Top Ten Animals That Spring to Mind Whenever Anyone Mentions Cute

The Top Ten
1 Rabbit Rabbits, also known as bunnies or bunny rabbits, are small mammals in the family Leporidae (which also contains the hares) of the order Lagomorpha (which also contains the pikas). Oryctolagus cuniculus includes the European rabbit species and its descendants, the world's 305 breeds of domestic rabbit. more.

They are cuter than cats and dogs in my opinion. Their noses twitch every second, they are very fluffy, their ears are floppy, and they have big eyes which look so cute every time they stare at you.

I hate it when some people think the only word to describe rabbits is 'cute'.

2 Cat The cat (Felis catus) is a domestic species of small carnivorous mammal. more.

Cats are so adorable and are smaller than most dogs, so they can fit in smaller places, giving them more opportunities to be funny and adorable.

Really? Everyone says, "Aww it's a kitty! It's so cute! " when actually it's just a furball. I'm not hating on cats, but they are SO overrated.

Calm down people. Just to tell you that this used to be number one

You kidding me? This is the INTERNET. Cats HAVE to be number 1.

3 Dog The dog or domestic dog (Canis familiaris or Canis lupus familiaris) is a domesticated descendant of the wolf, and is characterized by an upturning tail. The dog is derived from an ancient, extinct wolf, and the modern wolf is the dog's nearest living relative. The dog was the first species to be domesticated, by hunter–gatherers over 15,000 years ago, before the development of agriculture. Due to their long association with humans, dogs have expanded to a large number of domestic individuals and gained the ability to thrive on a starch-rich diet that would be inadequate for other canids. more.

I Love Dogs, They are Cute, Loyal and always protective to us. And Actually I Have a Cute Puppy Myself.

Dogs are the deadliest thing on the list.

I love dogs so much!

Dogs are NOT deadly!

4 Dolphin A dolphin is an aquatic mammal within the infraorder Cetacea. Dolphin species belong to the families Delphinidae (the oceanic dolphins), Platanistidae (the Indian river dolphins), Iniidae (the New World river dolphins), Pontoporiidae (the brackish dolphins), and the extinct Lipotidae (baiji or Chinese more.
5 Meerkat The meerkat or suricate is a small carnivoran belonging to the mongoose family. It is the only member of the genus Suricata.
6 Otter Otters are carnivorous mammals in the subfamily Lutrinae. The 13 extant otter species are all semiaquatic, aquatic, or marine, with diets based on fish and invertebrates. Lutrinae is a branch of the Mustelidae family, which also includes weasels, badgers, mink, and wolverines, among other animals.

So cute. Not the best animal (that's the fox) but it is the cutest

7 Goats The goat or domestic goat (Capra hircus) is a domesticated species of goat-antelope typically kept as livestock. It was domesticated from the wild goat (C. aegagrus) of Southwest Asia and Eastern Europe. The goat is a member of the animal family Bovidae and the tribe Caprini, meaning it is closely related... read more
8 Panda The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), also known as the panda bear (or simply the panda), is a bear species endemic to China.
It is characterised by its bold black-and-white coat and rotund body. The name "giant panda" is sometimes used to distinguish it from the red panda, a neighboring musteloid. Though it belongs to the order Carnivora, the giant panda is a folivore, with bamboo shoots and leaves making up more than 99% of its diet. Giant pandas in the wild occasionally eat other grasses, wild tubers, or even meat in the form of birds, rodents, or carrion. In captivity, they may receive honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges, or bananas along with specially prepared food. more.

If you don't think giant panda, you are stupid.

9 Hamster Hamsters are rodents belonging to the subfamily Cricetinae. The subfamily contains about 25 species, classified in six or seven genera.

Aww... so CUTE!
Cute list!

10 Red Panda The red panda (Ailurus fulgens), or also known as the red bear-cat or the red cat-bear, is a mammal native to the Eastern Himalayas and Southwestern China. It's the only animal that belongs to the Aliuridae family. Despite having the word "panda" in its name, it's not a panda. It's closely related to raccoons, weasels, and skunks as they all belong to the musteloidea superfamily.
The Contenders
11 Cow
12 Lamb

They are so fluffy and adorable!

13 Lizards
14 Seal Pinnipeds, commonly known as seals, are a widely distributed and diverse clade of carnivorous, fin-footed, semiaquatic, mostly marine mammals in the clade Pinnipedia. They comprise the extant families Odobenidae (whose only living member is the walrus), Otariidae (the eared seals: sea lions and fur more.
15 Squirrel Squirrels are members of the family Sciuridae, a family that includes small or medium-size rodents. The squirrel family includes tree squirrels, ground squirrels, chipmunks, marmots, flying squirrels, and prairie dogs amongst other rodents.

They may be troublesome, but they are still cute!

No way these troublemakers are cute

16 Bird
17 Penguins
18 Turtle Turtles are an order of reptiles known as Testudines, characterized by a shell developed mainly from their ribs. Modern turtles are divided into two major groups, the side-necked turtles and hidden neck turtles, which differ in the way the head retracts. There are 360 living and recently extinct species more.
19 Pig A pig is any of the animals in the genus Sus, within the Suidae family of even-toed ungulates. Pigs include the domestic pig and its ancestor, the common Eurasian wild boar, along with other species; related creatures outside the genus include the peccary, the babirusa, and the warthog.
20 Shiba Inu

If there is a specific breed of dog here it should be Australian Shepherd.

21 Polar Bear The polar bear is a carnivorous bear whose native range lies largely within the Arctic Circle, encompassing the Arctic Ocean, its surrounding seas and surrounding land masses.
22 Ladybugs
23 Horse The horse is an odd-toed, hoofed mammal of the taxonomic family Equidae whose sole major subspecies (Equus ferus caballus) is a domesticate, although wild subspecies have survived into the modern period. All subspecies, including the two extant ones, descend from the Pleistocene Equus ferus. The horse has evolved over the past 45 to 55 million years from a small multi-toed creature, Eohippus, into the large, single-toed animal of today. Humans began domesticating horses around 4000 BC, and their domestication is believed to have been widespread by 3000 BC. Horses in the subspecies caballus are domesticated, although some domesticated populations live in the wild as feral horses. These feral more.

Horses are the cutest animals I have one myself

They're more beautiful than cute.

24 Hyena Hyenas or hyaenas are any feliform carnivoran mammals of the family Hyaenidae /haɪˈɛnᵻdiː/. With only four extant species, it is the fifth-smallest biological family in the Carnivora, and one of the smallest in the class Mammalia.
25 Chinchillas Chinchillas are two species of crepuscular rodents, slightly larger and more robust than ground squirrels. They are native to the Andes mountains in South America and live in colonies called "herds" at high elevations up to 4,270 m.
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