Top 10 Pokemon Characters Who Should Return

I saw something of May with Serena, so why not have May return? She might not, though, because I heard that May's actor isn't well. But she could still come back.
I saw a picture of Serena and May together since May lives in Hoenn. So bring her back. I don't care if her actress is sick. Get a new one. They did it with Misty, so why not May?
Bring back May and Drew. It would be great to see them come back together.

The series has never been the same ever since Misty left. Sure, she made an appearance here and there, but I really want to see her travel with Ash again. Even though May, Dawn, Iris, and Serena all took her place, none of them have ever been able to fill the void that was left by Misty. Please bring her back.
It's finally happening! Misty is finally returning. Not only Misty but Brock is also returning.
I don't care what it takes. They need to bring back Misty.

She is just the perfect friend of Ash. I love her character so much I can never stop thinking about her being with Ash. She was one of the reasons why Diamond and Pearl was the best season.
She has a character too similar to that of Ash. Her contest moves have made Ash learn so many new moves like Counter Shield, Ice Aqua Jet, etc. She and Ash share a bond so strong that no girl can take it over. I just love Dawn's character so much. Seeing Ash and Dawn part ways in Diamond and Pearl made my heart heavy.

Brock should return (again) for Pokémon Journeys, at the very least as a guest character that stays for at least a couple of episodes. Brock is the perfect source for comedy in Pokémon and gives the show back its old charm! (Though I like the new ones too.)
Brock is funny and smart. I miss him.

I can't believe they never brought him back for another episode. He would have been a great rival for Ash.

Of course this one's got to return. It would be nice for Ash's Lucario and Greninja to meet. I don't know if Greninja is gonna take Lucario under his wing or if they'll be enemies. Greninja would be great against Leon, and don't get started with the bond phenomenon. Goh would wet his flipping pants when he sees SATOSHI-GEKKOUGA (if that's how you spell it).
Greninja is a must and should really return to Ash. I mean, he really could not spend his whole life cutting the vines for Kalos. I think it should be Alain's job to take care of the vines. After all, it was his fault that the Kalos Crisis happened in the first place.

Ok, let's get this straight. If she returns, then congrats Goh, you're jealous of someone who has a crush on Ash. Now if Serena does return, don't expect any comments about the kiss. That freaked me out. I was used to it being in the movies like Pokémon 2000, but that got me thinking that she's most likely gonna return in Sun and Moon. Didn't do it in Gen 7, but second time's the charm.
Serena should return as well. Also, I want to see how her Braixen is doing and her Pokémon performances. That would be a real treat!

The Newcomers

As with Greninja, Sceptile is extremely fast. I'd love for him to return. That would be awesome! And it would be a bonus if he decided to get a Key Stone and a Sceptilite and Mega Evolve. That would be the best bonus ever!
If Ash were to run into Tobias, then he should bring Sceptile to kick his butt in the Hyper Class. And I don't remember seeing it when Ash and Goh went to Oak's lab, so there.

So far in the Pokémon anime, I have seen characters return like Brock and Dawn, but have not seen any of the Kalos gang. Yet! So Bonnie should really return. It would also be cool to see Max return in the same episode, so Ash, May, Clemont, Bonnie, Dedenne, and Max could return.
She should return so she could get some development. She got some, but she seriously needs to return. I mean, her goal is to win the Kalos League (if I can't do it, what's to say she can), become a performer, and win a badge from her brother. If she does return, then Clemont has to return too.

Iris is awesome, but nobody realizes it because they're either racist or can't get over the fact that she calls Ash a little kid, which he actually is. How sad.
Iris definitely did a lot to improve her progress as a Dragon Master *cough* unlike Misty *cough* and Serena *cough*. It would be interesting to see her as an improved Dragon Master and what she's been enduring in Unova. Black and White was an excellent series, and her return would definitely add some (as Cilan would say) spice to the series.
~Silverfrost of RiverClan

I wanted this guy to return. Why?
1. A redeeming character since Wish Upon the Seven Nights and Lucario and the Mystery of Mew.
2. Gets his own four sequels: The Prince of the Sea, Manaphy (as Max), Kyurem vs. The Sword of Justice, XYZ Championship Arc (as Alain), and I Choose You! (as Marshadow).
3. If he got Ash's Sceptile, Ash's Greninja (that would be ridiculously amazing if the writers did that), or a Spiked-Eared Pichu, he'd be the next Gold.
4. Remove that ridiculously useless half-sister/not-so-sister May (Max got adopted after Delia got raped by Butch in the 6th movie) and replace his partners. His faithful new friends/partners are Serena and Tracey, following his rivals, Ash, Iris, and Alain.
5. The three main villains are Cyrus, Lysandre (also the two real villains are spared by Bonnie's faithfulness), and Arceus. SPOILERS: Arceus is evil because He sent his granddaughter Jirachi a curse. A curse that put her to sleep for a thousand years, and it's only up to Max to stop Arceus' regime and bring back the real Original Dragon (Jirachi/Rayquaza/Nekromza) to what it used to be.

They need to do a follow-up episode where Ash and friends meet the ghost of the soldier she was in love with and figure out how to reunite the two.
The story was very romantic. I would love it if Ash and his friends (maybe Gastly) found the soldier she was in love with and returned him to her.

Infernape should also return. In fact, Greninja, Sceptile, Infernape, and Charizard should all return. Infernape with Blaze is really strong. Maybe it can rival even Greninja's Ash-Greninja form. But since it's well, water vs. fire, that probably won't go well for Infernape if they actually fought.

It would be very interesting to see what became of Sabrina after Ash's battle with her in Season 1.

She should return to Alola, same as Iris and Dawn, because I want her to meet Dawn. Maybe Bianca's Minccino will have a crush on Dawn's Buneary because they're both Normal types.

She never got to battle Ash in the Johto League even though she always wanted to beat him.

I saw something with Paul with a Grimmsnarl, and he's now a Frontier Brain. So, he bet is strong, and Cynthia said they would participate in the Champion League. Which sounds like they knew about the World Coronation Series but didn't bring it up till episode 12.
Bruh, we gotta see the long-term effects of this boy's rivalry with Ash, because we all know they exist, and we all need to see his current companions react to their banter.
I want Paul to return just to see if his personality has changed. But also, he is the coolest character as well, even if he was mean in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl.

Please bring Cilan back to meet Ash again, with Iris. Let him meet Bonnie, Clemont, and his childhood friend Serena for the first time!

Ash's Butterfree should return, even for just one episode, to help Ash in a Gym Battle.

Sawyer is one of the strongest rivals Ash has, even though Ash lost to him once, and his Sceptile's Frenzy Plant may spell trouble for Ash. Other than that, it's always interesting to see him on screen. I hope he achieved his dream.

Ritchie should return for an epic rematch. I was so disappointed and angry that Charizard flat-out fell asleep. Seriously, Charizard, you ruined the fight! He would make a perfect rival for Ash.
They need to bring Ritchie back so he and Ash can have their long-awaited rematch.