Best Freshwater Aquarium Fish
Tall, slim, and majestic. They slowly swim around and are a pleasure to watch.

My betta, Jellybean, is the cutest little dude I have ever had. He loves his helpings of bloodworms and has a little spot he loves to hide in his tank.
Bettas are awesome, and I love to see them thrive in large, clean, filtered, and heated tanks instead of the small, dirty bowls that ignorant people put them in. They are living creatures, not décor.
If you're looking for an easy-to-care-for fish, get a betta!
These fun little guys are a joy to watch and are very versatile. They are suitable for all aquariums.
The most helpful cleanup fish. So many cool varieties to choose from, like zebra, cactus, goldy, and royal.
Although not compatible with other fish, African Cichlids come in great colors, and their sizes can range from 3 cm to 30 cm.
They are beautiful fish but are very hard to care for. They need a 75-gallon tank and perfect water conditions.
Without a doubt, the most beautiful freshwater fish. I'd make it number 1, but it's difficult to care for.
Who doesn't want a see-through fish?
Possibly the most popular aquarium fish. You must keep them in schools to see how awesome they are.
Oscars are alright. I think they're fun to have around and they look cool. However, for people on a budget, Oscars might not be the right pet. They can be decently expensive, and they require an even more expensive tank. At Walmart, Oscars cost about $11, while I've seen them at other places for $14 at small sizes. They require a 55-gallon tank, which can be costly.
They are very common but can grow to 1 foot 2 inches. They need a 50-gallon tank. Oscars are very aggressive, and if you want something to keep with them, the tank will need to be 75 gallons.
The most beautiful tetra. It is a pleasure to look at (not the long-finned variety).
The Newcomers

I personally prefer Goldfish for the variety and the affection they give to their caretakers. They're smart enough to recognize their owner and distinguish them from just a family member. They're also smart enough to do tricks like fetching, going through hoops, and playing soccer. My Goldfish always comes to the front of the tank when I walk near it.
Goldfish are one of the smartest aquarium fish. With training, such as through the R2 Fish School, you can even teach them to do amazing tricks! They are also long-lived and have a better memory than many non-hominid primates. Goldfish come in both slim and fancy varieties.
Despite this, it's sad that people often view fish as merely "ornamental" or "decorative" objects, without appreciating their abilities. Many people consider goldfish "throwaway," "useless," or "simply stupid/ugly/bait," which makes me feel sad. There's also a common misconception that goldfish can live in bowls, which is simply not true. The oldest goldfish lived alone in a 10-gallon tank, but even that's not ideal. If you want your goldfish to grow properly, consider a small tank with a fancy variety, as they require 10 gallons each. In my experience, this has worked well, though they are social creatures, so a 20-gallon tank with two is better.
If you're going to criticize the "40/20 gallons per goldfish rule," I must say that's for people who aren't interested in doing 10% water changes daily. Ten gallons is enough for them to grow to 5 inches long (medium size). This won't shorten their lifespan, as long as you have good cycling bacteria established and a good filter. Everything will be fine in terms of water chemistry and quality.
Goldfish, like angelfish, arowanas, bettas, and other clever fish, can recognize the person who feeds them. Their hearing is far more developed than ours, and they can recognize who plays classical music! If this list were for the most intelligent fish, it should be: 1) arowanas, 2) angelfish, 3) goldfish, 4) bettas, and 5) oscars.
Goldfish, bettas, and arowanas are some of the fish you can easily train. Anyway, this list is for aquaria in general, not the "Top Ten Most Clever Fish."
Funny little guys. They love to hover underneath driftwood.
Awesome fish! They are weird-looking, large, and come in all sorts of bold primary colors. The problem is, they are not very compatible with other fish.
Guppies are very colorful and reproduce quickly.
Very beautiful with brilliant colors. A must-have if you love smaller fish.
I love balloon mollies. They're so chubby!
A fantastic fish that is fascinating to watch. An ambush predator in the wild, very cool to watch in your home.
They are very aggressive and hard to care for.