Top 10 Best Rock Albums of 2020

I looked at the worst rock albums last year had to offer. What about the good ones? Well, this is kinda what this list is for.
The Top Ten
What the Dead Men Say - Trivium

This album was certainly among my favorite releases of last year. It's got everything I'd want in a Trivium album. Great vocals, lyrics, riffs - it has the whole package and a lot more.

Saying that it delivered on my expectations would be an understatement. I love the screams on this one and the clean vocals as well. Not the best rock, let alone metal, release of last year but certainly pretty damn close.

Mesmer Theatre - The Arcana

This is definitely a leap forward from Lemon Freddy Phantom of the Sky. Again, loads of different styles make up this very eclectic album, but the signature is still pure Arcana.

Highlights for me are Sweet Deity, Sunshine Brightly, Time Is on the River, Coming in the Motion, and Elsie. Great sound and production.

Ohms - Deftones

Somewhat heavier than other albums on this list in terms of overall sound. However, regardless of whether you label it as "rock" or "metal," it certainly is an amazing album that's worthy of a top 5 position on this list.

Chino Moreno's vocals here are stellar, the riffs are fantastic, and best of all, it doesn't have a lot of weak moments. A massive step up from "Gore" in every way imaginable.

Imploding the Mirage - The Killers

The Killers is a band best known for songs like Mr. Brightside, When You Were Young, or even Somebody Told Me. This album proves they can change their sound while still sounding relatively decent.

Among one of the year's best releases for sure. If you're a fan of The Killers or indie in general, I'd say this album is a must-own.

Whoosh! - Deep Purple

Another old band making a new album last year that no one expected to. Out of nowhere, this album came into existence. It was a pleasant surprise to say the least.

Not only is it a solid experience, but it also offers a ton of enjoyability for those that dig classic rock. If I've heard correctly, this is their "last" album. Well, quite a final album to go out with.

Underneath - Code Orange
Si, Vis Pacem Para Bellum - Seether

Seether is a band that does what they do best. Distorted riffs and chaotic screaming that at times feels reminiscent of Nirvana. Not always the case, and with this record, there seems to be more of a Tool influence than anything else, especially on the lead single Dangerous.

I'd certainly say it's better than other post-grunge albums from that year. Is that saying a lot? Not really, no.

Letter to You - Bruce Springsteen

Bruce Springsteen is a rock star that's been around for ages. This album proves that "The Boss" still knows how to make some solid tunes.

Lots of great moments that rarely ever feel dull at all. If you're into older artists, then I'd recommend checking this one out sometime.

Ordinary Man - Ozzy Osbourne

Ozzy Osbourne as a solo artist has his fair share of good and bad releases. This, though, is probably among his better releases. Does it top some of his older material? No. But does it top some of his more questionable material? Yes, yes it does. Under the Graveyard is among some of his best material in years.

The New Abnormal - The Strokes

The New Abnormal is an album that I'd argue is worth its praise. The Strokes still have creativity soaking through their veins.

This album is certainly among their best and is proof that they still have ideas and know how to execute them. Not the best rock album from last year but certainly one of the best.

The Newcomers

? Death of an Optimist - Grandson
? The Blood on the Wall - XIII
The Contenders
We Are Chaos - Marilyn Manson

If you love Marilyn Manson's signature dark and eerie sound, then this album has got you covered. From its hooks, lyrics, and vocal delivery, it's certainly an album that sets out to achieve what it aims to do.

Certainly worth at least a spot on this list due to its sound and overall atmosphere alone.

Punisher - Phoebe Bridgers
Gigaton - Pearl Jam
Power Up - AC/DC

It's kinda weird for a band like AC/DC to still be making music. Regardless, this album has their signature sound and vocal style done well. I'm glad they didn't make an album with Axl Rose because Brian Johnson's voice ultimately is a better fit for the band. Highly recommend this album for the most hardcore of AC/DC fans.

High Risk Behavior - The Chats

These youngsters really blew up in 2020 amongst the punks. A great punk release in 2020. Raw, 70s-style punk with a modern twist.

I'm expecting great things from this young Aussie band.

Gimme the Hammer - Mud City Manglers

Great punk rock and roll album out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Solid from beginning to end.

Alphabetland - X

Los Angeles icons released their first album in 27 years and first with the original lineup in 35 years. Classic X sound with great production.

Amends - Gray Daze
Father of All Motherf*****s - Green Day
Shore - Fleet Foxes
A Wonderful Life - Mushroomhead
Class of 2020 - Hed P.E.
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