Top 10 Stupidest Pokemon

The Pokemon franchise has given us some truly iconic creatures from the fierce and powerful Charizard to the undeniably adorable Pikachu. But let's be honest, not every Pokemon is a design masterpiece. Some of them are so bizarre, so goofy-looking, they're impossible to take seriously. We're talking about the Pokemon that look the dumbest and act the stupidest.

These are the Pokemon that make you scratch your head and wonder "What were the designers thinking?" They're the ones that, bless their hearts, are just a little less... majestic.
The Top Ten
Magikarp Magikarp, known in Japan as Koiking, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise. It resembles an orange fish with whiskers. It was created by Ken Sugimori, Magikarp first appeared in the video games Pokémon Red and Blue and subsequent sequels. It is a water type that evolves... read more

I feel bad for this little fish.

Why do people keep bullying this guy? Sure, he has a pretty bad move pool, but all you have to do is get it to level 20 and all will be well. Also, just in case you don't know, Magikarp and Gyarados are based on a myth of a carp that swam up a river and passed through a gate called the "dragon's gate," then became a mighty dragon.

Pikachu vs. Magikarp, begin! Some trainer: Magikarp, use Splash! Nothing happens. Ash: Pikachu, THUNDER! ZAP! Magikarp is unable to battle! Ash and Pikachu win! Poor Magikarp. If only you knew that some trainer wasted a Pokeball on you just to get a guaranteed Water type of destruction.

Good job, Magikarp. You finally achieved something. You tried really hard to be a good Pokemon, and you ended up as the most hated Pokemon ever. Laugh out loud.

Zubat Zubat, known in Japan as Zubat, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Zubat is the WORST! Useless to capture, weak in battle, but it has that attack 'Supersonic'! You fight 10 million of these jerks every time you enter a cave, and every single time they confuse your leading Pokemon, causing endless battles as your Pokemon hurts itself and Zubat whittles down its strength with Tackle or Growl.

I raised a Zubat in Platinum, and I almost got rid of it because all it knew was Leech Life. But once it learned Wing Attack and Bite, it was amazing. Finally, when it grew into a Crobat, it could learn the wackiest moves. My Crobat currently knows Fly, Cross Poison, X-Scissor, and Giga Drain!

Pikachu Pikachu (Japanese: ピカチュウ) are a species of Pokémon, fictional creatures that appear in an assortment of video games, animated television shows and movies, trading card games, and comic books licensed by The Pokémon Company, a Japanese corporation. A mascot of the Pokemon franchise, it's... read more

Well, there is a reason I find it kinda annoying that every time Ash finds a rival and the rival just got a new starter from the Professor, here comes Ash: "I challenge you." He throws out Pikachu, and Pikachu has a draw or loses! We all know that any of Ash's Pokemon would be able to beat it. But no... Pikachu could never beat a new starter Pokemon! It's SO FRUSTRATING!

He appears everywhere. I pick up a new manga, and he gets the biggest spotlight. A new anime happens (Generations and other specials), and he gets the spotlight. It's become so annoying seeing this.

He looks cute, but he's an ass with a trash attitude and is annoying sometimes.

Jynx Jynx, known in Japan as Rougela, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise. She is known as one of the more humanoid pokemon.

Jynx is so racist and sexist. I don't know what was going through the creators' heads when they made this. Well, good job. You succeeded in making a Pokemon which is yet another overpowered psychic type with a crappy design. Good job!

Most psychic-type Pokemon are good, but this thing is not. It is ugly and weak. It is the reason most people do not like Generation 1. Most Pokemon based on people aren't very good. Jynx's pre-evolution, Smoochum, is TERRIBLE, and this thing is worse.

Jynx is not only stupid, but it can also prevent others from playing Pokemon. Seriously, it looks like blackface and a racist caricature. It should not be preventing people from playing the game.

Unown Unown is a Psychic type Pokémon from the Johto region, taking on the form of letters and punctuation. It is often considered the weakest Pokémon, with low stats and access to only one move, Hidden Power (which can be learnt by nearly every Pokémon anyway)

I had a lot of trouble choosing between this or Magikarp, but this Pokemon is treated like it's some legend - the third movie, Aegis Cave in Mystery Dungeon, etc.

Pokemon Company at the time Crystal, Gold, and Silver were revealed: Hmm, we need to make Magikarp look good... Worker: I know! Let's make their forms letters of the alphabet and make them learn one crappy move, Hidden Power! That's a great idea!

Haha, no it's not.

This thing is absolutely idiotic. I have no idea why this hideous creature even exists.

