Top 10 Best PlayStation 4 Games

The PlayStation 4 is a fantastic, powerful console with brilliant features and brilliant games.

This list is designed to help you find the very best games for the highly anticipated successor to Sony's PlayStation 3, the PlayStation 4.
The Top Ten
1 Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Better than The Last of Us? Yeah, those words don't go together in a sentence. I LOVE this game with a passion. The Last of Us is very detailed but linear, and the frequent cinematics can get annoying. GTAV has a lot to do, but much of it feels like a chore because it isn't well thought out. ACIV has a lot of well-planned content: Templar Hunts, board games, bars, Assassin's Contracts, naval combat, shanties, weapon varieties, and ship upgrades. You can't beat this game. This and Fire Emblem: Awakening are my two favorite games of the year.

2 Battlefield 4

I used to hate this game. When it was released, it was an unplayable piece of junk. However, after the netcode patch, the game became amazing.

I have played this game for 210 hours and am only at level 98. The single-player mode is trash, though. I really don't understand why they included it, especially since you have to play it to unlock certain weapons in multiplayer.

Your character leads a squad but doesn't say a single word throughout the game. That's the only area where Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare outperforms it.

A worthy successor to Battlefield 3, with much-needed improvements on the single-player side. The multiplayer is wonderful, as always, and has enough depth to last for hundreds of hours! (Why are there games here that aren't released yet? You haven't played them, so how can you judge their quality?)

3 Watch Dogs

Playing a game in a real-life environment adds a level of immersion that can't be beaten. The sharp-looking graphics bring Chicago to life, and you can hack anything! The graphics are amazing, and there are cool missions. You can play online and hack other players in real life.

Most of the time, when this game was going to be released, it was delayed, meaning they spent time on it, trying to make the best hacking game ever.

Oh my God, a game where you can hack! I dreamed of this long before it came out. A break from all the FPS games and other repetitive ones, thanks.

4 Grand Theft Auto V

The soundtrack was actually very good. The radio playlist was excellent, and even the theme tune that plays whenever you fly an aircraft is really good. The mission music is basic but atmospheric.

This is one of the best games so far, in my opinion. It has so many things to do: flying, driving, parachuting, killing, playing golf and tennis, piloting submarines and boats, and driving blimps. There's even more than that. Anyone who hasn't played it should give it a try.

Why is this game at 40? It should be number one! You can do basically everything you can in Call of Duty, but more! It really deserves more credit.

5 inFAMOUS: Second Son

I guess it all comes down to preference, but out of all the games on this list, this is probably the one I had the most fun with. It was the first PS4 exclusive (after Knack and Killzone) to showcase next-gen graphics and clever use of the PS4 controller features. It also had good storytelling, and the powers were fun.

Great game. This game introduced me to so much more than just Nintendo and Sega. Even though I still love those most, I'm very happy I play more adult-type games. I have many memories with this that I wish I could go back to.

6 Call of Duty: Ghosts

I have a dream that all of God's children will get along and love Call of Duty, that a game would not be judged by its title but by the content of its gameplay. Free at last, thank God almighty, we are free at last!

This game is way better than Battlefield, and this series is better than other game series. This should be one of the best.

Best war game ever! I simply love the graphics, idea, missions, and especially the dog! Definitely better than Battlefield 4.

7 The Last of Us Remastered

I have this game, and it is just insane! I love it very much, and it's a must-play game for all gamers out there.

Very good graphics. The violence is graphic, though. I wish there was a first-person feature in the Remastered version, but it wasn't announced.

Such an amazing game with characters and actors that make it even better. Excellent heart-pounding moments too.

8 FIFA 14

Ghosts was a flop. Black Flag, I think, was the best Assassin's Creed so far, but like any AC game, once the story is over, it's pretty boring. Well, the multiplayer, in my humble opinion, isn't as good as most games out there. Battlefield is a beast of a game. I play it all the time, but I think FIFA is better because of the many football fans out there.

FIFA 14 is so much of an improvement over FIFA 13. Everything about it is better: the graphics, the gameplay, tactics, etc.

There's never a dull moment when playing. As soon as you score your first goal, it gets very addictive.

9 Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

There can't be a better end to Nathan Drake's story. Plus, this is my personal favorite game in the Uncharted series. Probably because it centers on a biological brother relationship, which I can instantly connect with for obvious reasons. The set pieces are amazing, it has some of the best graphics on the console, and it deserves all the praise it gets. How this isn't in the top three bothers me a lot.

By far, Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is the best conclusion to a gaming series I have ever seen. The gameplay is fantastic and the story gripping!

I could write a book about how great this series is, but I don't think I could fully describe it. Uncharted 4 is my favorite Uncharted game and the top reason to own a PS4.

