Top 10 American Stereotypes We are Most Tired of Hearing
Not all Americans are bad. There are bad people in every country, and stereotypes for every country.All Americans are fat? Are you kidding me?! Saying that makes anyone sound very ignorant. Look at the statistics before you go about blatantly saying that, you arrogant Brits!
It's true that America is one of the most obese countries. But not everyone here is fat. There are people in this country who exercise. Besides, the most obese country is Mexico (no offense to any Mexican users or visitors).
Mexico and certain countries in the Middle East have higher obesity rates, so we aren't the fattest country in the world.
I know how to do CPR, how to survive in the wild, perform long and short division, read and spell long words, treat a venomous snake bite, and lots about nature, chemistry, and more. But I'm American, so I guess that makes me a stupid idiot who doesn't know anything.
America is probably one of the most intelligent countries in the world. How do you think such a young country gained so much control over the world within 200 years? We certainly aren't idiots.
America isn't the brightest country. However, it also isn't the dumbest. Yes, I know Obama was elected twice. But there are stupid people in every country.
As an American, I have to admit that my country isn't the best in the world because of corrupt politicians, white supremacists, mass shootings, gang crime, bullying in schools, and of course, the infamous Donald Trump.
The best country in the world? The country with outdated beliefs on guns, confusing calendars, and the KKK? Sure, you're brilliant at entertainment and inventing things.
I'm an American, and I don't think the U.S. is the best country. I usually hate egotism.
Sure, lots of Americans buy new stuff, but there are also some Americans who look for old items to buy and collect.
Most aren't. SJWs love to exaggerate things way out of proportion. America is probably the least racist and most politically correct country in the world, but we're always accused of being racists because of how ethnically diverse our country is.
Not all of us are. There are racist people in every country. How can a country call us "racist," yet when we do it, we get criticized?
Um... Some people in this country are not white, so for them to be racist makes no sense. Also, every country in this world has at least one racist person, not just America like people make it out to be.
Probably just on the internet.
I'm an American, and I don't think this. I admit the U.S. isn't the best country, but to be honest, there is no best country. Every country has flaws.
Not true. America defends Australia and New Zealand as well as its own country. American heroes are awesome!
What about Nazi Germany? They were the ones who started wars with the most countries, I assume.
Not true (coming from a non-American).
The Newcomers
I'm a Millennial. I have no kids yet, I have no interest in toys, and I do not care if the shop closed.
Everyone thinks we all have the "yeehaw" accent. I've barely seen anyone from Texas with that accent. The only people I know who have it are from South Carolina.
So many of them post y'all on the internet, but I haven't seen yeehaw.
Only cowboys and kids pretending say yeehaw.
It would be a horrible place to live if that were true.
Some are, but many are just normal people. Others might be Asian tiger parents who have high expectations for their kids, politicians who don't take their jobs seriously, corrupt police officers who beat people without any reason at all, or intelligent students studying hard at Harvard or Yale, etc.
Some are, some aren't. It's not necessarily a stereotype in some cases.
Someone needs to repeat history and learn about the Civil War.
I'm American, and I hate country music. I'm not egotistical, I'm very skinny, and I don't think I'm the best at everything, etc.
This is why stereotypes are annoying. They're either not true for the whole group being stereotyped, or they're completely false!
Americans also listen to rock, metal, pop, rap, jazz, etc. Not to mention, most of these actually originated from America.
As an American, country music absolutely sucks.
I hate them. Guns are only good when used in cartoons as funny weapons, like swords, bombs, TNT, anvils, or knives.
Watching slop on television plus ignoring reality equals ignorance.
Huh? A lot of the show's haters are Americans. Apparently, the show is far more popular in the UK.