Top 10 Most Mysterious Ancient Civilizations

Sometimes history leaves behind a lot for us to say about ancient civilizations, such as those of the Greeks or the Egyptians. Other civilizations leave behind very little for us to simply theorize what made them run. For what little is left behind, it only raises so many unanswered questions about these historical peoples.
The Top Ten
Land of Punt An ancient trading partner of Egypt, the Land of Punt was known for its wealth in resources like gold, incense, and ebony. Although its exact location remains unknown, it is thought to be in Northeast Africa or the Arabian Peninsula.

Egyptian records state the people of Punt had major trading expeditions with them and other African nations. They were said to have belonged to a rich land in the middle of Africa, but nobody actually knows where the Land of Punt is. The only sources hinting at their existence were from ancient Egypt, so the likelihood that these stories were true may be just a myth.

They didn't know where they lived.

The Sea Peoples The Sea Peoples were a confederation of naval raiders from the eastern Mediterranean who attacked ancient civilizations such as Egypt and the Hittites around 1200 BCE. Their invasions are linked to the collapse of several Bronze Age civilizations.

Historical terrorists, if you may call them. The Sea Peoples raided the East Mediterranean for almost a century, primarily targeting the Egyptians. It is not known where they came from. All that is known is that they'd come in, attack, then sail off.

Clovis The Clovis culture, dating back around 13,000 years, is known for its distinctive stone tools and is among the earliest widespread human cultures in North America. Clovis artifacts have been found across North America, marking an early phase of human settlement in the Americas.

The Clovis People were spread across what is now North America, but very little is known about their history. They are most associated with their arrowheads, or Clovis points, which were found all across the continent. Despite their large expansion throughout North America, it's not known what happened to them that led to their disappearance.

They were probably just nomads.

Nabta Playa Nabta Playa, located in southern Egypt, is an ancient Neolithic site with stone circles and possible astronomical alignments, predating Stonehenge. It served as a significant cultural and ceremonial center for prehistoric societies in the region.

The Nabta Playa lived in the Nubian Desert thousands of years ago, which would explain why they didn't leave much behind. They are most known for the stones they placed to track the movements of the stars, which were a ground mark for other civilizations to use when exploring astronomy.

Rapa Nui Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui, is famous for its nearly 900 large stone statues, or moai, created by the Rapa Nui people between the 13th and 16th centuries. The civilization faced severe environmental challenges that may have contributed to its decline.

You know the Moai, but what do you know about the people? Well, aside from the famous heads on Easter Island, there's not much on their history. Easter Island is quite far from other ancient civilizations, so those who found Easter Island likely didn't last very long as a civilization. Some say they quickly left. Others say they destroyed their own lives.

The Olmecs The Olmec civilization, existing from approximately 1500 to 400 BCE in present-day southern Mexico, is known for its colossal stone head sculptures and influence on later Mesoamerican cultures. They are considered one of the earliest complex societies in the Americas.

The Olmecs were quite advanced in their culture, which can be seen in their development of one of the earliest writing systems in the world and their art style, which included the sculpting of colossal heads. They occupied a similar area to the Mayans but vanished in a similar fashion. It's not known how they could have been wiped out despite being such a large Mesoamerican civilization.

The Sanxingdui The Sanxingdui culture, which existed in present-day Sichuan, China, around 1200 BCE, is known for its advanced bronze artifacts and unique artistic style, distinct from other ancient Chinese civilizations. Large finds from the site include masks, statues, and ceremonial items, indicating a sophisticated society.

The Sanxingdui settled in ancient China for about 500 years before being wiped out. They are most known for the bronze heads they created as part of their culture. It is not known how they were wiped out, although studies suggest a major natural disaster diverted their supplies.

Bell-Beaker Culture The Bell-Beaker culture, named for its distinctive pottery style, existed across much of Europe between 2800 and 1800 BCE, showing early evidence of metalworking. Its spread reflects significant migration and cultural exchange during the European Chalcolithic period.

Named for the distinct pottery they left behind, the Bell-Beaker Culture was widespread across regions such as modern-day Ireland, England, and Italy. They had major involvement in trade with other civilizations and were even said to have built the legendary Stonehenge. However, not much else is known about their culture.

Mayans The Maya civilization thrived in present-day Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize, known for achievements in mathematics, astronomy, and complex city-states with monumental architecture. Their civilization reached its peak during the Classic Period (250-900 CE) and declined in the following centuries.

They are actually still around. There are over 1.4 million people of Mayan descent, most of whom live in Mexico and Guatemala.

Indus Valley Civilization The Indus Valley Civilization, also known as the Harappan Civilization, flourished from approximately 3300 to 1300 BCE in present-day Pakistan and northwest India, featuring advanced urban planning and sophisticated drainage systems. Major sites include Harappa and Mohenjo-daro, with evidence of trade, standardized weights, and writing.

This civilization laid down the foundation for others to follow, yet so little is still known about them. They thrived alongside Egypt and Mesopotamia and were one of the largest civilizations of their day. Unfortunately, they disappeared without a trace. Some say it was due to climate change, but we'll never really know.

The Contenders
Gobekli Tepe Gobekli Tepe in present-day Turkey is considered one of the oldest known temple complexes, dating back around 11,000 years and built by hunter-gatherer societies. The site consists of large T-shaped stone pillars arranged in circles, possibly used for ceremonial purposes.

This civilization's architecture is said to have been far too advanced for its age, being the oldest civilization listed here, which led some to believe aliens intervened somehow. It's not known what purpose their large stone pillars served despite there being over 200 erected throughout the land. As for their culture, well, that's another mystery.

Anasazi The Anasazi, also known as the Ancestral Puebloans, were a Native American culture in the southwestern United States known for their cliff dwellings and advanced agricultural techniques. They thrived from approximately 100 CE to 1300 CE, after which they migrated or dispersed.
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