Top Ten Reasons Why Bringing a Lunch from Home to School Is Better Than Buying School Lunch

The Top Ten
1 Lunch from home is better tasting
2 You actually know what you are eating for lunch

Yeah. My school serves good lunch, but sometimes looks like fast food. Chicken nuggets. I'm not kidding.

True, you always know what is in your lunch, if you buy lunch, you may not know what in some of the food

This one made me laugh.

3 Lunch from home is guaranteed to not be expired

True story: I was sitting near some kids at lunch,thankfully with a packed lunch instead of their school ones,and one of them opened their yogurt and found literally MOULD. Yes,GREEN MOULD. When he gave it to the teacher,she acted like it was no big deal and have him another. I was THIS close to calling an inspector...

The school would not give you expired food

4 Lunch from home is cheaper

My family saves over $2000 by bringing lunch from home each year

Yep. Back in my elementary school, it would cost 10$ per meal.

I used to get free and reduced (40 cent) lunches

5 More options at home
6 You can pack as much as you want from home

Yeah! But if you're in k-5 then I heard the teachers will tell you to stop eating at some point. It's sad, but in middle school you can eat as much as you want with no one to bother you!

7 You can pack what you want from home

I had some nasty expired Dominos pizza for lunch. The guy across the table had Subway. I was so jealous.

8 Lunch from home is less likely to get you sick
9 School lunch just wants to make you barf

Once, my Mac and cheese was completely COLD AND OILY! Yes, it was oily. The cheese sauce gathered on the bottom of the cup in clumps. I swore never again to buy the mac and cheese

Agreed. They just grab pizza that was in the fridge for two weeks, then throw it in the microwave, and then they just slap it on the tray with some tiny milk jug.

One time at my school, the school made a Rainbow pizza, which was a pizza except they put vegetables under the cheese

10 You don't need lunch money, less chance of bullying.

Less chance of bullying from home lunch? In your dreams! I am Asian, so my mom usually packs Asian food in my lunches. In either 6th or 7th grade, my mom packed me a lychee drink with my lunch, and all the other kids teased me for it!

I have lunch from home, but to the people who buy lunch:Have you met any bullies yet?

The Contenders
11 You can pack sweets

My school sells the sweets

Yeah screw eating healthy!

That's unhealthy

12 You don't vomit from home lunch

Once I packed an overripe banana and when I ate it I gagged and retched in front of the entire cafeteria. Thank my lucky stars that I did not vomit. NEVER AGAIN WILL I PACK BANANAS FOR LUNCH!

13 You can finish your lunch faster

I know, right? Some kids in my lunch line think they can get their lunch for free when you have an ID card. This holds up the line.

Best part of lunch is the dessert

Where does this come from

14 You don't have to wait in line for lunch

Some kids in my lunch line have no idea what they're doing, so I have to wait forever!

This is the biggest flex. Never have to rush for a spot with your friends

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