Top 10 Most Overrated Animals

It is the only domesticated species in the family Felidae and is often referred to as the domestic cat to distinguish it from the wild members of the family. A cat can either be a house cat, a farm cat or a feral cat; the latter... read more
They hunt everything. Cat pee smells almost as bad as fox pee. While we can mostly blame ourselves, the ecosystem suffers because of them too. They hunt down birds, lizards, small mammals, everything!
People who love them are crazy-mad when somebody doesn't like cats, simply not even hating them. There are chill ones, like my friend, but anyway, I dislike them probably more because of their owners. If they didn't let them out unsterilized so they can hunt and reproduce, their fans wouldn't be as bad as dog nutters, though.

Cats are not overrated at all. There are a few dogs who deserve all the credit we can give them (such as police dogs and seeing-eye dogs), but most are overrated.
So many people adore dogs that there is a whole annoying subculture of people that treat their dogs like children and call them "furbabies." Most dogs are genetically programmed to give unconditional affection to anyone and everyone, whether they deserve it or not. They have therefore gained a reputation among their fans of being loving animals.
Dogs love people in an obnoxious, clingy way that only dogs can. They will destroy your house and bark incessantly if you leave them alone too long. They will follow you everywhere and never give you a moment's rest. However, not all dogs love people.
While people tend to fear sharks and snakes, a fear of dogs would be far more rational. From 2005 to 2017, dogs killed 284 Americans, about one citizen every 16.7 days.

It is characterised by its bold black-and-white coat and rotund body. The name "giant panda" is sometimes used to distinguish it from the red panda, a neighboring musteloid... read more
Did you know their digestive systems are made for a carnivorous diet? Yet they still eat bamboo like the foolish creatures they are.
Everything about the panda's design screams WHY. They have horrible camouflage, the design of a carnivore while being mainly a herbivore, use bamboo as a food source, and reproduce at a sloth's pace.
I admit, pandas are cute, but people worry too much about them. I've seen lots of charities for pandas. It's not that I don't care for the pandas, it's just that they are at least somewhat safe.

Koalas are the dumbest animals to walk the earth. The more wrinkles on the brain, the smarter the animal. That is why the brain of the koala is as smooth as a pebble. Koalas only eat eucalyptus from trees. If you put a plate of eucalyptus in front of a koala, it will starve to death. Dumb.
They feed their children their own droppings. They are rude and terrifying under that fluff.
People always say, "awww, koalas are the cutest things ever!" when they are one of the dumbest animals in the world. They do nothing but sleep.

This should be number one. Wolves are very average animals, nowhere near as impressive as people make them out to be. I find it so annoying listening to these wolf-lover girls talk about how "similar" they are to wolves, how they share a "connection" with this "beautiful, mysterious creature," and how it's their "spirit animal."
Wolf-lovers whine about how "nobody understands" them and always picture themselves as very beautiful, mysterious, and alluring to others. They are always very stuck up and believe that they are, for some reason, "loved" by wolves. They love to play the victim and never own up or admit that they were wrong. Ugh, the worst type of animal lover.

Seahorses are the worst fish on the planet. They are slow and gave up their fins for a tail that only works when there is lots of grass. Sure, they can camouflage, but what is the point if there is no one around?

While we humans have done great things, we're not the greatest things that ever happened. We're not even the most important things that ever happened. If it weren't for plants, microorganisms, or water, we would be nothing.
Plus, it is funny that several people don't think that we're animals, but we are. We just have big brains and opposable thumbs, and while we've done great things in the world, we've done a lot of bad things too. Let's hope our only two real benefits don't kill us.
The most overrated of all. Humans may have created things like technology and blah blah blah, but just because you're a human doesn't mean they are the best species in the world or something. They actually aren't the greatest hunters. They are just secondary consumers.
Humans suck - stick to other animals.

Though lions aren't as overrated as wolves, they are still too popular. They have a unique mane and roar, but it doesn't mean that they are better than other creatures. I agree with everyone else about The Lion King giving hyenas a terrible reputation.
Hyenas are pretty interesting animals as well. Female hyenas are bigger than the males and often leaders of their clan, which is rare for a mammal because males are usually the dominant sex. Did you know that a hyena isn't a dog or a cat? Another fact is that hyenas are really intelligent, having the cognitive ability of a young child.

Great white sharks are overrated among sharks. Nature programs should show other species more often.
They are mindless eating machines. Enough said.

