Top 10 Best Teen Titans Episodes

Teen Titans is a 2003 animated television series based on the DC Comics superhero team of the same name, consisting of Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven, and Beast Boy.
The Top Ten
1 Haunted

Super intense, especially that quiet moment in the room where Raven tries to see Slade through Robin's eyes. Suddenly, Slade appears and hits Robin, but the hit affects Raven too.

It must have been so intense for Star, Cyborg, and Beast Boy, in a room all quiet, watching Raven meditate. Then Raven cries out and hits the floor! Fantastically intense, this is a truly amazing episode.

This episode is great because it tests Robin's ability to let go. I enjoy it because it reminds me of Apprentice as well and is very deep and sad. The first time I watched it, the episode was hard to follow, but after watching it many times, I understand the full meaning.

2 Aftershock

Ashley Johnson's portrayal of Terra reinvented a largely unsympathetic character from the comics into a deeply tragic one. Additionally, for as early in the series as this was, the emotional beats and payoff for the prior two seasons were amazingly fulfilling.

In particular, the way the creators were able to reinvent Terra into a sympathetic anti-villain and still pay homage to the bonkers sexual relationship between Terra and Deathstroke from the comics by reinterpreting it as a different type of physical and emotional abuse and control is commendable.

3 The End

Arguably a better adaptation of the "Terror of Trigon" than the original comic, or at least a more logically consistent one. As for the series itself, this three-parter hit highs in animation and characterization, showing how the characters have become a true family and will do anything for each other. Slade's arc is also interestingly and surprisingly satisfyingly completed.

Kevin Michael Richardson gives an excellent portrayal of Trigon for as little as he is in the series, and Tara Strong is on her A-game in what already was one of the best VA roles of her career.

4 How Long Is Forever?

This episode always makes me kinda sad. Even though it has a happy ending, it does bring up a subject that no one really likes to think about - our beloved main characters separating.

There is some weight to that thought because, you know, they won't be teens forever. What will happen to the team as they grow up?

Just such an interesting take on the future of the world's youngest superheroes. My absolute favorite episode.

I think all episodes of Teen Titans are great, but this episode is one of my favorites.

5 The Beast Within

My absolute favorite episode of Teen Titans! The introduction is simple enough. However, the episode quickly becomes more complex. The small details are thoughtfully placed to give a real sense of suspense and even fear on the Titans' part.

For example, the dog being afraid of Beast Boy after he finally snaps during his battle with Adonis immediately sends a clear message to the audience that something is wrong. The tension between Beast Boy and the other Titans, especially Raven, is very clear, and his claims of innocence add to that very nicely.

The plot twist is one of the most well-executed in the series. This episode supports the BBRae ship, so how could I not love it? Overall, a very well-written and extremely well-executed episode that is possibly the best Teen Titans episode to date and is definitely worth a watch.

6 Nevermore

The most notable episode. The deepest. When I reminisce on my childhood, one of the most vivid mental pictures is Raven's father against the backdrop that is Raven's mind.

This is the episode where the series goes from "good" to "AMAZING." This is my favorite episode so far. I haven't seen "Haunted" yet.

The title is a pun. The Edgar Allan Poe poem "The Raven" is about a raven that says "nevermore" or something. A for pun, dude.

7 Fear Itself

"It was fascinating! I had no idea Earth-people ate so many pigs and insects!"

8 Calling All Titans

This one is great! All the Titans brought together in one place for an epic showdown against all their enemies. I just die when Beast Boy says, "Titans Together."

The only reason I don't claim it as one of my favorite episodes is because I want to cry in it, knowing the end is coming. I just hate to see good TV shows that I get attached to end.

9 Apprentice

While the show began to hit its stride a few episodes earlier, this two-parter cemented it as far more than a simple kids' show. The animation was the best up to that point, and Ron Perlman cemented Slade as the dark heart of the show who would be necessary in at least one episode every season.

Did anybody see the badass flying ninja bird kick Raven does to Beast Boy in part 2? It proves Raven isn't just a feminine fighter and can do close combat just as well as Robin when she blocks all of his punches in a mini-bout they had using small force fields.

