Saddest Deaths of 2017

It is the first time the death of a musician I liked personally affected me.
I started listening to Prince a few months before he died, but I started listening to Linkin Park 10 years before Bennington died. That's half my life. I'm 20 now. Plus, I know it was suicide from depression, and you can feel that in the music.
Linkin Park was one of the rock groups everybody seemed to like. Back when I was 10, in our school, they were THE band. But no one listened to the lyrics. Even though most Germans and Austrians speak English, most will tune the language out when listening to the music or care about the emotion packed in there. It just rocked to us.
Later, when I was a teenager bordering on adulthood, I dug deeper into the music and understood the rough feelings in it, and loved it even more. One can say Linkin Park accompanied me on my way from childhood to so-called adulthood (I am not grown up yet and still have lots to learn, I'd say). And all that makes me sad. To be honest, this is the first time a celebrity's death personally touched me so deeply.

In terms of ranking based on sadness, I think that Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell should both be above Chuck Berry. His was a great loss as well, but to me, his legacy is already set in stone, and I feel like he's given all he can to the world.
Chris and Chester, on the other hand, still had a career ahead of them, still had shows to play, and still had time left that is now tragically gone. They deserved longer.
Terrible thing, depression.
I don't really know what to say. He was a huge inspiration to my own personal songwriting. He had a voice that hasn't been replicated. His music was one of the contributing factors to why I love Grunge (and practically the alternative music genre in general).
Rest in peace, Chris. We'll miss you, buddy. Hope you're rocking up there in heaven.

RIP Gotham's greatest hero and Quahog's mayor. I'm going to be honest: this is the first celebrity death to make me cry. Batman was and still is one of my greatest fictional heroes.
It was just so sudden, and the fact that nobody told us he had leukemia made it sadder.
He was 88 years old, though. But I'll always remember him as the '60s Batman and the mayor in Family Guy.
My favorite Batman, the only real one in my opinion, has died. He will be missed.

I seriously didn't know he was still alive, but I'm really sorry to hear that he passed away. R.I.P. Chuck.
Johnny B. Goode is not going anymore, but he is still the father of rock and roll. R.I.P. Chuck Berry.
I'm crying manly tears right now for such a great loss. This man was, is, and will always be a legend who will transcend space-time as future generations remember him as the man who pretty much invented rock and roll.

It was so shocking when he died. Tom Petty has always been one of my favorite artists.
Really sad. He died today, October 3. R.I.P.
I'm still shocked that he's gone. Rest in peace, Tom.

Saying goodbye to a comedy icon. You will be missed.

A sad death. While Chester (never forget) chose to die, this guy just died from dementia. Rock in peace.
This man is one of the reasons why AC/DC is so great.

Bond. James Bond. Personally, losing one of my favorite Bonds was some of the saddest stuff ever.
The Newcomers

He was a great actor. Too bad he died at 61 of surgery complications.
He was part of Titanic, Aliens, and others.
Sad to see him die so soon. R.I.P.

This guy raised billions to support the MDA with his telethons. Without him, not as many people would be aware of muscular dystrophy.
He was also an amazing actor, best known for his role in The Nutty Professor, and part of the duo that made up Martin and Lewis.

R.I.P. Mr. Hurt. Thank you for being such an amazing actor.

Just got back from watching Animat's tribute podcast to June Foray. To see someone as important to not only some of the most beloved characters in animation we all know and love that she has voiced, but also someone important to the medium of animation in contributing to its ability to stand out in the eyes of Hollywood is tragic.
While I will always remember her most as the voice of Granny from Looney Tunes, whom she voiced throughout the entirety of her career, now everyone shall remember her as the first lady of voice acting and an important figure in animation for her legacy.

My grandmother met Don when she was a teen, right before Toy Story. It's sad to see him gone. I wonder who will voice Mr. Potato Head in Toy Story 4?
Dan Castellaneta did a great impression of this guy on The Simpsons. He could work as Mr. Potato Head.
They should've deleted Mr. Potato Head from Toy Story 4 or canceled the film entirely due to Don's death.

Ventura died in one of the most horrible ways possible. He sadly died in a car crash. Goodbye, Ventura. You will be missed.

It just happened this morning and I've been crying my eyes out ever since. His death affected me the most not only because I am a K-pop fan but because he was so young. Probably the youngest person on this list.
R.I.P. Kim Jonghyun.
Even though I haven't listened to your music, may you still rest in peace. Many people from my country will dearly miss you.
I'm pretty sure Jimi Hendrix is in heaven welcoming him to the 27 Club. I don't like K-pop, but R.I.P.

Without him, the YouTube Poop probably wouldn't be the same.
"That's Mama Luigi to you, Mario!"