Did you know that they run in short bursts of speed and need to rest for 15 to 20 minutes after each run?
Cheetahs are really fast, but they are really weak.
Basically as overrated and dumb as a cat.
The Newcomers

Too babied. Plus, they look weird and ugly.

Gross. Why would anyone want a bug-eyed creature?

This bird is shown way too much on bird seed packages, covers of bird books, and Christmas items, though it doesn't really have anything to do with Christmas. Many other yard birds are neglected by comparison.
Everyone loves eagles and makes books, movies, and YouTube videos about them because they are so "cool" because they eat foxes and sheep. Bald eagles are OK because they only eat fish and smaller birds, but golden eagles have always been my least favorite animal for a special (not in a good way) reason.

Alligators are overrated. If anything, caimans and gharials are underrated, not crocs and gators.

Okay, dinosaurs are cool, but how do I explain this? The T. rex is getting WAY too much hype when the ankylosaurus could snap their legs by swinging their tails. If you search "the best dinosaur," T. rexes are ALWAYS number one. What's so cool about them? They're just another species of predators, not a hell-destroying, earth-breaking, and universe-shaking dinosaur.
Everywhere you see anything about dinosaurs, all they talk about is T. rexes. It is so overrated now that nobody knows any dinosaur except for T. rexes. I tried to search for other, way cooler dinosaurs like raptors, and all that pops up are T. rexes. What's so good about them?

I really hate big cats for being overrated. I've even searched on YouTube for a crocodile winning against a big cat but found none. Just the big cat winning against the croc all the time.
People think they can easily win against bears, even grizzlies. But bears can actually crush tigers.
They can win against lions, but that's just because of their size.

They get way too much attention. Everyone always talks about how they are mistreated at aquariums like SeaWorld and should be freed, but they never say anything about all the other animals at the aquariums like sharks, octopuses, seals, otters, eels, dolphins, penguins, polar bears, alligators, and fish.
What makes them so much more important than the other aquatic animals? Is it because they look cool or something? I just don't see why they get so much more attention to be freed than other aquatic animals.

Deer are always stereotyped as causing car crashes, but that would be moose. Moose are scary. Deer are worthless and get preyed on by every carnivore in their area.
Overrated as heck! Not that interesting!

Everyone loves horses, and they are getting annoying. Horses have been the basis of freedom in spirit, which is why they are domesticated. Another point is that everyone thinks that they are fast. Many other animals are faster than them. If we domesticated those earlier, no one would care about horses.
Every little girl is completely obsessed with them, and I'm sick of it. They're obsolete in my country anyway.
There's nothing special about them. I don't quite understand horse people.

Rhinos are like tanks, sure, but they are not good tanks. They are more blind than the people who like these animals.

Mistaken as a nice, cuddly animal when it is actually one of the most dangerous animals. I blame The Lion Guard for making a hippo nice instead of hyenas.
The Lion Guard is to blame. Hippos are one of, if not the most dangerous land animals. Yet, uneducated people think they're "nice" animals because of Beshte.
People love watching them in zoos, but all they do is wade underwater.

People think of them as cute and smart babies. They are actually psychopathic killing machines that can rip your face off.
Smart? Yes
Gentle? No
Just because they are our closest cousins doesn't mean they aren't still wild animals. They will throw stuff at you and kill each other.

Foxes are seen as mystical creatures from the woods, while also being sly and cunning. There are more clever animals such as the kea, a bird from New Zealand. You can't use the term birdbrain now.
This is the most overrated animal. They're not even that cute. Quit acting like they're the return of Jesus or something. They're nothing special.
Maybe the worst-smelling animal on the planet. Just a skunk in a gaudy outfit.

Polar bears don't deserve all of the conservation they're getting. They're not even endangered. They are actually classified as vulnerable. There are other, lesser-known animals that are in far more danger of extinction, like the southern hairy-nosed wombat, of which there are fewer than 100 left in existence!
We should focus our money on protecting and conserving critically endangered animals like the southern hairy-nosed wombat because they need it most. Then we can put money towards protecting animals like polar bears. I'm not saying we shouldn't conserve polar bears. I'm just saying that they don't need our protection as much as some other species.

I have already spoken about horses, but zebras are even more worthless because they are prey for every animal in the African Savanna.
I have an instinctive hatred for zebras. Not even that cool-looking.
Also, fun fact: it's white stripes, not black stripes.
People just like them for their stripes. Take them off, and you basically get a donkey.