Top 10 Most Uninhabitable Places on the Surface of the Earth

Our planet is fortunate to exist in what's called the "Goldilocks Zone," a region in space where conditions are "just right" for liquid water to exist, not too hot and not too cold.

In fact, we are even luckier than we often realize, as Earth is currently the only known planet in the universe capable of supporting life. In other words, Earth is the perfect place to live, the most habitable planet we know of.

However, despite this, there are certain places on Earth that you would most definitely not want to live. These areas are so harsh or extreme that they are considered some of the most uninhabitable zones on the planet.

With that in mind, here are the Top 10 Most Uninhabitable Places on Earth. Enjoy!
The Top Ten
The Danakil Depression

The Danakil Depression, in the northern part of the Afar Triangle in Ethiopia, is known by many as the "Most Dangerous Place on Earth." It covers approximately 10,000 square kilometers and has many aspects that make it extremely dangerous.

There is sterile water and harsh conditions that make life impossible to thrive there. Boiling hot water bubbles, poisonous chlorine, and gases choke the air. Temperatures easily exceed 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit), making it one of the hottest places on Earth. Additionally, earthquakes and active volcanoes, such as the prolific Erta Ale, are common.

Survival here is about as likely as on Mars, perhaps even less, making it one of the most uninhabitable places in the world.


Antarctica is virtually impossible to live on. It is covered with ice year-round and has completely sterile soil, making it impossible to grow anything or have any economic activities. The extremely low temperatures, with the lowest recorded being -89.2 degrees Celsius (-128.6 degrees Fahrenheit), make life unsustainable.

Surprisingly, Antarctica is also home to the driest place in the world. There are no permanent human settlements, though there are some bases where scientists and researchers study for a few weeks or months. They can only survive with extensive help and supplies from the outside world, without which they wouldn't last long.

The North Pole

Many people don't consider the North Pole a place since it's made of ice and not actual land, but it certainly counts as a location. Nobody has successfully established a home on the North Pole, and few have tried because it's almost impossible.

Its climate is freezing and dry, and there is no soil to grow anything, meaning there's no food. There are a few animals, but they are more of a danger than a food source. The most dangerous aspect of the North Pole is the ice. It causes reduced visibility, slipperiness, and cracks that could send you underwater and kill you almost instantly. The North Pole is practically impossible to survive on and is definitely one of the least inhabitable places on the planet.


Chernobyl is one of the most famous places in the world due to the horrible nuclear disaster that occurred there in 1986, which is considered the worst nuclear disaster in history. It had both the highest cost and the highest death toll of any nuclear disaster.

It has become famous because of the lingering radiation and numerous TV shows and movies about the disaster. While a few people still live there, they risk exposure to enormous amounts of radiation, which significantly shortens their lifespan. The radiation from the disaster caused life-threatening diseases, severe burns, and psychological effects that pushed many to suicide. Living there now is likely to cause cancer or other diseases over time.

Chernobyl was once habitable, but the disaster transformed it into a virtually uninhabitable place where humans should not live without risking their lives.

Death Valley

This item might be confusing as the Valley of Death in Russia is also on the list, but Death Valley in California is definitely one of the most uninhabitable places on Earth. It is famous for having the highest recorded temperature ever, 56.7 degrees Celsius (134.1 degrees Fahrenheit), with average temperatures usually in the low forties.

While a few people live in Death Valley year-round, it is not advisable. Many people have died from overheating or dehydration, and those who live there need to drink a lot of water. Humans can live almost anywhere with advanced technology, but some places are simply uninhabitable and shouldn't be lived in. Death Valley is one such place.

Valley of Death

Many people confuse this with the infamous Death Valley in California, but the Valley of Death in Russia is entirely different. Located in the eastern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula, at the foot of the Kikhpinych stratovolcano, this valley is about 2 kilometers by half a kilometer.

What makes it uninhabitable are the volcanic gases. These gases accumulate and kill anything that enters the valley, from birds to mammals to humans, if they venture in without proper equipment. Living organisms aren't supposed to survive there, making it clear why it belongs on this list.

Snake Island

You may have heard of Ilha de Queimada Grande, more commonly known as Snake Island. It is a fairly small island just off the coast of Brazil. From the name, you can understand that this is a dangerous place, but it's even worse than it sounds.

The island is overrun with golden lancehead snakes, which are venomous pit vipers whose bite can kill a person in under an hour. You might think, "People should still be able to live there despite a few snakes," but the reality is just how many snakes there are. Researchers estimate there is about one snake per square meter on the island. For every square meter, there is a snake, and if it bites you, you'll be dead within the hour.

The Brazilian government has forbidden anyone from going to the island, both for their own safety and for the safety of the snakes, as they are an endangered species. While the island is lush with wildlife and plants, it is pretty much uninhabitable for humans.

Atacama Desert

The Atacama Desert has gained fame for being the driest desert in the world, and the driest place on Earth other than the North and South Poles. Located in Chile, parts of the desert have life, but the majority is practically uninhabitable.

Receiving only about 0.04 inches of rainfall per year, the Atacama is extremely arid. By comparison, New York gets about 50 inches of rainfall a year, which is 1250 times more. The Andes Mountains and the Chilean Coastal Range block moisture from entering the desert, turning it into a death zone for vegetation, with no water or nutrients.

Some people live in the few oases or coastal fishing villages, but not in the middle of the desert, where it is essentially uninhabitable.

Bouvet Island

Bouvet Island is the most remote island in the world, and it is very hard to survive there. Located 2,600 kilometers from the nearest land (South Africa), almost all of this island is covered in glaciers, with the rest being very rocky.

There is a complete lack of shelter or ways to make shelter, and it is barren, unlivable, and freezing. Survival is possible with modern technology, but no one bothers due to its isolation and harsh conditions. Empty boats have been discovered near the island, but it's unlikely that their occupants survived, even with resources.

Mount Everest

This is a good one. It's really hard to survive there for a climb, let alone inhabit it!

The Newcomers

? South Sandwich Islands
? Round island
The Contenders
Devon Island

Northern Canada is home to some of the largest uninhabited land in the world due to very harsh conditions such as cold and wind, barren soil, and remoteness. One of the least habitable places there is Devon Island.

Devon Island is a large island near the very top of Canada that is virtually unlivable. Inuit families have tried to settle there many times, but the cold and wind were unbearable, usually destroying buildings and boats very quickly. Other outposts were established but almost always abandoned due to the tough conditions.

However, the island has been used for research. Many scientists have come to study there because the island is a good simulator for Mars, which humans are looking to colonize. NASA has used the freezing temperatures, barren terrain, and complete isolation to train crew members and test equipment.


K2 is the second tallest mountain in the world, located beside Mount Everest.

Dead Sea
Mount Washington

I'll prove it. I hiked Mount Washington once, and at the tree line, there was a sign: "The area ahead has some of the worst weather in the world. If the weather is bad, turn around right now."

This is a very windy mountain in New Hampshire.

Sahara Desert
Heard island

Heard Island is so remote, with unpredictable weather and dangerous animals. It would take the toughest to survive even a year there.

Kaffeklubben Island

This is the northernmost point of land on Earth.

Centralia, Pennsylvania
Hans Island

This small island near Greenland is completely rock and virtually nothing else. No trees, no plants, no animals - just a rocky island surrounded by the ocean. It would be nearly impossible to live there.

Great Salt Lake
Mount Saint Helens
North Sentinel Island

This island is famous for being the home of the Sentinelese people, a tribe known for their extreme hostility towards outsiders. They throw wooden spears and arrows at anyone or anything that comes close. The Indian government, which owns the island, has made it illegal to visit.

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