After they are done getting angry at us for stereotyping other countries, they proceed to stereotype us as fat, lazy, and uneducated people.
I am rather skinny, work out, and am smart, and I'm American. Do I defy the beliefs? Maybe some of them should visit America someday and realize that they were dead wrong all along.
Yes, French bashing is a national sport in certain countries. These are pure stereotypes that continue despite their complete inaccuracy.
French people also get stereotyped for eating frog legs and snails.
France beats them all with the French bashing.
Broken (okay, I have got one broken) yellow teeth, needing fillings, and false teeth. Posh, drinking tea (my favorite hot drink is coffee), eating crumpets (I have cereal or pancakes more nowadays).
British Breakfast - I hate beans, and Eeeew black pudding. Speak the Queen's English properly. HA! When I speak fast, I say math instead of maths.
In an American's mind: *snorting laugh* I'll get the crumpets ready. Jeeves, boil the kettle if you would not mind me asking.
Reality (mainly East London): You alright, geezer? Yeah, me and all. // Rugby's on soon, I'll be up the pub watching it.
I shouldn't be so offended by this (because I'm American, not Australian), but I hate Australian stereotypes. Everyone thinks Australia is purely an island filled with spiders, but there's more to it. Also, is it normal to say mate after every sentence in Australia? Because that's what everyone I know does when they do an impression of an Australian.
Guys, even though Australia is recognized as the exotic and isolated country of kangaroos, the facts show us that this amazing land is incredibly developed and has some of the most livable cities on the planet, such as Melbourne and Sydney.
Everyone is so ignorant and assumes all Asians are Chinese. Everyone makes fun of our language. Everyone hates Chinese people for eating dogs, even though Americans eat pigs.
I'm not saying that it is acceptable to eat dogs, but people should stop criticizing one another when they have their own similar problems.
I'm Chinese, and I suck at driving, I'm very rude to others, and I'm good at math. (Jokes) I suck at math!
They say that they are afraid of black people, are good at math, eat dogs, etc.
My name is Ivan. My parents, Ivan and Ivana, are proud Soviet Russians. We ride bears every day to get to our jobs in the uranium and coal mines, and we can't miss a day because... you know... GULAG. We use AK-47s to kill Americans and Iranians that we meet. Glory to Soviet Russia! Glory to Vodka!
Yes, Russian Ivan will eat your children at night, and Putin is watching! Okay, that is funny. I like these stereotypes, but in reality, we are the same people as everyone else.
I don't have a single word to describe all of this stereotyping.
Americans are still stupid enough to think that Germans are Nazis because they seem to be stuck in the 1940s. Hell, more Americans are Nazis than Germans. I'd even go as far as to say that there are NO German Nazis. Let me tell you, the US is pathetic.
It is all Hitler's fault for making Germans look bad with his hatred towards Jews and the Nazis killing them. Not all Germans worship Hitler, and they don't kill Jews or anyone else at all.
France is no longer Napoleonic, and Russia is no longer Soviet, so why does everyone say that Germany is Nazi? Stuck in 1939? Move on. And look at Germany now.
I'm a German living in Mexico, and when I came here, my whole family started telling me to be careful because it's dangerous. Seriously, I have never been assaulted or kidnapped. Everyone is so kind and not dangerous at all!
I don't even like beans, and everyone tells me, "Come to the shade, you're paler than a cloud." And for Heaven's sake, we don't steal your jobs! It's just you who refuse them.
Stereotype: All Mexicans have a big mustache, wear sombreros, and eat burritos and tacos. At least that's what I always see in American media.
I don't know why Americans appear to be so paranoid about Canada. They both have similarities and differences, but not to the extent that they should be enemies.
Side note: America does not hate Canada. I don't think they do, nor do I hate either of them. That's just another one of many deceitful American stereotypes.
Well, not all of them are nice. In fact, some of them are very mean to the United States. We are allies. We should be friends.
Canada likes maple syrup, eh? Canada likes hockey, eh? Canadians always say "eh" all the time, eh?
Not all of us are ginger drunks who are obsessed with Guinness. We have lives!
Hardly any of them actually look like leprechauns.
No, we don't eat potatoes all the time. We don't have lucky charms. We don't sound like leprechauns on acid, we are not all drunk off our heads, and we don't all hate the British.
The Newcomers
Iraq is currently led by President Fuad Masum and Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi. It is currently ranked 160th in the Institute for Economics & Peace's Global Peace Index, making it one of the most dangerous countries in the... read more
Don't know any of these stereotypes? Watch Goodness Gracious Me. It's one of the funniest things ever. And no, it's not offensive.
Haha. They say we all wear turbans.
Italy covers an area of 301,338 km². With almost 62 million inhabitants, it is the third most populous EU member state. Located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, Italy shares... read more
Is there any representation of an Italian that is not a stereotype? Is there any time when Italy is mentioned that you don't see pasta and that gesture? Especially by Americans (who complain a lot but stereotype the most).
Thanks, Hollywood. Italians all look like the Godfather.
Apparently, we all eat pizza every day and put -a at the end of everything we say. #StopItalianStereotypes
Japan is known for anime and manga, so there are stereotypes that come from those. Furthermore, because of how Japanese women are drawn in anime or manga, I know they are sometimes called "sexy school girls." I've seen someone say that in real life.
England can trace its history as far back as the 10th century, but modern England didn't start till the Norman Invasion of 1066. In 1535, England annexed... read more
England, Great Britain, or the UK? Stereotyped as dumb people eating disgusting food under rainy, depressive weather. Actually, we have the best beaches in the world, the best culture, and the greatest empire.
As an American in high school, I can tell you firsthand that the terrorist/Arabian jokes and stereotypes get way too out of hand. And just to be clear, I don't support them at all!
How people see Muslims: Oh shoot, Josh, a Muslim is coming. He might bomb us.
Often portrayed as a terrorist nation with genies.
Not all Koreans eat dogs (it's just the older generations), and not all of us are close-minded or racist towards other races!
Often portrayed as North Korea's little brother. Also stereotyped for eating dogs.
Gypsies, thieves, and beggars.
Mainly by our beloved English Nazis.
Enough said.
Stereotyped: hates England, eats Welsh cakes, loves rugby, sings in a choir. I've been to London twice, Welsh cakes are delicious, rugby is weird, and I've been in a primary school choir from years 4-6.
It borders Norway to the west and Finland to the east, and is connected to Denmark in the southwest by a bridge-tunnel across the Öresund. At 450,295 square kilometers (173,860 sq mi), Sweden is the third-largest... read more
I wonder if Swedish people like eating Swedish meatballs.
"Egyptians living in their houses."
Shows pyramids.
Not all Egyptians ride on camels.
That is true. Not all Scottish people like haggis.
It is situated 1,500 kilometres (900 mi) east of Australia across the Tasman Sea and roughly 1,000 kilometres (600 mi) south of the Pacific island areas of New Caledonia, Fiji, and Tonga. New Zealand's capital city is Wellington,... read more
Not all New Zealanders act scary.
This is one of the most stereotyped countries ever.
1. They are just a group of black women with big backs.
2. Every Brazilian knows how to dance samba.
3. They speak Spanish.
4. Their favorite sport is football.
Not every Brazilian fits these stereotypes. Brazil is more than just Rio.
People think Brazilians are all black or that the majority of women have big butts. They think that all Brazilians like soccer or carnival.
Serbs are known for experiencing many wars in their country.
"Lazy PIGS go to work!" But to the contrary, Greeks are hardworking people.