Top 10 Reasons Why Teen Titans is Better Than Ben 10

The Top Ten
It spawned Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi, another very awesome show
It doesn't have too many TV shows

Yeah, TTG airs excessively, but Ben 10 somehow received more content than Teen Titans did.

I did the math, and every Ben 10 series totals 337 episodes (plus five movies), compared to Teen Titans, which has 319 episodes and only two movies (one for each series).

I know it had a crappy reboot known as Teen Titans Go!, but that's because Ben 10 is to blame.

It's not about a boy that turns into multiple totally lame aliens

A concept like that is absolutely lame!

It's an awesome blend of comedy, action, and drama

The same thing can be said about Alien Force and Ultimate Alien.

The characters in Teen Titans are more likable
Glen Murakami created Teen Titans
Ben 10 was made by Man of Action

Man of Action, in general, sucks. They even ruined Spider-Man!

Hence, why Disney's Big Hero 6 is better than the original.

Ben and Gwen are obnoxious characters

Ben is selfish, egotistical, and rude. Gwen seems to whine and complain constantly.

They're beyond gender stereotypes.

Ben and Gwen are both bastards!

Ben 10 killed Cartoon Network's reputation since its premiere in 2006 (though it actually first aired as a sneak peek at the end of 2005)

OH MY GOD! You're RIGHT, SpaceGoofsGeekerBoy! Ben 10 really WAS the beginning of Cartoon Network's downfall. 2004 and 2005 may have been flawed for Cartoon Network, but it was still doing fine at that point. I love Cartoon Network's City era, even if it wasn't perfect. Ben 10 (and My Gym Partner's a Monkey) killed Cartoon Network's legacy!

Not only did this thing get rid of Teen Titans, Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi, and Justice League: Unlimited, but it also gave us more live-action crap. It started with the live-action movie Re-Animated, led to the infamous Boston Bomb Scare, removed Toonami (until [adult swim] revived it), canceled Fridays, and premiered Chowder and The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack in the CN Real era.

Although these shows helped revive TV animation, along with Disney's Phineas and Ferb, Cartoon Network syndicated lame Canadian shows like Johnny Test from Kids' WB! While I found Total Drama and Storm Hawks to be okay, I honestly thought Johnny Test was pretty good on Kids' WB!

They gave us crappy reboots like Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) and Teen Titans Go!, made Stuart Snyder president, and then put Christina Miller in charge in 2014. They gave us Fried Dynamite (which I never wanted), canceled DC Nation, and provided us with crappy original cartoons like My Gym Partner's a Monkey, Squirrel Boy, and The Problem Solverz.

Cartoon Network doesn't acknowledge their classic shows as much as they used to. They canceled Young Justice, rebranded Boomerang poorly, removed the City era in favor of uncreative bumpers, and even with their recently praised shows, they have a lack of variety. All these disasters since 2006 happened because of Ben 10!

No wonder I hate Teen Titans Go! BEN 10 KILLED Cartoon Network! I take back everything I said about Man of Action's comics. Those comics were very lame! Disney's Big Hero 6 is better than the original. Ben 10 never should have existed to begin with! - RegularShowFTWSuperjailFTL

Ben 10 led to Teen Titans getting cancelled, only to revive it as an immature comedy

With Teen Titans and Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi left on cliffhangers, Cartoon Network truly went down the drain.

The Newcomers

? Some of Ben's aliens are clones of each other
? Teen Titans is a comic book based show
The Contenders
Ben 10 is Cartoon Network's scifi answer to Avatar: the Last Airbender
Teen Titans have better fight sequences
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