Top 10 Most Hated Cartoon Characters
This list is about all the cartoon characters we all wanted to kill. So here is a top ten list about it.
He is so selfish and mean. He doesn't even care about other people's lives. All he cares about is his dumb money. I remember that time when he lost his millionth dollar, and it got eaten by a clam. He didn't let SpongeBob and Squidward eat or leave the boat until it was found.
In "Krabby Kronicle," he wanted SpongeBob to write lies in the newspaper just to earn money. And then there was that time when Gary swallowed a magnet, and he abused him, even though Gary is SpongeBob's pet. He is the worst Krab in the galaxy.

D.W. is a spoiled brat. She tries to get Arthur in trouble several times, which mostly fails.
She also screams non-stop whenever she sees something that scares her, like octopuses and squids.
In one episode, Arthur and his family, including D.W., went on a family vacation for Spring Break. They went to a fancy restaurant. Suddenly, when D.W.'s meal arrived, she saw her least favorite food of all - spinach!
She started throwing a tantrum about it and even knocked the bowl of spinach off the table, causing the bowl to break and the spinach to make a mess on the floor. Her parents should punish her for that behavior. Also, her actual name is Dora Winifred, but she goes by D.W. instead.

I hate everything about this show. I've hated it since I was three years old. My mother said that whenever it came on TV, I would just stand up and walk away. I hate Dora herself, with her boring "Mary Sue" personality and her terrible Spanish. I also hate Boots, who has no character development and is just plain annoying.
But my least favorite thing about this show is the map. Once, I was watching an episode for no reason at all, and they were going somewhere. The map told them "Bridge, jungle, pyramid!" and kept repeating it. I am 21 now and I still remember the sequence of bridge, jungle, pyramid. I will never forget it.

Vicky went from just being a rather hateful babysitter to an extremely homicidal maniac over the course of the series. I don't like that she was never given a chance to redeem herself and turn good, the way the Saiyan warrior Vegeta did on Dragon Ball Z. The sad thing is, as Vicky becomes more vicious, the violent acts she experiences as punishment get worse.
Timmy saved Vicky from a steamroller in one episode, then chooses to let her get run over in another. In another episode, Cosmo and Wanda give Timmy some kind of mind control, and Timmy commands Vicky to bash in her head with a frying pan. I'm sorry, but Timmy doing that to Vicky is ten times worse than any time she flushed his head in the toilet.
I feel that The Fairly OddParents series was teaching that it's okay for girls, especially tomboys or non-girly girls like Vicky, to suffer extremely violent abuse. I wonder how many woman-beaters were inspired by the physical abuse that she suffered. In the end, neither Timmy nor Vicky had to like each other, but their mutual animosity could've been made far less violent.

I absolutely despise Chris McLean. First of all, he's not even really funny. Secondly, he is entertained by children being tortured. It seems like every time a kid gets hurt or is in danger, he says, "I love my job!"
Then there's the fact that he has absolutely no concern about kids getting hurt. Take the time in TDA, for example, when Owen's jaw broke, and he was only worried about getting sued. Or when all the kids were stuck in that room of water, about to drown, and Chris said something like, "Oh no, this will kill my ratings!" And his challenges are insane! The very first one, in fact, when they could have died in the shark pool!
I can't see why people can still like Chris after all he's done. All you people out there who think this jerk is funny, you make me sick. Don't get the wrong idea, though. I love Total Drama - I just loathe Chris. I hope he gets fired and arrested.

I hate SpongeBob! He is so annoying, and his stupid laugh makes me cringe. He's not nice at all. He popped Mrs. Puff, which is actually very serious. He always sides with Mr. Krabs, while Mr. Krabs is actually the main antagonist, which makes SpongeBob a bad character.
He is abnormally stupid. He seriously thought that a murderer was his bodyguard, although his only form of disguise was a mustache. He always annoys Squidward and seems to go out of his way to bother him just for fun. Squidward occasionally gets suicidal thoughts because of this, and SpongeBob always abuses Gary.
Remember that one episode, "A Pal for Gary?" That was pure proof he abuses Gary on a regular basis! I couldn't stand it.
That's why I hate SpongeBob. Mr. Krabs is even worse! I don't care if you don't agree, but I really needed to say something.

He has done far more damage to society as a whole than Eric Idle ever did to the Imagination ride at Disney World, and that's seriously saying something.
He complains over every single thing that goes wrong for him. He is a whiny brat and I wish his parents would do their job and parent Caillou. He needs discipline.
Every parent hates Caillou. I asked my whiny niece and nephew, "Do you guys watch Caillou?" and sure enough, they did. I told them to stop.

Benson has the same problems as Squidward. They both have to deal with annoying characters like Mordecai, Rigby, SpongeBob, and Patrick, and I don't blame them.
In Best Burgers in the World, Benson gave Mordecai and Rigby a chance to have some burgers. The only stupid thing Benson did in that episode was make Mordecai and Rigby clean up Skip's garage because Pops had all his stuff in there. Shouldn't Pops or even Skips be doing that instead?
Rigby is way worse. One time, he bet the park's souls for a ball.
Benson is the only Regular Show character I don't hate.

Both Sanjay and Craig are awful characters. Their entire personality, as far as I can tell, revolves around loving gross stuff. Sure, Phil and Lil love gross stuff, but there's more to their personality than just being gross. Plus, they're babies, so they have an excuse.
Pointless waste of time, effort, and money. Two utterly worthless characters who spend most of their time being incredibly vile. What was the inventor of this show thinking? Personally, I think he should be sued.
Sanjay is not funny nor smart, and he is obsessed with fart jokes. He is the worst character I have ever seen in my life.

