Top 10 Reasons Why Spring Sucks in the US

The Top Ten
1 Tornadoes
2 Severe weather
3 It causes spring like storm systems in the east and south states in summer
4 Floods
5 Too much rain

Usually it isn't a problem here, but this year, we've been getting rain every few days.

This is a severe problem in England all year round.

6 Can be hot or cold
7 Bees
8 Pollen
9 Obnoxious teens during Spring Break

I thought spring break would be cooler than half term.

10 Winter ends
The Contenders
11 Increased fatal car accidents due to daylight savings
12 Allergies

Allergies! Ironically, I was born in the Spring.

13 Daylight savings time begins
14 Kids going to school in the dark due to daylight savings time
15 Weather is unpredictable
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