Top 10 Best Samurai Jack Episodes

Samurai Jack is an iconic animated television series that captured the hearts of audiences worldwide with its blend of action, adventure, and striking visual style. The show revolves around Jack, a courageous Japanese samurai who wields a magical katana, and his relentless quest to travel back in time to defeat the ruthless Aku and prevent the dystopian future from ever happening. Throughout the show's four-season run, Samurai Jack captivated viewers with its thrilling action sequences, complex characters, and poignant storytelling. In this top ten list, let's explore the very best episodes of this beloved series, each showcasing the show's unique blend of heart, humor, and heroism.
The Top Ten
1 Jack and the Spartans

If you noticed similarities to Frank Miller's 300, that's because it is based on the same source material!

2 Tale of X49

Poignant and maybe a drop of tear if you know this episode was the saddest of the show.

One of the darkest and saddest episodes that isn't afraid to give us a downer ending.

3 Jack and the Zombies

An eerie atmosphere combined with a nonstop exciting fight that shows Aku's fight skills.

4 Jack vs. the Ninja

Awesome use of two opposing colors to depict samurai light vs ninja shadow. One of the best fight sequences with great music and visuals.

5 Jack and the Smackback
6 The Birth Of Evil

Aku's fight with Jack's father was badass.

7 Jack in Egypt
8 Jack Remembers the Past

Love this episode because we get to see how Jack's childhood was like.

9 Jack vs. Aku

My personal favorite from the original series.


Action, tension, and revelations. This episode has everything and everything to truly mark the turning point of the revival. Through a series of physical and mental challenges, and both Jack and Ashi conquering oneself and their past, now the revival is finally set up for the grand series finale to end all series finales.

This is where season 5 starts to really get intense. Especially when Ashi fights off everybody *spoiler when Jack is meditating, his anger hallucination blinded into finally sees what kept him back. The three monk gods appear to give him a new sword. Holy crap! It's time to find Aku!

The Contenders
11 C

Ladies and gentlemen, we have just finished the penultimate episode of Samurai Jack and are now approaching the series finale as of the time I write this comment. In this episode, what began as a light-hearted and engaging relationship between Jack and Ashi, continuing from the previous episode, slowly and gradually turned into one of the biggest plot twists in animation yet. With Ashi now having been turned against Jack against her will under the essence of Aku that runs through her body ever since she was born, Jack is now put to his greatest challenge yet that rivals even that of protecting a baby from danger.

With this episode concluding on a tragic and depressing cliffhanger, Episode C will pit you in a series of twists and emotions that will precede the true final episode of Samurai Jack.

12 Jack and the Haunted House

The animation is very chilling, almost like watching a horror film.

13 Jack and the Rave
14 Jack and the Scotsman

The interaction between these polar opposites is hilarious.

15 Jack vs. Demongo
16 CI

Overall, while it did feel a bit rushed, CI was nonetheless still a phenomenal episode. The series finale was truly well done in terms of its execution aside from being rushed. And I must say, the ending is quite bittersweet yet satisfying as it finally concludes the show on a good and high note.

17 Aku's Fairy Tales
18 Jack and the Swamp Wizard
19 Samurai Jack: The Premiere Movie
20 Jack and the Monks
21 Jack and the Baby
22 Jack and the Warrior Woman
23 The Four Seasons of Death
24 Jack and the Lava Monster
25 Jack Under the Sea
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