Worst Adventure Time Episodes
Oddly enough, this is the only guest animated episode to be considered canon, and yet it's by far the worst one. At least Food Chain had a plot that made sense, but this one doesn't. It felt like I was watching the same thing twice, not to mention how Finn and the rest of the cast suddenly seemed to be totally different people. Food Chain had it's funny moments ("Hey, is that my butt? Man It's been awhile") but this episode really failed to deliver in all apartments.
Top 10 worst things about this episode!
10. The lifeguard who DESERVES TO DIE
9. The beginning sad head scene
8. "I forgot my underwear, but now I have my underwear". Really? This is an Adventure Time song? Bring back I'm just your problem!
7. The animation.
6. The repeated "coin that can fit in any slot" joke.
5. The ending.
4. Jake's unfunny jokes
3. All of the STUPID, *BLEEP* JOKES!
2. The repeated slide prank joke. It drags on forever!
1. The entire episode in general.
I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. I typically don't like protagonist that are shallow, self-centered, presumptuous, or all of the above, at least not in a high-continuity dramatic show like Adventure Time. There are definitely ways to do this character type correctly. For example, Star Butterfly from Star vs FOE has a lot of the flaws I just mentioned, but a) a good chunk of the show is dedicated to comedic exaggeration amongst the dramatic parts, which makes her behavior that would be unacceptable in real-life a little more justified. Second of all, Star actually LEARNS from her mistakes and GROWS as a character over time. So, there are definitely ways to do this character type correctly, as such, there is NO excuse for this terrible episode. Before this point in the series, Finn had always been rather immature, shallow, etc. He's a kid, what do you expect? However, this episode took it to a WHOLE new level. In this episode, Finn a) lies to his girlfriend to get her to fight and potentially get hurt just to get what are essentially wet dreams, b) is too preoccupied with getting Flame Princess to fight so he can have the dream that he hardly even cares when Flame Princess gets seriously hurt, c) uses all of Flame Princess' insecurities against her... Look, I really don't want to use this term, because it's too often misused, but SERIOUSLY, this behavior is straight up abusive. In this episode, Finn is unemphatic, manipulative, careless... These sound like abusive traits to me! Honestly, there is no chance that Finn will ever be redeemed in my eyes. Some hero you are, Finn.
This episode was completely unnecessary. It's completely disgusting, fails at being educational, is totally dumb, and has horrid songs. And above all, the animation is horrid for Adventure Time. I swear at times Finn's lips wouldn't match up to the words.
Worst episode ever sick stupid and retarded I don't get it how do they turn in birds and finn tried to kill jake and at the end he sings like Justin Bieber
What...the heck did I just watch?! This is something you would find at an experimental fraternity animation festival, not in a show made for children. I...have no words for this...thing. We went from playful, creative, funny episodes with tongue-in-cheek humor to...adult swim-esque bizarro surrealist like this...
And the Ice King acted like an impulsive jackass by asking for second time, violently to Finn and Jake if they liked his story. Come on IK, don't be so volatile, man.
It wasn't actually that bad, it was just really mediocre. It felt way too romance-y. (Although the ending was hilarious)
When Prince Gumball took Fiona in to his room, it looked like he was undressing himself..
This episode made me despise PB. She kept acting like a arrogant, unreasonable throughout the entire time. Her stubbornness had put the group and their mission in jeopardy, causing them to fail to get Starchy's requested cure and just giving up and doing it her way in the end, showing that she had learned nothing from the experience.
Bubblegum was an unreasonable, stubborn jerk who caused the groups crusade to the Wizard City to fail miserably and had made everything worse. And in the end, she doesn't feel the least bit sorry about it! This had killed her character for me and made me dislike her ever since.
I'll not gonna strangle her, but I swear, that she hasn't learned nothing in this mythical racism related episode.
Weird, god awful AND GROSS!
DREAM AH LOOOVE! DREAM AH love! Somebody SHUT THEM UP! The creator of AT to kill off Tree Trunks wins the Enchiridion!
This episode is not disgusting, but the same joke just got tiring.
This should NOT be on here, this episode was adorable and left me with a smile on my face. Box kingdom is really cute and the ending was funny. Cats are great. This list is wrong, the only episodes that are Truly unbearable to watch are frost and fire and like the water slide prank episode
I really hate this episode cause of Jake, it acted like a jerk the whole episode and his subplot it didn't connect to anything. Also, the cats were boring to watch as Finn
This episode is really really boring. Not has a special plot, lame jokes, and awful ending. I couldn't even understand the episode plot.
It had a great story, but sadly a bad develpoment. I mean, Finn doesn't get excited that humans now exist in Ooo, didn't he gets sad when he thougth he would be the only human in Ooo? Why doesn't he gets happy when Betty comes to ooo? Or when Simon gets back as a Human? Also, the climax was so quickly, Finn, Jake and Marceline dind't made something and it was a waste of time of jokes.
While I don't mind bringing Betty to Ooo, the way they did it was very sloppy. For one thing, she didn't even care about the magic and all the bizarre things that exist in Ooo. No human would behave as Betty did if suddenly transported to a magical fantasy world.
Ruined the Simon story so badly. In this episode it looked like the show was trying do hard to be sad.
