Top 10 Songs People Think You're Weird If You Like

The Top Ten
1 Stupid Hoe - Nicki Minaj

I like songs that can be used to insult others - That's why my favourite singer is Kat Mcsnatch. However, this video just has the most stupid music video and lyrics.

Stop judging peoples music tastes do you not have anything better to do

Yes someone who has an opinion should be punished for doing so

This song is just stupid. Why would anyone like this anyway?

2 Anaconda - Nicki Minaj

It causes immature idiots to think that the word 'Anaconda' is funny. when in reality it's a type of snake. If I'd be learning about animals in a class, there will be at least a few people laughing at the mention of this brilliant and deadly snake breed, just because this song causes the word to have quite a different meaning in the Nicki Minaj fanbase. Quite sad really.

Look at the person to your left; now look to the person on your right. At least one of those people loves this song, which is what is wrong with the world today.

Wow. I am amazed at some of you a- holes that we have to deal with.

The first lyrics sound a bit obnoxious for me.

3 Sexy and I Know It - Lmfao

Good for the YouTube poops and small comedy videos. Apart from that, it's terrible.

I think it's the other way around. Everyone loves this song!

This is such a great workout song.

4 Friday - Rebecca Black

The lyrics are strange as well as the music video. Her singing sounds very robotic, like she sang the song and put it under millions of different bad quality sound editors. Maybe she's a human with a robotic voice, but it sounds definitely unique, but wont ever be a song I like.

Gah. Annoying lyrics and excessive autotune. No doubt why it got tons of dislikes.

It's Friday, Friday, My ears are now DYING!

5 Baby - Justin Bieber

It's a song Justin did before he became an ass and before fame went to his head. Reminding myself that makes the song much better, and at least he didn't get sent to the police hundreds of times before making it.

I actually find this song kinda decent but still I have to admit I am weird if I like this song.

I am in the weird category

6 Gangnam Style - Psy

I am weird. But then at one point so was everyone else! There were people stopping to do the Gangnam style in the shopping isles whenever this song was played. I am not joking, pulling your leg, jesting, joshing, having a laugh, whatever...This happened. Now it's me going solo on the milk isle. :P

I don't like it. It's just pure weird and makes me cringe when I hear it. I don't understand the lyrics but that's not the reason, as foreign songs usually interest me. It has a so-so beat but the beat deserves a much better song.

I would find it odd if someone unironically enjoyed this clear novelty song.

Many years and this song still has likes? What the heck just happened?

7 Barbie Girl - Aqua

Lol, this song makes me laugh. A classic from the 90's.

Ugh. This song is a bit girly

8 Let It Go - Idina Menzel

I think that, when digging deep enough to the lyrics, this song has a quite deep meaning. While the song and the fact it's used in a kid's movie are annoying, the lyrics are quite good. The thought of letting go of your fears and the comments from the people who dislike you for who you are, and letting your true self become free, are greatly relaxing to me.

I HATE THIS SONG! I used to like it but now it's just got annoying.

This song is a masterpiece

9 The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?) - Ylvis

Foxes use a wide variety of calls, and they usually reflects how the fox is feeling, not usually as a way to directly communicate. Just a fact.

Annoying and Catchy but still I can't help it. *shoots myself*

I love this song, lol!

10 Blackstar - David Bowie
The Contenders
11 The Dora the Explorer Theme

If you're a little kid, of course you'd like it. But as somebody older than 7, nope!

I Hate This Atrocious Song And Dora

This should be number 1!

12 #Selfie - The Chainsmokers

What possible reason could anyone like this sneering awful song that attempts to mock the vacuity of the modern world, but in turn is no more empty than most pop music these days, or The Chainsmokers' other work that they've released (or should that be inflicted) onto the public. So if you like this woeful attempt at satire, I will be quite surprised.

I hate selfies, which is strange really. My family adores selfies and always try to take them every time something new happens. Of course I hate this song, mostly because of the subject (selfies) really.

I actually kinda enjoy listening to this. And now I'm adding this to the list...

But first, let me take a selfie. *music plays*

13 Machine Metal Music - Lou Reed

If you listened to the entire thing, congrads, you're ethier a robot or the wierdist human on the planet

14 Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
15 Dance Monkey - Tones and I
16 Burn It to the Ground - Nickelback

I like this song because it's a very good hard rock song - great riff, chorus, energy and vocals. People may think that even my current comment is weird but I'll tell ya something - Nickelback are overHated and many haters actually never heard of any Nickelback songs, they just go with the flow. But I've never been afraid of not going with the flow.

17 Party in the U.S.A. - Miley Cyrus

Trust me, I know how people think of me when I listen to this song haha

This song is lit bro

I love this song

Love this song

18 Jailhouse Rock - Elvis Presley
19 I C** Blood - Cannibal Corpse

This is one of the few that actually makes sense.

20 Yummy - Justin Bieber
21 Work - Rihanna

I greatly dislike it. Really, Rihanna, what happened to your singing? What happened to your lyrics? What happened to your music videos? She's starting to make some really crappy songs recently.

I used to like this song but now whenever its played my headaches start

22 Hot Problems - Double Take
23 Tis a Pity She Was a Whore - David Bowie
24 Lazarus - David Bowie

His singing is completely terrible. The worst singing ever.

25 Sue (Or in a Season of Crime) - David Bowie
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