Top Ten Worst Things to Say to an Introvert

The Top Ten
1 "You're such a loner"
2 "Go get some friends"

Introverts have some close friends. They prefer quality over quantity.

3 "Psychopath"
4 "Why can't you be more talkative"
5 "Us extroverts are better than you"

I am introverted, but I only have a few family friends that are great friends. Extroverts usually chose quantity over quality in friends.

Oh really? Think again.

6 "Nerd!"

Nerds, however, are awesome.

7 "You are so addicted to the Internet because you have no friends"
8 "Low life!"
9 "Freak."
10 "You suck because you don't like parties"

That should be the number one of the stupidest thing to say to an introvert.

The Contenders
11 "Go Outside"
12 "What is wrong with you?"
13 "You're a weirdo"
14 "Why don't you comb your hair well"
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