Worst Things About PlayStation 4
Yeah, this is actually the only one where this is a problem. For Xbox, just get a Windows PC, and you get a virtual Xbox with free online. For the Switch, buy online, and you get a bunch of free retro games. Also, the Switch is WAY cheaper, only $20 a year.
It kind of sucks that you have to pay to play online, but I always get the 12-month PlayStation Plus, so I only have to pay once a year.
This is pathetic at this point.
Sony basically just steals Nintendo's ideas. I did my research on the disk drive add-on for the Super Nintendo, and my sources tell me Sony was just going to use it as a piggyback into the game industry and launch their own console once the SNES lifespan ended. Graphics are overrated. If we did not put as much emphasis on them, we could have much larger and better games. Nintendo never prioritized graphics, and they have made the best games of all time. PlayStation is basically a bunch of stolen Nintendo ideas. Buy a Switch.
This is probably the biggest reason why I don't want to buy a PS4. The controller has the joysticks right next to each other, and it's very uncomfortable.
I agree. I fear at some point, someone with the longest thumbs and sharpest fingernails will easily ruin the thumbsticks and instantly ram it into the touchpad, breaking it.
The thumbsticks make it awkward and weird to grab hold of. You'll wriggle like a worm!
The Newcomers
I know! That hunk of junk has more anime games than the Switch! And what if someone hates anime? Buy an Xbox!
Remember when a ton of private information got leaked?
It's not better than Xbox. Both are systems with the same games and capabilities.
I mean, Sony did make the Emoji Movie, so they're kinda going to hell for that.
I got banned for a month for saying F off, not the word but the letter, like what!
It ripped off the Wii because it created the PlayStation Move.