10 Titans Together

I loved this episode because it was awesome to finally see the entire alliance the Titans had been building over the season(s) unite into a single force to take down the Brotherhood of Evil. And honestly, how can you not love it?

I like this episode because it's like a reunion of the characters in the series. It's nice to see the heroes together. It also made me interested to know more about the characters who just showed up in this episode, such as Cheshire, Hotspot, Angel, etc.

I love this episode because you find out how all the Titans met. There are some things going on between Starfire and Robin too! It's a must-see episode of Teen Titans!

The Contenders
11 Things Change
12 Birthmark

Besides reviving the show's signature villain, this is perhaps the most desperate the series gets, even more so than "The End." Perlman is always A+ as Slade, but not only does his return throw the Titans for an emotional loop, but the degree to which he dominates them physically with his new powers is almost stressful to watch.

Perlman also channels a T-1000-esque relentlessness in Slade's unstoppable single-minded pursuit of Raven. The fight choreography is possibly the best of any episode in the series, and it is the first of a six-episode arc that is arguably a better version of "The Terror of Trigon" arc than the original comic.

13 Revolution

All of those Beatles references were really funny, too.

14 X

Red X was always an obvious expy of Red Hood but an interesting reinvention nonetheless. Channeling more of Jason Todd into the character brings a macabre sense of levity, and the vaguely Zorro-ish motif helps the episode stand out. The animation is very good, and this is one of the two best episodes for getting insight into the show's version of Robin.

No idea why this episode is 33rd on this list. I mean, Red X's sass is unrivaled. Legit the sassiest. He says to Starfire, The only crime here is that you and I haven't gone on a date, right in front of Robin!

15 Mad Mod

One of the funniest episodes of the series. I love Malcolm McDowell's performance as Mad Mod in this episode.

16 The Quest

The True Master is hilarious! Rule: get to the temple before dark. Reason: "too dark to see the paths." So funny!

ALL episodes are great, especially this one.

This one is funny when Robin comes back and says, "The mask makes me feel cool too, Robins."

17 Stranded

It was a good developmental and humorous episode. There were definite Starfire x Robin moments, which I ship and love. There was also the running gag of the aliens treating Raven like a queen, which was adorable.

Then Cyborg and Beast Boy working together and the difference in intelligence was great.

Starfire and Robin end up stranded on an alien planet, and of course, a guy and a girl stranded = romantic developments.

Robin is Christopher Atkins, and Starfire is Brooke Shields.

Also, Cyborg and Beast Boy were basically Chewbacca and C-3PO in the episode.

18 Spellbound

The saddest episode of the show, in my opinion. A very touching story about my favorite Titan.

The only episode I did not skip a moment of. Absolutely incredible!

Raven actually cried in this episode.

19 Betrayal

Cutest dating scene in a cartoon I've ever watched!

20 Winner Take All
21 Hide and Seek

Wonderful! I loved the episode. I understand Raven a bit more, too.

Tons of action!

22 Don't Touch That Dial

Very funny episode. I love the part with Beast Boy and the Battle Droids when he wears Raven's cloak and tries a Jedi mind trick by saying an Obi-Wan Kenobi line: "You don't need to see our identifications."

Also, at the end of the episode, when the Titans are all having tea, Silkie is fast asleep in the basket, and that is just cute.

Very funny. Love the 'Star Wars' parody. Raven's face is priceless when Beast Boy tries to persuade the battle droids.

And you have to admit, their pet, Silkie, is cute when he's asleep.

Ahaha, this episode was so funny. They traveled into the TV and became part of parodies of real shows, movies, and other stuff. I laughed so hard.

23 Episode 257-494
24 Go!

Arguably a better version of the Titans' origins than the original comic and easily the best episode of what is otherwise the weakest season of the series.

This one is how the Titans got together? And it referenced Batman. Why is it 17th?

Seriously? The episode that shows how the Titans got together is #19? I don't think so!

25 Terra
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