10 God of War (2018)

The only reason the games in the top three (Assassin's Creed IV, Battlefield 4, and Watch Dogs) are ranked so high is because this list was made in 2013, before the console was released. The PS4 was released in November 2013, and this list was compiled in May of the same year, a month before the PS4's appearance was even announced. If this list had been made around 2017-18, they wouldn't even be in the top 25.

Anyway, this is arguably the game that deserves first place. Everything about it is fantastic: characters, story, gameplay, score, graphics, you name it. It's near perfection. Plus, they reinvented Kratos to such an extent that even newcomer fans can quickly like him.

The Contenders
11 Bloodborne

I don't really understand the opinions here. Like what? Bloodborne is the best exclusive for PS4 right now.

It's a good game. I mean, good mysterious story and lore, cool weapons, hard but fun. What's not to like?

12 Killzone: Shadow Fall

What? Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty on top? Something is really wrong with our generation. Seriously.

This game is amazing. Every Killzone is amazing. Call of Duty is the same boring game.

This game is so good. It has great graphics and very good playing modes. The guns, the people, and the soldiers are very realistic. Everything in this game feels real. Keep it up, Killzone.

13 NBA 2K14

Probably the most graphically appealing game, and it played well. I had the same experience with the other games as I did on the PS3. 2K14 was a lot better on the PS4.

Go LeBron James! I'm going to get the PlayStation 4 in a month. I can't wait! The Heat will win the title again.

18th? Top 10 at least! Damn, the graphics! Great gameplay, game modes (except there's no association). Best 8th-gen sports game.

14 Destiny

The single greatest-looking game for the past two years. If Bungie can bring the strength it's known for, not even being under Activision can screw this up! I can't wait to play this beautiful-looking game.

Destiny is the first real next-gen game. It takes you beyond your wildest expectations and shatters your perceptions of how amazingly far gaming has come.

It's from the same creators as Halo, which means PlayStation fans will get to experience the magic of Bungie.

15 Need for Speed: Rivals

Out of all the games I have for PS4, this is the one I keep coming back to. Amazing graphics, fun gameplay, and nice cars - what else could you want?

The best Need for Speed game ever. What else do I have to say?

Awesome, this game is on my (very exclusive) list of ULTIMATE GAMES. The cars are good, the tuning is great, the world is amazing, and the races and pursuits are awesome. The physics are so cool. I love the way you can choose between two stories (like in my favorite game SA2B) and the great features. My only gripe is the requirement to be online. EA, please make Rivals 2 with an offline mode.

16 Horizon Zero Dawn

Great game. Why is it so low on the list?

17 Final Fantasy XV

Final Fantasy is all about story! For me, Final Fantasy X was my first experience, and I will forever love it for its "Free the World from Sin" symbolism and the beautiful world of Spira. When you come to Final Fantasy, you're not looking for a deep romance or an action-packed thriller. You're looking for a game that will touch your spirit and soul.

I have been a fan of Final Fantasy since maybe Final Fantasy VI. The graphics always surprise me because they're better than any movie, and the story is so heartfelt. The story is far better than any action-packed game I've ever played!

18 Madden NFL 25

I personally enjoyed this game, but I prefer Madden 13 and 15.

It's so epic, and you can't get enough. I mean, connected franchise, play now, and ultimate team! #GoPatriots!

19 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

This game is the "crown jewel of the RPG genre." I have no clue why this game isn't in 1st place. I guess people hate one of the greatest games I've ever played in my entire life. 10/10, perfect game!

Better than The Last of Us, Grand Theft Auto, Skyrim, etc. Best RPG ever made. I can't believe it's No. 20. It should be number one.

This will be the top game of 2014, regardless of what this list says.

20 The Last of Us Part II
21 Tomb Raider

Highly underrated game. I'm a Call of Duty fanboy, and I loved this game.

22 Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

I've always loved the Metal Gear Solid series. The games are the most critically acclaimed across various consoles. The characters have great development, even the smaller ones seem relevant to the plot, and the gameplay never disappoints. I'm hoping Metal Gear Solid 5 is as epic as it looks and not another Metal Gear Solid 2. I hate to remember how convoluted that one was until Metal Gear Solid 4.

Even though the series is overshadowed by Call of Duty and other popular but mediocre games, this game will always be badass. This game will be awesome, and nobody should overlook the masterpiece known as Metal Gear Solid.

23 Marvel's Spider-Man

I actually think Yuri Lowenthal's take on Peter Parker was better than Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, and Tom Holland (yes, I said it, deal with it). For once, we start off with a Spider-Man who is already experienced and capable of handling threats. I love how faithful the game is to the source material, with lots of references and humor that capture the spirit of Spider-Man while providing a great story, flexible and accessible gameplay, and many activities around New York.

24 Persona 5

Why is this ranked #164? It's the only game that made me want to turn my PS4 on every day.

25 Red Dead Redemption 2
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