Top 10 The Fairly OddParents Characters
The Fairly OddParents is a Nickelodeon animated television series that follows Timmy Turner, a boy with two fairy godparents who grant his every wish. However, these wishes usually backfire, leading to humorous and often chaotic consequences.
He's one of my favorite cartoon characters. Very clever, yet a bit of a risk-taker. He is also nice and caring towards other people. I wish he got more good moments and was treated with respect as the show progressed. However, the writers seemed to think episodes where Timmy was harassed worked.
I also like his character design from the Oh Yeah! shorts to Seasons 1-2, as the animation looked neat. His voice actor, Tara Strong, is underrated and very talented. Timmy's character was ruined in the later seasons, and that's when the show became bland and started its downfall. This began around seasons 7-10, which I don't want to see again in my lifetime.
I wish the show ended with Wishology, so that Timmy and Trixie could date, be happy together, and start being confident.

He's my favorite character because he's funny, nice, and a good character to be in a show like this. Although I do like Timmy and his dad, they're good characters too.
Cosmo is better than Timmy! Cosmo should be number 1 because he is the best character on the show. If I were in The Fairly OddParents universe, I would steal him from Timmy and Wanda.
I love Cosmo. He is the funniest character. I have watched The Fairly OddParents since I was a kid, and Cosmo was my favorite character. Soon, I am getting green hair. #CosmoRules

I know it's a children's show, but I like how Wanda is often the voice of reason. Occasionally, she even joins the mischief as well.
Wanda is so awesome with her pink hair! One of the best characters along with Cosmo, Timmy, Poof, and Sparky.

He's insane. Everything he does is funny. I laughed when his 'Unsuspecting Van' appears because he is suspecting Timmy as he has fairy godparents. It was also funny when he drove to Timmy's front lawn with an 'Unsuspecting Ice Cream Truck'. What will he think of next?
He's really funny. That's why I like him the most.

Muscles, awesome voice, interesting personality, awesome character.

Poof is much better than Sparky and Chloe.
I like Poof. This should be number 3.

I think she should appear more and regain the role of the most appearing villain, as she is already the best one.
The absolutely perfect villain, even better than Foop!
Vicky is just the perfect villain!

Anti-Cosmo is my favorite villain in this show! I love everything about him: his character design, his personality, his British accent. God, I love him!
A really awesome villain. I wish he would return though, since he hasn't appeared in a very long time.
Too bad that he got replaced by Foop in the modern episodes. He was such a great villain!

I like her in Wishology when she and Timmy kissed because that's a true moment when she can express her true feelings for him. I also like her in A Wish Too Far when she kissed Timmy on the cheek for being honest. She's also good in The Boy Who Would Be Queen because she accepts Timmy as a friend and even remembers his name.
So honestly, she's not bad. She just can't express her true feelings often because her popular friends hate Timmy, although Veronica is secretly in love with Timmy. So, think again, Trixie haters!
The Newcomers

I think Mark is one of the better side characters in FOP for what he is. He acts as a great comedic foil and a good excuse for the writers to have space-themed episodes, which for the most part have been great plot explorations.
Mark's powers and character relationships work well as bouncing-off points whenever Timmy encounters him. The sci-fi elements presented in his episodes are welcome additions to the series. The one thing I'm not all that enthusiastic about is his human form, as its design is lackluster and it was pretty underutilized in the series.

Anti-Wanda is one of my favorite villains. (Not really.) It was so cute when she just held Foop in her arms, even if she is an Anti-Fairy.
"I'm incredibly stupid and I eat with my feet."
She is unbelievably cute for an Anti-Fairy! I wish she had more fans.

Oh my god. Foop is awesome and is the most underrated FOP character!
Foop is so hilarious. He brings out the best of dark humor.
"If you feed a mouse a poison cookie... IT DIES!"

I miss her so much. I want her back on the show as her original self.
I like her in Grow Up, Timmy Turner and the other live-action Fairly OddParents movies.
Tootie is awesome. You end up feeling sorry for her by how everyone treats her.

I miss Veronica. I wish she shared fairies with Timmy Turner and protected him from his enemies and the fair bears.

Why don't they give the parents names? It's crazy!
They do. Their names are Mom and Dad!

I don't like him, but I don't hate him. Though he is overhated in my opinion.