Top 10 Recurring Saturday Night Live Characters of the 70s

The Top Ten
1 Coneheads (Dan Aykroyd, Jane Curtin, and Laraine Newman)
2 The Nerds (Bill Murray and Gilda Radner)
3 Samurai Futaba (John Belushi)
4 The Blues Brothers ( Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi)
5 The Wild and Crazy Guys (Steve Martin and Dan Aykroyd)
6 Nick the Lounge Singer (Bill Murray)
7 Cheeseburger (Bill Murray, John Belushi, and Dan Aykroyd)
8 Roseanne Rosannadanna (Gilda Radner)
9 Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute (Dan Aykroyd)
10 Land Shark (Chevy Chase)
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