Top 10 Most Terrifying Civilizations

The Soviet Union killed millions over a span of time, keeping every citizen in complete and constant fear. More and worse than Nazi Germany.

I can just imagine the poor Jews and other people that the Nazis targeted living in and near Germany at this time. I'm really glad I was born after they surrendered.
It would be scary if the Nazis were after you. Hiding in horror as cities burned and got bombed. Soldiers killing the Jews. Imagine what Anne Frank went through.
DUH. The Holocaust was terrible. While the rest of Europe was flourishing, it was drenched in war.

They sent thousands of men and animals to die in the Colosseum and many other amphitheatres around the Roman Empire just to entertain the common people. They destroyed entire empires (such as the Carthaginian Empire) that opposed them. The Empire's expansion was almost unstoppable. The Emperors could kill thousands of their own citizens by simply asking for it.
Being an enemy of this Empire meant certain death. For them, it was a question of how brutally they wanted you to die. Before the invention of gunpowder, the weapon that killed the most people in history was the Roman gladius. No one could stop them. They were hardly ever merciful. The Roman Empire is without a doubt the most terrifying.

The only communist monarchy on the planet.

Responsible for killing off poor Asian peoples.
They're like Nazi Germany before Nazi Germany.
Estimates range from 30 million to 60 million dead (over 15% of the world killed - WWII killed only 2%), with bowmen on horses. Their conquests started in 1207 and ended in 1472. Wouldn't you be terrified?
They scared the crap out of people where they planned to invade. I also read that they were taller than most other civilians of that time.

The Newcomers

Unit 731 is basically the Japanese version of Nazi human experimentation.

They even murdered their own people! The Celtic kings would put the poor, ill, or needy people in front of their enemies. Their castles were on hills far away, so when they saw smoke, they knew the village had been attacked, allowing them to run away and abandon those who needed help.
They would chop off your head and put it on spikes for all to see, like a trophy. They would execute people publicly for all to see, including family members, just to prove a point and show power. It was sick back then!

The Maori were one of the most powerful ancient civilizations this world has ever witnessed and still remain a powerful force to this day. They are the only undefeated race, defeating every country and race they have come up against.

The torture, methods of war, and even how they advanced is enough to put the Assyrians in the top 10.
Their torturing methods were scary as hell!
This may be one of the worst:
- Let's toss weak babies who can't handle wine off a cliff!
- I'm sorry, did you die in childbirth or were you killed in battle? No? No grave for you. You have dishonored us.
- Oh, you lost your shield? Didn't you hear? Lose your shield, you lose your head.
- Let's go kill some Athenians and try to bring an end to democracy.

The world's biggest terrorist organization. The wolf disguised in sheep's clothing.
The sole surviving evil empire after the Cold War in my book.
The Cretans are a terrifying civilization for me because of their bloody vendettas (feuds).