Is no one going to mention the episode where SpongeBob asks him, "You don't wash your hands?" and Patrick answers, "Never have. Never will"? There is also an episode where he washes his hands and then asks a random fish, "Can I borrow some soap?"
I. DESPISE. THAT. IDIOT. People say SpongeBob is worse, but with this selfish, obnoxious, disgusting, troublemaking, beef-brained piece of crap, SpongeBob looks like an Einstein!
Patrick is annoying, one-dimensional, and his brain, if he has one (which I don't think he does), just shuts down whenever he has a problem. He just eats something instead or completely forgets about the problem, even if it's harming his friends!
He is also very selfish and acts like everyone around him is a brainless moron, while HE is the guy who doesn't even understand two words together! SpongeBob should've thrown that abomination into a fish net years ago!
The Newcomers

I don't watch Steven Universe, but from the time I did watch it, this dude was a complete jerk.

He's so annoying. He's always forcing Wile E. Coyote to go to extremes just to get close to catching that darn roadrunner.
His constant "Beep Beep" or "Meep Meep" or whatever is so annoying.

He never appeared in another episode again, apparently because many fans hate him. Even Lauren Faust hated him and apologized for making the episode he was in. The fact that he makes trouble and emotionally manipulates Frankie and Herriman by being a crybaby in order to gain their sympathy really disgusts me. No wonder his owner's parents made him give him away.
I just watched the episode he was in. When I first heard of him, I had no idea why he was getting all the hate.
But now that I've watched the episode, I see why. Bendy really is a cruel imaginary friend.

Especially in those episodes where he and Cyborg say waffles repeatedly and team up for that stupid indoor rodeo thing.
Oh, God. Where to begin on this one? He was a pain in the neck in Teen Titans, but in Teen Titans Go, I just want him and all of them gone.
If Beast Boy is a vegetarian, why does he eat burritos? I hate him. He is annoying and stupid. In the original, he's better.

I hate him so much. He is the worst character in an already poor show. Scratch that - his sisters are the worst characters in the history of Nicktoons.
I came on this list to find Lincoln Loud. Lincoln Loud should be top one. But, I found Mr. Krabs, SpongeBob SquarePants, Patrick, Lisa Simpson, and Beast Boy. Dang.
I hate this kid. He isn't relatable. He's just an idiot and a massive jerk.

Where is Twilight Sparkle? She is so hated. But Diamond Tiara is even more hated.
God, why! We didn't need her! She doesn't get nearly enough comeuppance!
She doesn't get enough comeuppance!

The first character to come to most people's mind when they think "Bad cartoon characters." Only one season after adding him, they ditched 3 regulars and made the ghosts real, making the series unbearable. It took decades to undo the damage he did. The 2002 movie was the biggest help. It also proved he makes a way better villain.
An annoying little piece of garbage, which shows up once in a blue moon and is absolutely useless.
I don't need to explain why he sucks. He's just the absolute worst.

Uncle Grandpa was not even a logical name. That show is really weird, especially with Uncle Grandpa added. Sorry, but I just hate that show!
I always hated this show. Ever think, if he's an "Uncle Grandpa," then who's his child? And he is not human.
Uncle Grandpa is the worst show ever. It's ugly, and I can't look at it without thinking, "Cartoon Network agreed with this?"

She needs to learn to mind her own business. What other people eat is their choice. If they like meat, what's her problem? She made a big deal about it. You can't force people to stop eating meat just because you said so.
Just plain intolerable. She throws a fit when things don't go her way, and her voice is just so annoying. Remember that episode where she ruins her dad's barbecue just because she happened to be vegan at the time?
She keeps annoying people with facts when nobody cares and expects everyone to think and act like her. Also, in the episode where she becomes a vegetarian and Homer has a barbecue, she ruins it just because of the meat there, even though everyone else is enjoying the meat.

A fine example of why you should never hire irresponsible people as cartoonists.

I hate how the writers turned a wonderful, amazing, well-written show into this garbage. Every character in Teen Titans had development. Robin was an amazing leader who would sacrifice himself to save his friends and teammates. He was smart and everything a hero is.
Then Teen Titans Go came along and turned him into a selfish, self-absorbed, bossy, idiotic, and horrible leader just for the sake of humor. That show isn't even funny. It was just a series of fart and immature jokes that only nine-year-olds would laugh at. Not only that, they altered every character's personality. Teen Titans Go is a terrible show. Take it down now.

Well, he's hated in the show, so I guess if you think about it, he is a hated character.
Bloo is so much better than Cheese.

Reasons why I don't really like Daffy Duck:
Education - None
Jobs - None
Skills - None
Work references - Let's not go there.
Education - none.
Jobs - none.
Skills - none.
Work references - let's not go there.

I could relate to the old Ren Hoek from 1991, but I can't relate to watching people suffer like that. Adult Party ruins everything. I recommend the Ren Hoek from 1991. That's it, I've said enough.
I loved Ren in the original R&S, but this 'thing' (not a dog, just a thing) needs to be eliminated. What kind of sick person gets enjoyment out of abusing poor innocent animals? At least Elmyra had good intentions.
Please, no. I don't want to remember the nightmares of this show.

I HATE Johnny Test, and here are five reasons why:
1. He's a rip-off of Dexter's Lab.
2. He's an unlikable character.
3. He's selfish, spoiled, and a whiny, stupid brat!
4. He always wants to get everything he wants and he never shuts up!
5. He's ugly.
He is extra, like in the Christmas episode when he goes out of his way to get a toy. Just pre-order it online.
I hate him too. Also, Matthew Davis (the movie reviewer) is the one who hates Johnny Test the most.

Disgusting pervert. He has no right to talk down to Brian. He is so much worse.