Best Things About Plants vs Zombies Heroes

I know I'm a rocker. But don't forget, I am also a nerd. And seriously, this game is truly awesome.
The Top Ten
1 You don't get panicked while playing the game. The game gives you time to think
2 If you are lucky and you have good tactics, you can still win the game even though you are losing
3 You don't need sunflowers to get sun
4 Strikethough plants/zombies can attack heroes even when they are blocked
5 Zombies can play tricks, which will give you advantage if you play on the zombies side

This is the biggest common misconception about this game. Zombies getting a chance to play tricks doesn't give the zombies an advantage. Zombies have the disadvantage of having to play their zombies before the Plant's phase, meaning the Plants get to play their plants AND TRICKS after zombies have been played. Therefore, the zombies getting a tricks phase isn't an advantage, it's just a logical addition. The advantage the the zombies get is their cards being overall better than Plant cards.

6 Almost everything is useful
7 Laser bean, Cherry bomb, Snapdragon, etc return
8 It has a multiplayer mode
9 There are so many new plants/zombies
10 "The zombies ate your brain" picture doesn't appear when you lose
The Contenders
11 Impfinity is in it

Impfinity is the best!

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