What am I talking about? I'm talking about how Unown is supposed to look like the Latin alphabet, even though it was created in Japan. You know, where characters are used instead of letters? Terrible idea. Just terrible.

Weedle Weedle, known in Japan as Beedle, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Worse than Caterpie when you need to battle one because Caterpie can't poison you. Weedle has got to be at least the stupidest bug Pokemon ever. First of all, it's ugly. Secondly, it's weak, and its favorite thing to do is poison you. Last but not least, you probably hate this thing!

Weedle is the most useless Pokemon. I don't even know why it was made!

Mr. Mime Mr. Mime, known in Japan as Barrierd, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Mr. Mime. WOW.

First of all, it's just SO UGLY! It's pink, it has kickball joints, and its 3D model looks CREEPY. This is something I'm concerned will sneak into my house and tickle my feet while I sleep.

Second of all, its name! Mr. Mime? It can be a GIRL. And calling this Pokemon Mr. Mime is so dumb. It's like having the scientific name for the human race be Mr. Person. You're a Mr. Person, I'm a Mr. Person, we're a SOCIETY of Mr. Persons. COME ON, GAME FREAK!

Mr. Mime is basically just a human playing a clown in the circus. Pokemon are supposed to relate to real-life animals besides humans. Also, the gender ratio of Mr. Mime (emphasis on Mr.) is 50% male, 50% female. This means that half of these "misters" are female.

Metapod Metapod, known in Japan as Transel, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Actually, everyone who said that it only knows Harden, that's only if you catch it as a Metapod. I'm replaying Leaf Green, and I caught it as a Caterpie, and it of course didn't forget all its moves before evolving. Now I have an amazing Butterfree.

There is nothing worse than fighting multiple Metapods in a row using Harden over and over until they take virtually no damage.

"Metapod used Harden... Metapod used Harden... Metapod used Harden!"
Metapod should be number one on this list.

Psyduck Psyduck, known in Japan as Koduck, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Psyduck always gets confused, and sometimes I even wonder if it knows it's in battle. All it does is twist its head and say its own name. Seriously.

Ok, you guys are kinda dipsy. Psyduck can't even remember his own moves until his headache gets bad enough, and that rarely happens. Also, Misty doesn't want him, and even Team Rocket's not desperate enough to use someone as stupid as Psyduck. No offense, Psyduck.

Even though he's a water type, he can't even swim! He barely has any good moves, and he always pops out of nowhere, like the one Misty got.

Goldeen Goldeen, known in Japan as Tosakinto, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Hmm, we need a new Pokemon. Let's think up a quick design. Oh! I know! Let's put a horn on a fish and call it original!

Pointless Pokemon, even worse evolution. I don't even like goldfish. They're like the slaves of the fish world, absolutely useless!

Goldeen can't do anything! I don't even know why it was made, really!

The Newcomers

? Electivire

This thing is so ugly it makes Jynx look like Gardevoir. (Ok, that's an exaggeration, but Electivire is still really ugly.)

? Charmeleon

It learns Dragon moves, but it is a Fire type.

The Contenders
Spoink Spoink, known in Japan as Baneboo, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

If it stops jumping, it dies, yet in the GameCube games, they show it falling down when it faints. Now, you have to feel guilty every time you beat it because you know you just made its heart stop.

Seriously, how did they think up this Pokemon? It is so stupid, and it is also terrible in battle. (And by the way, why isn't Psyduck on this list?)

This is what happens when the Pokemon designers got high.


Explosion. Don't need to say anything else, do I? It blows up and kills itself.

What happens if Koffing actually coughs?

Ew, it's hideous. I don't get why some people find it cute. It's so dumb and ugly.

Luvdisc Luvdisc, known in Japan as Lovecus, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

This pathetic heart gets no love. It can't evolve, has an ability banned with Drizzle, and it deals pitiful damage without Toxic or significant boosts. Every game has its laughing stock, and this thing excels at that. Even Sunkern can beat it with Sunny Day, the new Growth, and SolarBeam.

Combined with a shallow moveset of mostly Water, Ice, and Normal attacks (excluding Hidden Power), we have one pathetic creature that should have taken the SolarBeam from Chespin instead of Magikarp (because it evolves into Gyarados, who gets stuff like Taunt, Dragon Dance, and Thunder Wave). Sorry, I don't love you.

Starly Starly is a flying-type Pokémon. It is classified as the Starling Pokémon. As evidenced in its Pokédex entry, Starly usually travels in large flocks.

It's not Starly that's annoying. It's Staravia. Starly's evolution appears on every flipping route, and having the ability Intimidate just wastes like 4 seconds in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. Screw you, Staravia!

Starly may be weak, but it's cute and evolves into a badass bird who will destroy you. I love Staraptor.