#DO NOT DO TIER 15! This is a really good episode and got lots of positive feedback. I also belive it got 3.3 million views when it first aired
This episode is by far one of the best episodes of adventure time, how the hell is it on this list?
It would've been a better episode if bubblegum was straightfoward with her plan from the get go.
Ok,so the plot of this episode is that Finn and Jake find business men in a iceberg,so after they melt the iceberg,releasing them,they do all the work while Finn and Jake do nothing but eat ice cream and play video game,and we end the episode by the business men somehow going back to the iceberg and floating away,then while Jake makes himself thin again by using his powers,Finn stays fat,I liked the fight scene,but this episode was about the buisness men being slaves to Finn and Jake without realizing it.
It wasn't terrible...but it was pretty boring. Finn and Jake come across two spiders in a dysfunctional marriage relationship, so they try to help them. The dialogue felt kind of awkward, and it really just felt like a couple arguing a lot. Not the worst, but not something I'd go back and watch again.
I actually liked this one to be honest.
Sad Face was awful for so many reasons. First, Finn and Jake were barely even in it! It was boring and I don't even know why this was an Adventure Time episode. Second, this episode made no sense! Finally the first time I saw this I didn't even know what to say. Even if someone said they would give me one million dollars to watch this and say Sad Face was the best episode of Adventure Time, I would walk away and say KEEP YOUR MONEY CRAZY PERSON!
Not even a good filler episode, reeked of desperation and awful narrative.
Worst episode ever. Johnny Test's best episode is miles better than this, and that says something. And what are Garfunkel and Oates doing on a kids show?
The only thing I remember about this episode was that I didn't like it. Or how annoying it was
Mortimer was nothing but an cultist which acted as a kid entertainer with his pair of "chips-ice creamese" fairies. It's annoying but beautiful.
Undoubtedly the worst episode in the entire series. Not only did it ruin a story arc that has been foreshadowed for a long time, but it ruins Finn's character. What we have here is Finn literally prostituting himself, in the process becoming an ass to every lady he dates and immediately dumps them after a kiss. He hangs out with a bee who wants to bang his flower arm. In the end, we get a half-assed song that brings Finn's arm, the arm that the writers have built up to being severed, grows back. And Finn learns something, I guess.
In Frost and Fire, Finn was a jerk, but came to regret his actions in Earth and Water and later episodes. I have seen the rest of season 6 despite losing all hope after watching "this." Finn learned nothing.
It's as if it never happened, I wish it could be ignored, but it can't after resolving a major story arc.
Thank you Breezy. For making me loose hope in Finn and the show.
(Thankfully season 7 is better)
Disgusting and retarded. Blame nobody but yourself, Ice King.
So ridiculous, it did not need to exist.
It wasn't that bad, and I really liked the premise and idea behind it. In fact, I'd even say it was a good episode. I also really liked the fourth wall breaks with the "pause viewer now" thing. It definitely wasn't too memorable, but it certainly doesn't deserve to be on this list.
Cuber's from the future where all the Candy people are preserved inside the Gumball Guardians. The episode "Graybles 1000+" is great because he is running from aliens while using Graybles about the main characters to overcome obstacles. In the end, Cuber uses his last Grayble.
That guy treat us like we're 4 years old! I feel like watching Dora when I look at every episode about him telling stupid stories!
Okay, so I understand that not every episode of Adventure time can be perfect. BUT WHY THIS? Lemon Grab is demented and sadistic and I understand that that's just his character, but they've taken it to far. Stalking people while they sleep? And I believe later on in another episode he EATS his own BROTHER? He's INSANE! They need to get rid of him! He's a danger to Ooo and definitely a dictator. KILL. LEMON GRAB. Geez
Lemongrab's creepy and horrible! I HATE EVERY EPISODE ABOUT HIM!
I would grab his "lemon" if you know what I mean he he he
This is a truly abysmal episode of Adventure Time, and cartoons in general, rivaling against other awful cartoon episodes such as A Pal for Gary and Watermelon Steven. I had high hopes when I first went into this episode, recently coming out of Simon and Marcy. Although I disliked the animation style that made it difficult to comprehend what it was we were supposed to be focusing on, I still tried to give this episode a chance. "Maybe this will still be enjoyable." I thought to myself. Oh boy was I wrong. This whole episode was a SLOG to get through, containing big no-no's in animations. Problems like confusing and unpleasent imagery, a vague plot that manages to make people feel unsettled without knowing the context of the story, an apparent lack of any sort of lasting comedy, and an absolutely horrible pacing/build-up all came together to create an abomination. Even an assortment of annoyances like the disturbing character design, and some unneeded inappropriate lines all add to the pile of feces that is this episode. I was showing Adventure Time to a friend, hoping they would find interest in it, and randomly begun this episode. After watching it, they said the show wasn't for them, leaving a bad taste in their, and my mouth. Including this oddly animated trashpile after arguably one of the best cartoon episodes of all time is a disgrace, and I certainly think I can speak for most Adventure Time fans when I say I do not recommend this Son of a Glitch.
Come on people this episode and gut grinder are good
What's this doing here? It had a great plot, and an interesting mystery! The only reason I can think of it being here is a small plothole, and even that doesn't make it a bad episode.
Why is this here?! The voice actor for Clarence is the almighty SAM MARIN, voice of Benson, Pops, AND Muscle Man from Regular Show!
This episode was great, what is this doing here?!