Best Big Mouth Characters

One of my favourite parts about the show is the cast of interesting, quirky characters, so what better list is there to make?
The Top Ten
1 Jay Bilzerian

Just like Maurice, I love basically everything about this guy - his obsession with magic, his general insanity, and the episodes focused on him. I also found it quite touching when he said he would raise his pillow's child despite the fact it wasn't his child (don't question it, watch the show to get context).

I was so worried whether he would be #1. I mean, imagine if Lola or Jessi was top of the list?

I can seriously relate to this kid! I came out as bi in middle school too! And believe it or not, my name is also Jay! What a coincidence!

2 Maurice (Maury) Beverley

From the very first episode, this guy absolutely stole the show. He's easily one of the funniest parts of the series. Every scene with him is ten times better than those without him.

Despite being a major character, he doesn't appear as often as you would think. Despite all the sexual catchphrases, he also speaks for the audience when Andrew does something stupid, especially in the latter half of the series. He actually has good teachings behind his crazy sexual rage.

This guy is just so funny in every scene he appears in. His dialogue, actions, and sudden outbursts of rage are just everything. I also appreciate the fact that he can be a pretty cool friend to Andrew when he feels like it.

3 Connie the Hormone Monstress

While she isn't as great as Maurice, she is still extremely funny. Unlike Maurice, she acts in a much more deliberate, calculated way (usually). That said, her sudden fits of rage are possibly even funnier than Maurice's.

Honestly, I can relate to her a lot. She is basically the voice that runs in girls' and maybe some guys' minds. I love how she is highly confident. That, for me, as well as her being funny all the time, is what makes her the best hormone monster.

She does not tell the kids what to do but is an inside voice of what they are already thinking, making the kids choose their own path.


4 Jessi Glaser

For a good half of the season, she was nothing more than an okay character. The second half, however, developed her so much with the whole plot about her mother. While this plot was going on, there was also the whole thing about dealing with her feelings towards Jay.

In the end, she became one of the most complex characters in the show.

I believe that kids do go through bad times. Jessi's character shows us that it is normal to feel angry and take anger out on other things, which people get ashamed of doing.

The storyline in season 1 was decent, finding out her mother is a lesbian (bisexual?). Season 2 was great for her. It had a way better storyline for her in general, following the side effects of what had happened in season 1 and finding out the best ways to cope.


5 Nick Birch

The fact that he is so innocent about everything is extremely well implemented. This works especially well considering the obscenity of the show. This both makes him an interesting character as he tries to figure stuff out and a very amusing one as well.

6 Andrew Glouberman

The amount of stuff he goes through during the season is ridiculous. He works quite well as a voice of reason in many situations, yet he is just as flawed as everyone else in the show as he tries coming to terms with everything.

Seriously the funniest character.

I like his friendship with Nick.

7 Matthew MacDell

I absolutely love Matthew! He has the best lines and pretty much already has life figured out. In a way, he's the "wisest" character!

How is Matthew not higher on the list? He is the sassiest and by far the funniest. He is such a witty character and always has the best lines.

Matthew is undoubtedly one of the funniest characters, if not the funniest.

8 Missy Foreman-Greenwald

I love her masturbation storyline because I love that the writers included girls and didn't just make it all about Andrew. I don't really like her in the episode about weed, though, because she was a bit annoying and preachy.

While she only gets a small amount of time in the spotlight, I find her to be a good character. I enjoy the whole nerdy girl trope a lot in this case, as she is more than just that. She is slightly annoying during episode 8, though.

9 Lola Skumpy

We should totally cuddle after I get a string cheese from the garage.

10 Coach Steve

Funniest character on the show by far. His comedic timing is flawless, and I am always laughing at his dumbfounded quotes.

Coach Steve is hilarious. He's the man and totally my dude!

I love this character and how sweet he is.

The Contenders
11 Ghost of Duke Ellington

I simply find this person funny because of the extremely messed-up things that he utters almost every time he speaks. Out of every character, this one shocked me the most.

12 Marty Glouberman

He primarily exists for the sole reason of a running joke, but the reason I love him is because the joke is so funny and never gets old.

He's voiced by the same guy who voiced Bing Bong in Inside Out.

13 Gina Alvarez

She has a good head on her shoulders, seems like the most normal one in the show, and that has charm to it. Her family is pretty funny too.

14 Judd Birch

A really funny psychopath who embodies evil and destruction in a funny way. He is also pretty cute.

15 Diane Birch
16 Leah Birch
17 Ali Wong
18 Devon Ward
19 Shame Wizard (Lionel St. Swithens)

I love his honesty. The song in "The Dark Side of the Boob" was hilarious!

He is honestly such an amazing character - so complex, funny, nasty, but also really likable! A classic 3D character on this show. The scene where he was conducting the dubstep music when the slut text was sent around the hall made me laugh so hard that no sound came out, and I was just violently rocking back and forth.

20 Hormone Monster Rick

This character is pretty much the embodiment of physical comedy and is severely underrated. His voice and fourth-wall breaks are consistently hilarious.

21 Caleb Found

Also known as "the kid with the rolly backpack," I love how he always states the obvious and blurts out random facts at random times. I also appreciate how they added a possibly autistic kid to the show. You don't see that often. Every time I see him in an episode, I hope he speaks because he's so unpredictable.

22 Daisy Ellington
23 Elliot Birch
24 Tyler the Hormone Monster
25 Cherry Maraschino
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