Starly, the starling Pokémon, is so weak but cute. I loved the episode Nightfall? Nightmares! in season 24 where Chloe and Eevee were chased by a lot of Starly after annoying one.

Charizard Charizard, known in Japan as Lizardon, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise. Created by Ken Sugimori, Charizard first appeared in the video games Pokémon Red and Blue and subsequent sequels. They have later appeared in various merchandise, spinoff titles and animated... read more

Charizard is completely overrated and is unnecessarily maligned. Personally, I think that its stats could be much better, and giving Charizard two mega evolutions instead of one, or none, made it even more overrated.

The worst Pokemon ever! It's in 2/3 teams. It's the only dumb fire starter. It's a lizard, hello! I hate the first generation. Why? Because it's the "factory" of dumb Pokemon (Jynx, Pinsir, Electrode, Muk, Charizard, and many more).

No, I'm not a kid that loves the newest generations. Charmander was my first Pokemon, and he was not bad. He was in 2/3 teams! I like to be original.

Meowth Meowth, known in Japan as Nyarth, is a Normal-type Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise. Designed by Ken Sugimori, it was first introduced in the Pokemon Red and Blue, and is also known as the mascot of Team Rocket in the anime. At level 28, it evolves into Persian... read more

You know what doesn't make sense? In the anime, Team Rocket was always thinking about paychecks. Why didn't they just get Meowth to learn Pay Day? Instead of doing that, they are in stupid Black and White and aren't even funny anymore! What happened to "We're Blasting Off Again"?

Meowth in Team Rocket is amazing and an awesome manipulator.

But seriously, black and white? Seriously?

I am a HUGE fan of the Pokemon anime, especially the villains, but what happened to the awkward, pathetic failures that Team Rocket used to be? Now they jetpack off instead of blasting off. It's sad.

Gengar Gengar, known in Japan by the same name, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.
Feebas Feebas, known in Japan as Hinbass, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

I'm surprised this isn't on the list yet. I mean, seriously, it's basically a remake of Magikarp. Yes, I know it has at least a better move pool than Magikarp, but this Pokemon is also very ugly. It may evolve into the beautiful and majestic Milotic, but Feebas itself isn't that great.

First of all, it will not let me ever trade, so if I put this on my team (which I never would anyway), it still sucks.

Feebas is uglier but better than Magikarp. This is because it can live anywhere.


It's ugly and useless! Even a Rattata has a better move list!

Snubbull looks like a bulldog!


Hey! Why don't we rip off cool Pokemon like Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan and replace them with creepy things that look like Ernie and Bert? That would be a good idea, wouldn't it?

Pretty much all human-based Pokemon are stupid. What's more is that this guy looks like he's made of Play-Doh and has a karate robe on.

Wow, let's make some new fighting types and name them after ways to hurt people. And we'll misspell the names, too. Oh, but we have to make distinctions, so let's make them each a different color. And put them in karate gis!

Oddish Oddish, known in Japan as Nazonokusa, is a dual Grass-Poison type Pokémon from the Pokémon series of video games and child-friendly animes.

Oddish is a weirdo with a grass hairdo. It's like Nintendo just said, We don't have any Pokemon without arms, so they made him a blue seed. Then they said, Let's give him a spiffy hairdo!

Oddish is just stupid. It's weed.

I'm a little radish, catch me. Trainer: Rattata, use bite. Oddish: Lord mercy, no! Rattata used bite, Oddish fainted.

Next day, the same thing happens, except it's a girl with a Pidgey that uses Tackle. Infinity time later, the same thing happens.

Eevee Eevee, known in Japan as Eievui, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise first introduced in the games Pokemon Red and Blue. Considered as the evolution Pokemon, it has the most evolutions out of all Pokemon species. Eevee can evolve to Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon,... read more

Eevee, awesome? Oh my god! Eevee can even beat Arceus. Wow! He is supposed to be number 3. He is even worse than Zigzagoon!

She is quite stupid and ugly, but she can evolve to kick your ass!


Weezing's face... Oh my god. He looks like, Why is life so bad?! And plus, what are those things coming out of him? Is it what I think it is... is he farting?

Some Team Rocket members were trying to create a Ghost-type out of Koffing clones, but instead, they failed to create the Ghost-type and ended up with this.

It just looks... Ugh. I think Koffing looks better. I like elegant/cute looking Pokemon, but this thing... Maybe Koffing needs another evolution?


Simipour, I once used before, but it is so weak! Why were the elemental monkeys even Pokemon? It looks like a hippie.

That face is creeping me out. I'm a drag ally, but keep your kids away from it.

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